Somali woman meets with Taliban jihadists. Afghan women furious


Let’s assess the facts. The Taliban has recently made it clear that they’re not going to be opening public schools and universities for women as they’re using the Fatwa of a Hanafi scholar who believes that women shouldn’t write. That’s the facts.

So please explain why a Somali woman who clearly benefited from an education, who is a YouTuber and puts her face online, who has a history of traveling around the world without a Mahram, is now in Afghanistan taking picture with non Mahram Afghani men who think it’s ceeb for men to even know the name of their daughters let alone men taking pictures with her face on display to be put on the internet and think it’s okay to deprive women like her even the ability of write their own names!

I’m with the Afghan women on this one. You can’t be a flipping hypocrite and I don’t care if she’s Somali. I’m not supporting stupidity on the basis of Somalinimo. I don’t support traitors.

She’s a Western privileged YouTuber who is grinning with a bunch of men who don’t even believe young women like her should have an education let alone gallivanting to different nations.

People lack principles in this day and age and so many young women included.
I know nothing of the situation of what’s going on in Afghanistan but I’m sure of one thing, even if education has been “banned” for women in Afghanistan I’m sure the women who are most privileged in the country (related to powerful people) are going to be allowed to have education on par with what you see in first world countries and possibly even better, if not in Afghanistan then overseas (this is because the people on top more often than not are more liberal and educated than the general population and this includes those who hold the highest levels of power with the Taliban). I suspect these women hardly spend their days in the country anyway yet their close relatives are completely in control.

It always happens that that way in every country, the most privileged use every tool in their hands to stay as privileged as possible which of course includes education and everyone else suffers.

Also I don’t get banning education for women? Just separate the schools/unis so there’s no free mixing and problem solved no? There’s nothing in Islam that prevents women from gaining knowledge. This warping of Islam honestly disgusts me and should disgust everyone else who’s Muslim.

Aisha (ra) was an extremely educated women, most men of her time paled in comparison to her knowledge and education and it was our prophet Muhammad (saw) that educated and gave her knowledge.

Also be careful of making allies with these kafir like liberal Cadaan women and the “exmuslim” that responded on twitter, I suspect that their aim isn’t about helping the oppressed, I think it’s much more about liberal colonization and slandering Islam and Muslims in general, using liberal politics for excuses to come in and “civilize the backwards people and religion” in other words to conquer and profit through propaganda.

The needle you have to thread when talking about these issues is fine and must be done carefully without pandering to such people.
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I know nothing of the situation of what’s going on in Afghanistan but I’m sure of one thing, even if education has been “banned” for women in Afghanistan I’m sure the women who are most privileged in the country (related to powerful people) are going to be allowed to have education on par with what you see in first world countries and possibly even better, if not in Afghanistan then overseas (this is because the people on top more often than not are more liberal and educated than the general population and this includes those who hold the highest levels of power with the Taliban). I suspect these women hardly spend their days in the country anyway yet their close relatives are completely in control.

It always happens that that way in every country, the most privileged use every tool in their hands to stay as privileged as possible which of course includes education and everyone else suffers.

Also I don’t get banning education for women? Just separate the schools/unis so there’s no free mixing and problem solved no? There’s nothing in Islam that prevents women from gaining knowledge. This warping of Islam honestly disgusts me and should disgust everyone else who’s Muslim.

Aisha (ra) was an extremely educated women, most men of her time paled in comparison to her knowledge and education and it was our prophet Muhammad (saw) that educated and gave her knowledge.

Also be careful of making allies with these kafir like liberal Cadaan women and the “exmuslim” that responded on twitter, I suspect that their aim isn’t about helping the oppressed, I think it’s much more about liberal colonization and slandering Islam and Muslims in general, using liberal politics for excuses to come in and “civilize the backwards people and religion” in other words to conquer and profit through propaganda.

The needle you have to thread when talking about these issues is fine and must be done carefully without pandering to such people.
Yes the rich amongst them have sent their daughters to the Gulf. I’ve also heard reports that some of those men in those positions have been taking on educated Afghani women as second wives since the illiterate first wives bore them due them ect.

