Taliban ban female owned shops


These women need to book a plane quick!
bugs bunny run GIF by Looney Tunes
watch these talibans ban flying for women, to keep them stuck. They still have a chance to get out now while they can, but if they don't get out now wa udamaatay:farmajoyaab:
Taliban could literally start massacring every woman in the country and there'd still be dumb sspot faraxs going "hmm well actually, you see..."

i gurantee you the same ppl making excuses for this low iq government are the same one praising Andrew tate that sells prostitutes 🤣
It was a fake cnn documentary as the father didn't sell his daughter at all, they made it all up laakin you didn't care at all nor the poverty facing them at all. All that was of importance to you was the misogyny and backwardness of their culture.
Fake or not, am I lying when I say this is common in third world Muslim countries?? Like I said you’d have point if such practices were not common.

Between the two of us, who is defending a regime that is stopping women from education and being able to provide? Will not cause poverty?

You argue for the sake of arguing and masking your misogyny. You have no leg to stand on apart from claiming that I don’t care about this or that. That is what your whole argument hinges upon because between the two us, your whole point is agreeing with the dhulm against your fellow Muslims.

That is precisely it.
How is you following that brother refute the lie OP made that the closure applied to all stores and how does it negate the fact that what he states is still 3rd party, furthermore that's just a single person's narrative. How are you able to verify what he states?
It refuted and showed the fact that Taliban are also propoganda merchants and have lied and lied. Even this poster talks about the history of banning eduation and how a lot of what they say isn’t the reality and the politics around it:

It’s in an interesting thread that gives you insight.
i know of other afghani brothers despite critiquing the taliban speak good of them ? what then ?
What did they say about the education there? How are the women faring?
it's only propaganda when the taliban issue statements, so the truth is ONLY with those opposed to them like that brother ?
My point is, those actually in the country and those with family there will be able to tell you the load down. Example, I’ll listen to my aunts and uncles and their experiences rather than any propaganda spilled by Al Shaytan for example.
Taliban don't deserve husna dhan because they are supposedly against women's education according to you. Muslims that have fought gaalo forces for a period of over 20 yrs don't deserve to be given benefit of the doubt because they're allegedly against women rights.
Sorry, women not being allowed education or a way to feed themselves aren’t a group I will give husna dhan. You can, since the rights of your fellow sisters means nothing to you.

If the marginalization of 50% of the Ummah means nothing to you and then you too are also part for the problem and the brothers who are the betrayers of your fellow sisters. You say it’s supposed when it is a fact and everyone knows it, but since women’s haqq is worthless to you, you’ll try and reduce our concerns

You want us to be abused by the gaals whilst you lot restrict us and take away our rights and then in the same breath you expect husn Al Dan?

Where was the husn Al dhan for Muslim sisters as this brother clearly points out:

Where is your faith in your fellow sisters? Also, why do you expect us to be quiet in the face of such oppression?!

Absolute betrayal and this is why I doubt if you even see Muslim women as being part of the Ummah the way you or any man are.
Your lack of nuance, projection of gender ideology, adoption of foreign worldviews to critique any societal issues that we as muslims face is the issue of contention.
Oh so wanting women to have an education is gender ideology. Soon you’ll be telling me wanting fresh air is gender ideology.
When you choose which islamic stances to adopt and advocate for all on the basis of gender etc only leads to more issues it doesn't solve anything at all.
You reduce the rights of your fellow Muslima’s as ‘gender ideology’. Perfect example of your shining sexism. Just know our haqq is just as important as your haqq. I will not advocate for a state that will take away my rights.

The hypocrisy of some of you Muslim men is clear to see and it is people like you that push women into all types of ‘ism’. You’re against women seeking their rights through man made systems such as feminism, yet when we advocate for our Islamic rights to learn and to be able to work and fend for ourselves you want to reduce it to ‘gender ideology’ as the real life struggles of women is meaningless to you. This man articulates it perfectly:

people like you are dangerous as you’ll berate women for wanting their God given rights and the outcome is people looking outside of Islamic limits.

