Sudan Conflict Updates: Army vs RSF

Hundreds of RSF arrested in Bahri (Khartoum North)

It seems like the rumor that their sahelian supply route was cut off may be true. The military now controls Omdurman and has thousands of soldiers stationed in bases across Khartoum. Remaining RSF solders in the Nile Valley will get a nice surprise before negotiations on Thursday.
Video from April 😂😂😂😂😂😂:deadrose:

jalaba humour is epic

Lol not sure if he was banned again or hiding but either way it’s best for him to stay off the forum now

why not sharing the fact that your army has lost 60+ planes so far rather than sharing pictures of happy soldiers celebrating in tiny cities? :trumpsmirk:

Catch your birds

Drones too

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">أشاوس <a href="الدعم_السريع?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#الدعم_السريع</a> يتمكنون من إسقاط طائرة <a href="مسيرة?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#مسيرة</a> تتبع <a href="لفلول?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#لفلول</a> النظام <a href="البائد?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#البائد</a><a href="السودان?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#السودان</a> <a href="تسريبات_السودان?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#تسريبات_السودان</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#sudan_leaks</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#sudanleaks</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sudan Leaks (@Sudan_Leaks) <a href="">October 17, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Let’s talk some truth here

the RSF controls most of Khartoum State except about 3 military areas that are continuously getting shelled and will eventually fall alongside some civilian areas that surround them. The Sudanese air force has lost nearly all its planes now and the RSF has the weapons to shoot them down.

The RSF also controls the 2nd largest city of Sudan Nyala putting the Sudanese army in a very much weaker negotiating position as vitally important productive cities have been taken

RSF is also now has forced within river Nile state that would strike as soon as they get the orders but I don’t expect those orders to be given any time soon considering the negotiations and how busy they were taking over Nyala

the below map is slightly inaccurate but soon it will reflect that Nyala has been taken alongside areas in north Sudan


the yellow represents SPLN North which is under the command of Elhilu who is also controlling more and more areas - they are aiming for Damazin city

the huge north west part of the country is nothing but empty deserts, the RSF is focusing on taking control of the most important cities. Elobeid will also fall very soon, Kosti and madani are preparing for war as they know it will reach them soon unless negotiations put an end to things 🔥
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why not sharing the fact that your army has lost 60+ planes so far rather than sharing pictures of happy soldiers celebrating in tiny cities? :trumpsmirk:

Catch your birds

Drones too

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">أشاوس <a href="الدعم_السريع?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#الدعم_السريع</a> يتمكنون من إسقاط طائرة <a href="مسيرة?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#مسيرة</a> تتبع <a href="لفلول?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#لفلول</a> النظام <a href="البائد?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#البائد</a><a href="السودان?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#السودان</a> <a href="تسريبات_السودان?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#تسريبات_السودان</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#sudan_leaks</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#sudanleaks</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Sudan Leaks (@Sudan_Leaks) <a href="">October 17, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Sorry for excess links, added 2nd vid last minute but ran out of editing time 🕰️🙃
RSF clapping Sudanese army divisions in ElFashir taking their cars away 🔥🤣🤣


How could someone who does not control his capital (been chased out of it), does not control the 2nd largest city either, losing his strongest weapon (air force) and soon the agricultural breadbasket of the country Gezira believe that he is in a strong negotiating position?

the Sudanese army has collapsed and is relying primarily on conscripts that either get killed or captured? The only victories for the Sudanese army for some reason are the safe departure (escape) of their top generals Burhan and kabashi out of Khartoum …. The jalaba should’ve never waged war against the baggara 🔥🔥😂


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Crying 16 year old among captured RSF janjaweed

RSF too busy killing each other in Darfur to rescue their poor boy

Interesting how you not posted the news that the top general in the last standing major military unit in Khartoum Almudara3at had been killed by the RSF (kinda explains why Kabashi feared for his life and escaped Khartoum):banderas:

The RSF controls major sections within the Mudara3at only small pockets left and it will fall - say bye bye to all your tanks 🤣🔥 - told you many times, don’t challenge the baggara

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Great signs that the Nuba people are waking up and realising that they are being used as slaves in the Sudanese jalaba army

The Sudanese army had excecuted a Nuba soldier because they said he was communicating with the enemy…. Big mistake conducting a trial like that without evidence forgetting that 80% of your remaining professional foot soldiers are of a Nuba background:mindblown:
Let’s talk some truth here

the RSF controls most of Khartoum State except about 3 military areas that are continuously getting shelled and will eventually fall alongside some civilian areas that surround them. The Sudanese air force has lost nearly all its planes now and the RSF has the weapons to shoot them down.