Hearing all of that angers me even more. It shows how much contempt they have for women but also the working classes. Even they can’t live up to their oppression of women when it comes to their own daughters and taste in women but will oppress the poor man’s daughter who needs education more than the rich girl.

At this point, I don’t care anymore. Why is it as Muslim women we have to keep quiet and show loyalty to men who have no sense of loyalty to the women of the Ummah? Why must we accept this oppression? Also, isn’t it fascinating that many Muslim men will try and unite with Peterson, Tate and all of those men who have proved that they destest us Muslims just to shit on women? Look at all the right wingers that Muslim men in Dawah have been teaming up with who have caused literal riots in the UK and it’s us Muslim women that have had acid thrown in our faces and our hijab ripped from her heads but if we dare talk about the oppression that is being inflicted on our women, we’re siding with the liberals!

FYI, I never pandered to these liberals. Not once did I mention these people yet still the mere fact that I’m talking about how grossly oppressed our women are in the face of men means that I’m pandering? Let’s asses who is really pandering to gaals and recent events have shown it’s some Muslim men, the conservative ones in Dawah.
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Anybody comparing the taliban to alphabet is retar3d . The taliban was never a terrorist group. They were literally the govf till they were toppled by America. Do they have huge issues yes. There is even an internal fight between the young and upcoming guys who are a lot more moderate and realistic and who want to develop the country and are pro women's education. Including that haqqani guy . But it will obviously take time. Most of these afghan girls you see talking about this . Are the ones who's famliss supported the west and committed crimes against the civilian pouplation.
If arsenal was like the taliban the civil war would have ended in 2006, the taliban never mass-takfired the people of Afghanistan, they never joined a foreign organization, they focused on being Afghan nationalists instead of dick-riding some guy in a cave 2000 miles away.

Let’s assess the facts. The Taliban has recently made it clear that they’re not going to be opening public schools and universities for women as they’re using the Fatwa of a Hanafi scholar who believes that women shouldn’t write. That’s the facts.

So please explain why a Somali woman who clearly benefited from an education, who is a YouTuber and puts her face online, who has a history of traveling around the world without a Mahram, is now in Afghanistan taking picture with non Mahram Afghani men who think it’s ceeb for men to even know the name of their daughters let alone men taking pictures with her face on display to be put on the internet and think it’s okay to deprive women like her even the ability of write their own names!

I’m with the Afghan women on this one. You can’t be a flipping hypocrite and I don’t care if she’s Somali. I’m not supporting stupidity on the basis of Somalinimo. I don’t support traitors.

She’s a Western privileged YouTuber who is grinning with a bunch of men who don’t even believe young women like her should have an education let alone gallivanting to different nations.

People lack principles in this day and age and so many young women included.
Angelina gotta be one of my favourite users on this forum. Waa naag caqli bathan wallahi she always has very intelligent takes and has good knowledge about the diin
ISIS treated women better than the Taliban thats how backwards they are. Even ISIS had female soldiers who fought for them and had schools for them. This is beause the Taliban are backwards and believe in something called Pashtunwali. They take morals from their Pashtun culture which is unfortunately very backward with regard to women in some cases.


My solidarity is with Afghan women. If they can’t do it, why the hell would I go to their country and rub my privileges in their face? And the fact this traitor is using her color and racism? A traitorous manipulator.
why are you calling this women a traitor for simply visting a muslim nation?

banning education is tragic, but what about thr rampant sexual abuse afghan women and children went through under thr US occupation by the gaal and their colaborators?

The Taliban has done tremedous work in improving the security, economy and finance of the nation. despite major mistake they've made when comes to the rights of women, the good they've done shouldn't be ignored.

Muslim around the world should advice the rulers instead of isolating and chatises muslims for visiting Afghanistan.
why are you calling this women a traitor for simply visting a muslim nation?

banning education is tragic, but what about thr rampant sexual abuse afghan women and children went through under thr US occupation by the gaal and their colaborators?

The Taliban has done tremedous work in improving the security, economy and finance of the nation. despite major mistake they've made when comes to the rights of women, the good they've done shouldn't be ignored.

