I don't know where your obsession with claiming this obvious lie. Kush literally dates to around 2k bce. There were already Ethiopic language speakers by around 2500 bce. There was also a kingdom that dates back to the same time as Kush. Every single piece of evidence suggests that your theory is baseless.Your opinion is noted. Please come back when you have data to contribute.
"According to an autosomal DNA study by Hodgson et al. (2014), the Afro-Asiatic languages were likely spread across Africa and the Near East by an ancestral population(s) carrying a newly identified non-African genetic component, which the researchers dub the "Ethio-Somali". This Ethio-Somali component is today most common among Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations in the Horn of Africa. It reaches a frequency peak among ethnic Somalis, representing the majority of their ancestry. The Ethio-Somali component is most closely related to the Maghrebi non-African genetic component, and is believed to have diverged from all other non-African ancestries at least 23,000 years ago. On this basis, the researchers suggest that the original Ethio-Somali carrying population(s) probably arrived in the pre-agricultural period from the Near East, having crossed over into northeastern Africa via the Sinai Peninsula. The population then likely split into two branches, with one group heading westward toward the Maghreb and the other moving south into the Horn.[182] Ancient DNA analysis indicates that this foundational ancestry in the Horn region is akin to that of the Neolithic farmers of the southern Levant.[183]"
This would have been E1b1b. M-215/ E-V-32 divides out at Kush and then heads south, up the Nile as a consequence of the various invasions.
Keep your politics out of this.

Now one has to wonder why you go at such lengths to defame Ethiopian history