The RSF also controls the 2nd largest city of Sudan Nyala putting the Sudanese army in a very much weaker negotiating position as vitally important productive cities have been taken

RSF is also now has forced within river Nile state that would strike as soon as they get the orders but I don’t expect those orders to be given any time soon considering the negotiations and how busy they were taking over Nyala

the below map is slightly inaccurate but soon it will reflect that Nyala has been taken alongside areas in north Sudan

View attachment 300863

the yellow represents SPLN North which is under the command of Elhilu who is also controlling more and more areas - they are aiming for Damazin city

the huge north west part of the country is nothing but empty deserts, the RSF is focusing on taking control of the most important cities. Elobeid will also fall very soon, Kosti and madani are preparing for war as they know it will reach them soon unless negotiations put an end to things 🔥
So RSF control less land than their ethnic group inhabit/own, and you think it's a flex?

You don't even have total control over Nyala and El Obeid, both cities in the Baggara belt :deadrose:
Interesting how you not posted the news that the top general in the last standing major military unit in Khartoum Almudara3at had been killed by the RSF (kinda explains why Kabashi feared for his life and escaped Khartoum):banderas:

The RSF controls major sections within the Mudara3at only small pockets left and it will fall - say bye bye to all your tanks 🤣🔥 - told you many times, don’t challenge the baggara

He was assassinated by Burhan, hence why many believe RSF are working as proxies for the Jalaba military elite.

Btw, why didn't you share this? Himedti's brother was killed in Nyala :damn:
So RSF control less land than their ethnic group inhabit/own, and you think it's a flex?

You don't even have total control over Nyala and El Obeid, both cities in the Baggara belt :deadrose:

Nyala, 2nd largest city in has fallen and you are nowhere to be seen :deadrose: :deadrose: :deadrose:

sooooo Nuba mountains and South Kordofan are also baggara territory loooool 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

we control Khartoum the capital, where is Burhan and your army?? :trumpsmirk:
He was assassinated by Burhan, hence why many believe RSF are working as proxies for the Jalaba military elite.

Btw, why didn't you share this? Himedti's brother was killed in Nyala :damn:

Assasinated by Burhan ?????🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🤣 wallahi you jalaba failure are epic loooool what is your source, Insirafi??:damn: Or another one of those fake twitter accounts that claimed that USA was handing over Sudan F16’s??? looool

how come all the Sudani elite were crying tears about his death looooool Burhan assasinating his own remaining loyal commanders would be epic!

Check your below propaganda after the RSF sent him to heaven 😏

do you even read Arabic? Your source says “rumours”, not facts ….. he is celebrating the fall of your army division and you man are still broke in Port Sudan unable to do anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sooo much for being dead looool

honestly I get it though, if I was in your position I would also be crying tears after all these defeats and maybe spreading lies too 😏
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Nyala, 2nd largest city in has fallen and you are nowhere to be seen :deadrose: :deadrose: :deadrose:
View attachment 300899

sooooo Nuba mountains and South Kordofan are also baggara territory loooool 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

we control Khartoum the capital, where is Burhan and your army?? :trumpsmirk:
Just wait a few days or weeks if that, you'll be MIA from the forum after RSF lose Nyala again despite losing hundreds of soldiers to occupy part of it :deadosama:

And South Kordofan is literally filled with Baggara, ofc if it was more accurate there would be some unfilled enclaves for Nubawis and other small ethnic groups.

Assasinated by Burhan ?????🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🤣 wallahi you jalaba failure are epic loooool what is your source, Insirafi??:damn: Or another one of those fake accounts that claimed that USA was handing over Sudan F16’s??? looool

how come all the Sudani elite were crying tears about his death looooool Burhan assasinating his own remaining loyal commanders would be epic!