Muslim around the world should advise the rulers instead of isolating and chatises muslims for visiting Afghanistan.
Straight up whataboutism. So because im against women being denied an education, Denied the right to have female doctors, denied the right to even have their own name on their own children’s birth certificate, that means I’m okay with gals r-wording them?

You’ve shown how much contempt you have for us women. We have to choose been gaals who want to starve us and r-word us and men who want to treats as us as literal slaves who are uneducated that can’t even get proper treatment at hospitals.

She’s absolute traitorous to her gender that she’ll go to a nation that women aren’t even afforded to smidgen of the privileges she has and grins with the oppressors of our fellow sisters.

If you men want full loyalty from Muslim women, treat us as humans. Wallahi this isn’t a small misunderstanding, half of the people of Afghanistan are being denied the write to even learn how to write their own names and they’re using Islam to justify this .

I don’t see just her as a traitor, but even you who tries to downplay this. The thing is, women’s issues which has huge ramifications for the day to day lives of women is a drop in the ocean for you. It means nothing if women are being abused, have their rights taken away from because you’re not a woman and you’re hypocrite to boot who would never want a girl in your family to be treated that way.

Im honest, I call a spade a spade.
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Yes the rich amongst them have sent their daughters to the Gulf. I’ve also heard reports that some of those men in those positions have been taking on educated Afghani women as second wives since the illiterate first wives bore them due them ect.

Hearing all of that angers me even more. It shows how much contempt they have for women but also the working classes. Even they can’t live up to their oppression of women when it comes to their own daughters and taste in women but will oppress the poor man’s daughter who needs education more than the rich girl.

At this point, I don’t care anymore. Why is it as Muslim women we have to keep quiet and show loyalty to men who have no sense of loyalty to the women of the Ummah? Why must we accept this oppression? Also, isn’t it fascinating that many Muslim men will try and unite with Peterson, Tate and all of those men who have proved that they destest us Muslims just to shit on women? Look at all the right wingers that Muslim men in Dawah have been teaming up with who have caused literal riots in the UK and it’s us Muslim women that have had acid thrown in our faces and our hijab ripped from her heads but if we dare talk about the oppression that is being inflicted on our women, we’re siding with the liberals!

FYI, I never pandered to these liberals. Not once did I mention these people yet still the mere fact that I’m talking about how grossly oppressed our women are in the face of men means that I’m pandering? Let’s asses who is really pandering to gaals and recent events have shown it’s some Muslim men, the conservative ones in Dawah.
Just to clarify I never intended to mean that you were actually pandering to liberals but that your words if not carefully selected could lead to these people using it for their own propaganda, I’m not even accusing you of being lackadaisical in your messages but rather just warning that people can use your words for bad purposes, these topics are highly sensitive and require careful word usage when dealing with it is all.

As for the Dawah guys I’ve not really seen anything on Mohammed hijab and the Ali dawah guy when it comes to them pandering, maybe I’m wrong as I don’t really follow them closely but it seems like their only intention is to spread the message more than anything else.

As for the other guys I’m not really sure at all.
Just to clarify I never intended to mean that you were actually pandering to liberals but that your words if not carefully selected could lead to these people using it for their own propaganda, I’m not even accusing you of being lackadaisical in your messages but rather just warning that people can use your words for bad purposes, these topics are highly sensitive and require careful word usage when dealing with it is all.

As for the Dawah guys I’ve not really seen anything on Mohammed hijab and the Ali dawah guy when it comes to them pandering, maybe I’m wrong as I don’t really follow them closely but it seems like their only intention is to spread the message more than anything else.

As for the other guys I’m not really sure at all.

