Somalia and ethiopia living standards


I’m dir gurgura from my father, my abtirsi is Somali.

I’m just sharing that gurgura in eastern dhir dhaba are very much Oromo. Though mine aren’t, they’re just bilingual.

It's going to be very tricky when Somalis eventually decide to unite and seize land back. Border clans should start keeping detailed records, because we can't have these sheegads infiltrating us.
Damn, would like to watch but it’s not opening. You guys remained yourselves though as much as you could and that results remain so. Somalis in Ethiopia really made other ethnicities respect us. Karanle used their ties through show of force to graze lush Oromo lands in order to expand. The frontiers against foreigners are always the most interesting,
We share settlements with the Madaxweyne Dir. Just like you guys we have some tribes deep in Oromia who forgot how to speak Somali but the good thing is that they do know they are Somali. Heck you have tribes amongst us that only speak Arabic :dead:

Watch from 5:30 onwards. It’s all the languages we speak across many different regions in the Horn.
They started mixing more than 4 centuries ago. Oromo were always in the region even during the Adal period. It’s human nature for bordering tribes to marry each other.

View attachment 346174My cousin @CulturedKay got 14% Ethiopian/Eritrean on 23&me. This is someone with only 1 parent from galbeed (Baabili) the other from Mogadishu. If both her parents were from galbeed she would have even higher Ethiopian/Eritrean. Vast majority of Gurgura, Karanle, Arsi (Oromo) etc have both ancestries (Somali & Oromo).
Didn’t she say her grandmother was Obo? These Obo are Akisho but people say they are originally Ala who are Oromo. I think most Karanle would be in the region of 90%+.
Jaarso speaking Somali and claiming to be Oromo one second

The next, claiming to be Somali and being attacked by Oromos.


1. Do they have sheegads among them
2. Are they playing both sides?

They’re oromos with Somali clients I thought we all knew this?
Your people are just bad copies of Somalis, you know when the printer runs out of ink, and it comes out looking weird? Yeah, that's your people. No record of any historic relevance, just running around like orcs, following others around and emulating them. The very fact that you are on this forum, just shows that you inherently feel sad about not being one of us.
I ain’t reading allat dat


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