Check your below propaganda 😏

do you even read Arabic? Your source says “rumours”, not facts ….. he is celebrating the fall of your army division and you man are still broke in Port Sudan unable to do anything 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sooo much for being dead looool

honestly I get it though, if I was in your position I would also be crying tears after all these defeats and maybe spreading lies too 😏
Burhan is power hungry and has been targeting other generals even before the war. Honestly he's worse than Hemedti (assuming that man isn't dead or an amputee).

RSF is known for posting old videos :damn: anyways he got real dark skinned, the war must've been hard on him. And why would I cry? My tribe isn't even involved in this war while thousands of your Ta'isha boys died to defend the Rizeigat elite that look down on you.
Just wait a few days or weeks if that, you'll be MIA from the forum after RSF lose Nyala again despite losing hundreds of soldiers to occupy part of it :deadosama:

And South Kordofan is literally filled with Baggara, ofc if it was more accurate there would be some unfilled enclaves for Nubawis and other small ethnic groups.

Burhan is power hungry and has been targeting other generals even before the war. Honestly he's worse than Hemedti (assuming that man isn't dead or an amputee).

RSF is known for posting old videos :damn: anyways he got real dark skinned, the war must've been hard on him. And why would I cry? My tribe isn't even involved in this war while thousands of your Ta'isha boys died to defend the Rizeigat elite that look down on you.


Your army has been clapped hard and kicked outside of Nyala :damn: in fact, the RSF is spreading now into Elfashir, white Nile state and Gezira and thousands of your men are getting butchered:trumpsmirk:
South kordofan is actually mainly Nuba people who through the SPLN north are doing a really good job clapping your army too :banderas:

Subhanallah, so you trying to convince the world that Burhan is assasinating his own generals??? How come the rest of Sudan is saying a different narrative :damn: the man was finished by the RSF

Besides, all RSF videos are live as we speak… you the one who shared a video from April 🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥
When you are fighting with your men bringing down major cities, you might get a little tan… unlike your men who cowardly escaped Khartoum to Port Sudan for their own lives
Loooool how about the thousands of North Sudani soldiers and conscripts مستنفرين who got sent to heaven so far??:deadmanny: I am not the one here losing my grip of power:trumpsmirk: you are getting whooped and the war is soon reaching your areas too… there is already thousands of troops ready to enter River Nile state which would be childs play to invade compared to Nyala

RSF on standby in Northern state already 😏

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Talking about health, what happened to Kabashi is he suffering from a bad disease or something?? Man got like mad skinny was there not enough food available in that hole?:deadrose:


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Your army has been clapped hard and kicked outside of Nyala :damn: in fact, the RSF is spreading now into Elfashir, white Nile state and Gezira and thousands of your men are getting butchered:trumpsmirk:
South kordofan is actually mainly Nuba people who through the SPLN north are doing a really good job clapping your army too :banderas:

Subhanallah, so you trying to convince the world that Burhan is assasinating his own generals??? How come the rest of Sudan is saying a different narrative :damn: the man was finished by the RSF

Besides, all RSF videos are live as we speak… you the one who shared a video from April 🤣🤣🤣🤣🔥🔥
When you are fighting with your men bringing down major cities, you might get a little tan… unlike your men who cowardly escaped Khartoum to Port Sudan for their own lives
Loooool how about the thousands of North Sudani soldiers and conscripts مستنفرين who got sent to heaven so far??:deadmanny: I am not the one here losing my grip of power:trumpsmirk: you are getting whooped and the war is soon reaching your areas too… there is already thousands of troops ready to enter River Nile state which would be childs play to invade compared to Nyala

RSF on standby in Northern state already 😏

You can’t even hold Nyala, El Obeid, and Omdurman yet wanna claim control over Gezira, White Nile, and the North where anyone that’s Baggara gets lynched :damn:

Here’s some pictures from yesterday :trumpsmirk:
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^ In a way I feel bad for them, hundreds of RSF young Baggara men died in a single day just to protect the interests of the corrupt Jalaba elite and their slaves the Dagalo family.

Thousands of North Sudani conscripts died? Didn’t you say 80% of the Sudanese military is Nuba and Fur? 😭 Thousands of Northerners volunteered to join and most of them are guarding their region instead of going to Khartoum to risk getting killed by military drones like your boys.

That landscape looks like North Darfur, how can you prove they’re in the Northern region? Why not go to downtown Shendi or the Nile banks to wash that sand off their face? It’s bc you know they’d get lynched by unarmed farmers 😂