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straight up whataboutism. So because im against women being denied an education? Denied the right to have female doctors, denied the right to even have their own name on their own children’s birth certificate, that means I’m okay with gals r-wording’ve shown how much contempt you have for us women. We have to choose been gaals who want to starve us and r-word us and men who want to treats as us as literal slaves who are uneducated that can’t even get treatment.
i'm sorry but that was reality before the Taliban. The general muslim Ummah were far more lenient towards that regime.
it’s absolute traitorous to her gender that she’ll go to a nation that women aren’t even afforded to smidgen of the privileges she has and grins with the oppressors of our fellow sisters.
This is ridiculous, you do not apply this standard for other oppresors but only for the countries emerging from 20+ year occupation.
If you men want full loyalty from Muslim men, treat us as humans. Wallahi this isn’t a small misunderstanding, half of the people of Afghanistan are being denied the write to even learn how to write.
this is a lie women are denied education after the 6th grade, which is still horrible.
I don’t see just her as a traitor, but even you who tries to downplay this.
she literally just standing next to them as a tourist. you're acting as if she is giving her bay'ah to the emir of Afghanistan
i'm sorry but that was reality before the Taliban. The general muslim Ummah were far more lenient towards that regime.

This is ridiculous, you do not apply this standard for other oppresors but only for the countries emerging from 20+ year occupation.
Ah yes, makes perfect sense. Because they’ve been oppressed for 20 yrs, they will then turn around and oppress their women even more. At this point I don’t even think men like you actually see women as people people if you get my drift because I’m at a loss when it comes to your mentality and as why you’d expect a woman like me be sympathetic towards a regime that won’t even allow me to learn?
this is a lie women are denied education after the 6th grade, which is still horrible.
Nope, there is a recent fatwa the government have decided to follow which is the view of a Hanafi scholar that argues that teaching women to write is haram.

These are the people you’re supporting.

Sorry better not continue this conversation, my ability to write is a sin you see.
she literally just standing next to them as a tourist. you're acting as if she is giving her bay'ah to the emir of Afghanistan
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Nope, there is a recent fatwa the government have decided to follow which is the view of a Hanafi scholar that argues that teaching women to write is haram.
they still allow women to get a "basic education". it's better advice them than isolate them from the world.
These are the people you’re supporting.

Sorry better not continue this conversation, my ability to write is a sin you see.
I'm not a deobandi Hanafi and i actualy disagree with their fiqh. there are many fatwa'd and things their scholars have said that i don't support differance is there are better ways to influence to them towards better path.

she received way less outrage for visiting a nation waging genocidal war against muslims, including women conpared to visting Afghanistan.
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I couldn’t care less about white women and tbh why should Afghan women care about gaal women and their solidarity? Its us Muslim women who should show it since the Taliban are using Islamic fiqh to undermine women’s education and economic freedom, something us Western Muslim women have in spades. They’re twisting Islam to suggest that none of us Muslim women should be able to write. Think about it, who does this impact more? A far removed white woman or Muslim women whose own religion is being used against them? Hence it always be worse and doubly traitorous for a Muslim woman to behave this way.

I will never accept the whole ‘B-but what about white women’ from a Muslim women who is co-opting the abuse of Afghan women and uses her Western privileges to go to a country and behave in a way that would cause imprisonment for the local Muslim women there. Where is her loyalty towards her fellow Muslim sisters?
This same woman recently visited Israel and took pictures in Tel Aviv, she’s just one of those extreme tourists that goes places nobody else will just like many other western tourists. I don’t think her visiting Israel is delegitimising Palestinians either. Only reason she’s hold to a different standard is because she’s a black woman wearing hijab, not a white woman. Before she posted pictures in Afghanistan and was being accused of being a “terrorist sympathiser”, people were calling her a zionist scum.
This same woman recently visited Israel and took pictures in Tel Aviv, she’s just one of those extreme tourists that goes places nobody else will just like many other western tourists. I don’t think her visiting Israel is delegitimising Palestinians either. Only reason she’s hold to a different standard is because she’s a black woman wearing hijab, not a white woman. Before she posted pictures in an Afghanistan and is being accused of being a “terrorist sympathiser”, people were calling her a zionist scum.
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I’m not defending her, I just don’t see her any different to the countless other grifting western vloggers that have done the same. People are attacking her saying she should be arrested for going afghanistan, why don’t they say the same for westerners ? It’s because she’s a black hijabi, unlike the others.

Here’s the israel vlog she posted 2 weeks ago:

Why is there not similar outrage for this video ? Clearly she’s just doing this for views. There will always be a market for extreme travellers like her, and that’s all she is. I don’t support it but if she’s going to be attacked then it should be the same for everyone doing the same thing as her, no double standards.

