Somalia Says No To Continued Ethiopian Presence Past 2024 And Quint Partners Concur

The regional tensions are all the more reason why Ethiopia won't be apart of this new mission since they are the ones causing it. What sense is there to allow Ethiopia to stay when they made their aggressive stance against Somalia clear? The U.S. ambassador can yap all he wants, America knows a shift in strategy against Al-Shabab is needed as such that will require Ethiopia getting the boot.

Give up this sorry act. Egypt is already involved via them sending weapons to Somalia, with many more on the way. Egypt is also the single most important African ally of the west and has proven itself capable of defeating militants as seen with their successful campaign against the Sinai insurgency. Ethiopia by comparison has no track record of weakening Al-Shabab or defeating them at all in Somalia.


Again refer back to the comments of the US, regional tensions should not intefere. If Somalians are upset with Ethiopia that's thier issue and they should just accept what's going on. Somaliland is going one way or another so no reason to point the finger at Ethiopia for recognizing the inevitable.

This week we've heard positive statements from the US state department and military leaders about Ethiopia's involvement in Somalia. Time for Somalians to grow up and recongize that beggars can't be choosers.
Again refer back to the comments of the US
All they talked about was regional tensions. Nothing about Ethiopia joining.
and they should just accept what's going on.
There is no reality where a country should willingly accept being screwed over. Somalia has given Ethiopia an ultimatum: cancel the MoU and be allowed to join the new mission, or keep the MoU and leave the country.
Somaliland is going one way or another
Leaving the country it is then.
This week we've heard positive statements from the US state department and military leaders
The same people who agree to Egypt sending weapons to Somalia to counteract Ethiopia. Don't get overexcited man, the U.S, doesn't value Ethiopia over Egypt.
All they talked about was regional tensions. Nothing about Ethiopia joining.

There is no reality where a country should willingly accept being screwed over. Somalia has given Ethiopia an ultimatum: cancel the MoU and be allowed to join the new mission, or keep the MoU and leave the country.

Leaving the country it is then.

The same people who agree to Egypt sending weapons to Somalia to counteract Ethiopia. Don't get overexcited man, the U.S, doesn't value Ethiopia over Egypt.

They said cannot tolerate the risk of changing troop contributing countries, and you read that as there's no way Ethiopia is joining AUSSOM. I can't help denial or such poor reading comprehension.

Somalia isn't a country so what right does it have to make demands when it can't govern even the capital city. If Somalia can't even unify Italian Somaliland what right does it have to insist on the holding the union together? It's an absurdity that only the west can maintain until eventually reality comes back like it always does. They are entertaining the people in Mogadishu for now but they'll cut their losses at some point because it's a dead end.
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They said cannot tolerate the risk of changing troop contributing countries
An ambassador said that. The U.S's top leaders have already allowed Egypt to be involved.
as there's no way Ethiopia is joining AUSSOM.
Explain to me why Ethiopia, a country that has all but declared war on Somalia, would be allowed to join AUSSOM. Just use those two remaining brain cells of yours.
Somalia isn't a country
Somalia has a seat in the UN, its own airspace, its own EEZ, its own recognized borders. Weak government or not, it is every bit as real as a country as its neigbors hence why everyone (except Ethiopia) prefers negotiating with Mogadishu instead of Hargeisa.

You shill for Somaliland, an uppity tribal fiedom that had seen near zero progress in 30 years. Enough of your nonsense.

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They said cannot tolerate the risk of changing troop contributing countries, and you read that as there's no way Ethiopia is joining AUSSOM. I can't help denial or such poor reading comprehension.

Somalia isn't a country so what right does it have to make demands when it can't govern even the capital city. If Somalia can't even unify Italian Somaliland what right does it have to insist on the holding the union together? It's an absurdity that only the west can maintain until eventually reality comes back like it always does. They are entertaining the people in Mogadishu for now but they'll cut their losses at some point because it's a dead end.
it will never happen, mogadishu will always be more important than somaliland, it has more people, more wealth, more resources
but they'll cut their losses at some point because it's a dead end
Another silly fantasy from you. The west has invested billions into Somalia at this point and will continue to develop its security and economy because at the end of the day, Somalia is a more attractive country than your tribal fiefdom.

Couldn't get recognize when Somalia was abandoned by the west from 1993-2006 yet somehow thinks they could get it during the era of a U.S. aligned Somalia with a government now. Lay off the khat already.
Another silly fantasy from you. The west has invested billions into Somalia at this point and will continue to develop its security and economy because at the end of the day, Somalia is a more attractive country than your tribal fiefdom.

They invested a trillion in Afghanistan and that's long gone. They haven't put a fraction of the money or effort in - it's an easy call to make.

They don't really abide by the sunk cost fallacy, a president will change and that's it game over. New policy new direction.
They invested a trillion in Afghanistan and that's long gone. They haven't put a fraction of the money or effort in - it's an easy call to make.
Somalia situation isn't nearly as expensive or dire as Afghanistan was, false comparison. Iraq is a much better comparison.

Btw, the west obviously isn't done with Afghanistan yet.
Somalia situation isn't nearly as expensive or dire as Afghanistan was, false comparison.

You are making the argument they've sunk a lot and we have a much more expensive case they walked out on, worse for you really and a perfect example.

All it needs is a new president and a new policy and it's over like that.
we have a much more expensive case
That is my point, Afghanistan was much more expensive on top of the fact that they lost tons of soldiers too. How many American solders died in Somalia after the 90s? Barely any.

Somalia is a cheap project they could keep running for a long time hence America's hands off approach to it. "So what if some Ethiopian or Kenyan soldiers die during their mission?" they might say, it doesn't affect Uncle Sam.
You are making the argument they've sunk a lot and we have a much more expensive case they walked out on, worse for you really and a perfect example.

All it needs is a new president and a new policy and it's over like that.
you are not even on the level of kurdistan who has american oil company and bases even they don’t have a country, you will never get it
That is my point, Afghanistan was much more expensive on top of the fact that they lost tons of soldiers too. How many American solders died in Somalia after the 90s? Barely any.

Somalia is a cheap project they could keep running for a long time hence America's hands off approach to it. "So what if some Ethiopian or Kenyan soldiers die during their mission?" they might say, it doesn't affect Uncle Sam.

They are getting bored of throwing their money away to watch game of thrones in Somalia lol. ATMIS was having funding trouble and there's no signs the next mission will fare better. They will take a different approach at some point.

If you wanna believe they will fund you forever gladly to watch some machievellian poltiical maneuvers that never succeed then don't let me stop you.
They are getting bored of throwing their money away to watch game of thrones in Somalia lol. ATMIS was having funding trouble and there's no signs the next mission will fare better. They will take a different approach at some point.
Nothing indicates that. Unless their interests in the region changes, they will continue sending money because Somalia is useful to them. And yes, there will be a different approach, one that doesn't involve Ethiopia lol.

