Did y'all know if a woman doesn't follow dress code, they will punish her male relative?
They think they are God
They think they're so strong, but their biggest fear is an educated and independent woman.
The Taliban would have tried to lock up Khadijah AS, Aisha AS and all the other strong Muslim women of Islam, if they were alive at the same time.
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “People will appear who recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats. Every time a faction emerges it will be cut off.” I heard the Prophet say this more than ten times until he said, “The False Messiah will appear in their midst.”The Prophet saw spoke about these Khawarij.
Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There will be division and sectarianism in my nation, and a people will come with beautiful words and evil deeds. They will recite the Quran, but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target, and they will not return to it as the arrow does not return to its bow. They are the worst of the creation. Blessed are those who fight them and are killed by them. They call to the Book of Allah, but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them.”
Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4765,
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
Ibn Kathir said, “If the Khawarij ever gained power, they would corrupt the entire land, Iraq and Syria. They would not leave alone a boy or a girl or a man or a woman, for in their view the people have become so corrupt that they cannot be reformed but by mass killing.”
Source: al-Bidāyah wal-Nihāyah 10/584
Iraq and Syria is specifically mentioned and ISIS is just that. The writing is on the wall, but their hearts are ignorant.
I wasn’t going to reply but the hypocrisy blew me away of that of the other poster and your comments about discrepancies.
What is my stance though? Anyone advocating for women’s right is automatically branded as being ‘gender centric’. There is a clear obsession with trying to stifle any conversation of lack of rights and you’re defensive. You did it to me and the other girls on here.
If I’m talking about Muslim men, you’re sole argument is about what about gaalada. That is it. Nothing else. You need to create this narrative that I’m okay with gaalada attacking Muslims and that I only complain when Muslim men take away the rights of women.
I’ve made it clear. I see Muslim men as our protectors, hence it is a double betrayal when they do not behave so. I have 0 faith in gaalada.
Without the lie that I don’t care about other issues, your whole point falls apart, nor is it one of substance.
Here comes accusations of feminism but in a rather slick way. My whole point is women in Afghanistan have a right to be educated, you’re now taking that and twisting into a ‘secular’ ideology.
You either think women being educated is secular, or you’re accusing me of advocating for something haram.
Take your pic. Your word salad means nothing, if you’re not going to be straight forward and come up with examples.
it’s insidious that you’re making your male bias bordering on sexism as ‘Islamic’. It isn’t walal. You’re being arrogant. It’s the way, @AMusee has now created that narrative that being for Tate is Islamic and Anti-Western.
I’ve never said women cannot oppress men. Not once did I say that and I can go back to that thread if you want.
You keep on putting words into my mouth because without that, your issues with my points are illogical.
Why lie Walal? Why?
You didn’t agree with my point that women’s rights are easily taken away by men. That was what a lot of the argument was about. That is true and the Hadith I posted show the importance of not violating the rights of women because it is common.
Also Show me what I said in this thread that goes against the deen? You’re lying at this point, even the Digital sisterhood thread was about the double standards of some of the brothers. How is pointing that out haram?
Funny the brother that is agreeing with @AMusee, literally posted posts upon posts against digital sisterhood but defends Andrew Tate. At this point, this is clear male bias being cloaked as Islamic. This tweet made me remember that brother and that is how a lot of you operate:
Throwing around buzzwords such as ‘feminism’, ‘gender ideology’ and the like isn’t going to hide the absolute hypocrisy. The amount of threads defending that man who creates ography and even after becoming Muslim he compared himself to Allah, yet Somali sisters talking about an issue on a podcast and actually showing repentance caused a witch-hunt. Authobillah. Now that is what I call major discrepancies. Yet, I highly doubt you’ll ever say anything to him.
I’m bringing up Tate up because @AMusee did when he was replying to you. Very wild Wallahi as nearly the vast majority of Islamic speaker have distanced themselves from that man now. There has been too many videos of him snitching on himself and no one with integrity defends that man.
But there seems to be a pattern, defending women not having an education and defending a man who is known for ography, possible trafficking and saying the most vilest things with lack of akhlaaq. It reveals a lot indeed. A lot.
The hypocrisy is clear to see.
Really? There was a thread about a Somali girl going on Loveisland. My views and my view of her shamelessness is written for you to see black and white. If I see clear degenerate behavior I will call it out. Unlike our bother here who defends man with various threads who talks about sleeping around and comparing himself to God.
