Somalia is not a country for Muslims but instead Somali Muslims. It’s not for Abu Salah Abu Cubeyda but instead for Jaamac, Calasow, Qowdhan

Have a honest look in the mirror. This is what is happening in Puntland and all over somali lands.

Are these Eelays or bantus? No. May Allah help them prosper, ease their suffering and InshAllah the drought will end. Teeda kale Im HG, both sides for generations.

I don’t look bantu at all and if I did, I would not see it as something bad. Humility is a good quality to have abaayo.

Do you not understand the difference between famine and street hustling beggars? I'm sure you do, you're just deliberately being obtuse.

No ethnic Somali man goes from house to house, begging other Somali men for food and money, except for the begging syndicate.


From Kismaayo
Bantu are major Shabaab foot soldiers. As well as D&M. Other Shabaab foot soldiers are foreign fighters. It’s all linked.
The more marginalized a clan becomes, the more and more they look towards criminality and terrorist organizations, this could be seen as an example in many parts of the world.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Do you not understand the difference between famine and street hustling beggars? I'm sure you do, you're just deliberately being obtuse.

No ethnic Somali man goes from house to house, begging other Somali men for food and money, except for the begging syndicate.

Begging a white man vs begging a somali man

Look at all the Abu's trying to say Muslim land belongs to Muslims.

Yet Gulf Arab countries have who can get citizenship on strict lockdown.
Hypocrisy of the highest order.

These are the same men who spread the false rumour that it's haram to deny someone for marriage if they are Muslim. This causes naive, gullible women to end up marrying prison reverts and other undesirables.

Second only to gangbangers and other criminals, "muh ummah" Somalis are a reckless bunch that need to be on watch-lists.
Its not an abnormal thing to be homeless lol, if that’s what your referring to.

Homelessness is not the issue.

In the North-East, non-native people live in IDP camps, many work, but there are a large number that prefer to go around to people's houses begging for food and money- instead of offering to work for food/money.

There was a video posted not long ago, of a man, well-dressed, well-fed. But he was going to people's houses in Garowe to beg. I'll post if it I find it.


From Kismaayo
Homelessness is not the issue.

In the North-East, non-native people live in IDP camps, many work, but there are a large number that prefer to go around to people's houses begging for food and money- instead of offering to work for food/money. There was a video posted not long ago, of a man, well-dressed, well-fed. But he was going to people's houses in Garowe to beg. I'll post if it I find it.
We shouldn’t ‘caay’ people by saying look how well fed you are why are you asking for food, we don’t know there situation. If they are truly well-fed and well off financially they wouldn’t go through the humiliation of street begging.


We shouldn’t ‘caay’ people by saying look how well fed you are why are you asking for food, we don’t know there situation. If they are truly well l-fed and well off financially they wouldn’t go through the humiliation of street begging.
I don’t think they feel any humiliation. It’s just a hustle

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
All countries in the world receive some form of economic aid and assistance.
What is abnormal in all civilised societies, is street begging, especially for people who are able-bodied and worse, when people have their own assets.

We keep going around in circles abaayo kkkk. Vast majority of other countries don’t have the problems we have. Street begging is normal in countries with extreme poverty. You have the nerve to call your leaders begging food as ”economic assistance” and come with the cop out that we are not alone. Vast majority of countries don’t have their citizens starving.

Face the flipping reality. There is no difference between majeerteens and eelays / bantus. There is no difference between all the clans. Dibaato aan ku noolnaa. Your people are not self sufficient in food/water and medicine. The basics to achieve.


We keep going around in circles abaayo kkkk. Vast majority of other countries don’t have the problems we have. Street begging is normal in countries with extreme poverty. You have the nerve to call your leaders begging food as ”economic assistance” and come with the cop out that we are not alone. Vast majority of countries don’t have their citizens starving.

Face the flipping reality. There is no difference between majeerteens and eelays / bantus. There is no difference between all the clans. Dibaato aan ku noolnaa. Your people are not self sufficient in food/water and medicine. The basics to achieve.
And who’s fault is that? Our biggest problem that prevents foreign direct investment is terrorism.

PL hasn’t got Shabaab problem but because it’s part of Somalia investors will stay away.


From Kismaayo
I don’t think they feel any humiliation. It’s just a hustle
Somali dhaqan has always been about ‘status’ and ‘reputation’ Somalis have been given a gift which is to desire status, that came back to eat us.

how did this conversation shift from HSM saying Somalia belongs to Somalis to now wether street begging is ethical


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