On sspot? They’re not going to. It’s a male echo chamber. They’re too busy defending Tate and coming for their hijabi sisters. Husn Dan is only for men. This is a toxic culture that has been created and nurtured by men not speaking up and wasting their time trying to silence and gaslight sisters.
People are starting to wake up and I’m glad to see really practicing brothers and Shayuk who have realized, especially with the whole Tate fiasco.
But if you want act deaf and blind, is up to you. But enough is enough.
the us bombed civilians and allowed child prostitution, so what your point?Is this your best defence for taliban terrorists? Taliban rape babies kill civilians and are the embodiment of backwardness. That goverment was shit but talibs take it to another level.
Khaidja RA and Aishah RA were housewives and stayed in the home, in fact Aaishah RA was never allowed to show herself to a non-mahram, go outside, unless it was a neccesity without having a curtain around herThey think they're so strong, but their biggest fear is an educated and independent woman.
The Taliban would have tried to lock up Khadijah RA, Aisha Ra, and all the other strong Muslim women of Islam, if they were alive at the same time.
Do you think they should punish the women?Did y'all know if a woman doesn't follow dress code, they will punish her male relative?
They think they are God
Locking up women is a modern phenomenon. With regards to Aisha RA, her never being out wouldn’t be possible. Explain the battle of the camel? The fact of the reality is that we have lots of evidence of female Sahabas on the battle fields and cases of women as market controllers such as Al-Shifa bint Abdalla.Khaidja RA and Aishah RA were housewives and stayed in the home, in fact Aaishah RA was never allowed to show herself to a non-mahram, go outside, unless it was a neccesity without having a curtain around her
NeccesityExplain the battle of the camel?
Women going to battle isn’t a necessity compared to women putting food on the table. Right now the whole conversation is about the necessity of women working and education.Neccesity
No we have 2 examples, mainly we know nusaybah RA who went out into battle due to necessity, in general women are not allowed to participate in war, in the past battles of Muslims women would stay at the camps and only engage in defensive warfare if the enemies have gotten to close to the defense lines. I only know of one case of a women as a market controller in the time of Umar RA, Im not saying women can't go out, but you can't make up random stuff as if the sahabiyaat were outside working all day with men just like we do nowadays.The fact of the reality is that we have lots of evidence of female Sahabas on the battle fields and cases of women as market controllers such as Al-Shifa bint Abdalla.
Women praying behind men is segregation, the womens best place is at the very back of the masjid, in fact the distance was so long between the women and the men the Prophet sallallhu alayhi wasalm needed to walk over to them just to give the eid sermon again so they could here.Women being locked up at the time of the Prophet s.a.w wouldn’t have been possible because of the culture at the time. They didn’t have the resources for that. Even masjids were not segregated. Women prayed behind the men.
Arab cultures and taliban cultures go too far, I heard in algherian culture its ceeb to mention a womens name so they mention there brothers name when calling them, this is extremism, and probably comes from culture, they go too extreme I agree, and it is very peculiarWe have far too many info on the lives of female Sahabas and Salafs and that wouldn’t be possible if they were locked at home. The Taliban even think a man hearing a woman’s name is ceeb like the dhaqan of not having women’s name on birth certificates.
Thats not what I responded to in my original comment, she said taliban would lock up khadija and Aaishah RA, which is not trueWomen going to battle isn’t a necessity compared to women putting food on the table. Right now the whole conversation is about the necessity of women working and education.
Taalibaan habaar iyo fake news kuma burbureysoIllahi ha ku cafiyo. Taliban ha burbuurto. Nacalaad haa ku dhacdho.
That's right, wixii ka masuulka ahaa iyo iyadaba will be punishedDid y'all know if a woman doesn't follow dress code, they will punish her male relative?
They think they are God
they punish no one because it's unislamic to.Do you think they should punish the women?
Its unislamic to punish ppl for not wearing hijab?they punish no one because it's unislamic to.
yes. it's dhambi but its not punishable in the dunya.Its unislamic to punish ppl for not wearing hijab?
No it is punishable in the dunya what are you on aboutyes. it's dhambi but its not punishable in the dunya.
No it's not. No law forcing it and no law for not wearing it.No it is punishable in the dunya what are you on about