You're an individual woman and don't speak for every muslim women out there acting as if your represent and care for them when you advocate for things that many muslim women would object to is nothing more than a contradiction.
I’m confused, what do I advocate that Muslim women would object to? Why would you lie?

I speak for most when I say, the vast majority want to have the right to education and being able to put food on the table. That is a normal human right that you too would want. You too would want that right, hence if you saw women as people we wouldn’t even be having this debate.
Instead of constantly blaming muslim men and countries i would advice that you revisit your assumptions and ensure they're in line with diinta before you go on to advocate for them.
So, women wanting an education and the right to work is not line with deenta?

Or are you lying about me and suggesting I’m advocating for something else? You know your whole post crumbles without insinuating lies. What silly advice.

Yes, I blame Muslim men like you who lack 0 compassion for your sisters in life. Will make excuses for our basic Islamic rights being taken away, attack and gaslight sisters that are concerned by using ‘gender ideology’ nonsense argument when it comes to their God given rights and then will lie/insinuate that they’re asking for something that is against the deen.

Believe me you’re 101% part of the problem, and I’ll leave you this:


Good night and actually reflect on yourself.
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Muslim men are meant to be our protectors and maintainers, so yes when they behave certain ways I feel doubly betrayed. Instead of caring about your sisters in Islam, you want to make a 101 excuses as to why stripping them of their rights is acceptable.

Until, you start to see your Muslim sisters as actually part of the Ummah, we will continue having these conversations

Afghan women have been attacked by gaalada and now their own men are stopping them them from rebuilding their lives. So, what’s your point? Because these women have been destroyed by gaalada, some Muslim men need to continue with causing even more difficulties for them? This is what I mean when I say many sisters are in a rock and hard place and what makes it worse is we have men like you who are the biggest gaslighters. Instead of advcating for your sisters in Islam you want to silence and normalize haqq being taken away from us.
I've come to a point in my life, that I've learn all men are terrifying. Muslim or gaalo is doesn't matter. All of them see women as below and don't protect them. even if I know some men aren't like that, better to think that way or else you'll end up sorry.


What did everyone expect- they're the Taliban. This will happen to somalia if we don't finish off alshabab in the next two years. The uneducated bearded bastardvCali dheere will be worse than the taliban
Wallahi, I can see that happening. These extermist groups need to drop dead, or we are effed:ohno:

Walahi I wish, they don't deserve a clean birth, because they are unclean in spirit.

Ilaahay baa kuugu dhaarshaye! How can you disrespect women, when you were carried in the body of woman, entered the world through a woman, who risked her life to give birth to you. When you were fed from the body of a woman. Walahi I can't stand ungrateful people and misogynist men are the most disgusting, ungrateful creatures on earth.


Walahi I wish, they don't deserve a clean birth, because they are unclean in spirit.

Ilaahay baa kuugu dhaarshaye! How can you disrespect women, when you were carried in the body of woman, entered the world through a woman, who risked her life to give birth to you. When you were fed from the body of a woman. Walahi I can't stand ungrateful people and misogynist men are the most disgusting, ungrateful creatures on earth.

its afghan dhaqan. thats just how a large number of them are.
its afghan dhaqan. thats just how a large number of them are.

I wish it was only Afghans, but in reality this is a problem all over the world and has existed for as long as humans have been alive. Women are treated like second-class citizens and even when Islam emancipated and elevated us, there are enough powerful Muslim men to make sure we don't get our rights.

Look at how many men on this forum are always defending the right to subjugate girls and women?
Doubting a piece of news from sources that are clearly biased against the present government of Afghanistan is defending of Taliban for them.
Tbh some of you guys defend taliban too much, your going the opposite direction and denying every piece of evidence, it is clear they have some sort of agenda and until it unfolds I am not going to make a conclusion but people who have knowledge about Afghanistan and whats happening should speak about it openly.


Tbh some of you guys defend taliban too much, your going the opposite direction and denying every piece of evidence, it is clear they have some sort of agenda and until it unfolds I am not going to make a conclusion but people who have knowledge about Afghanistan and whats happening should speak about it openly.
Who is you guys? And pls check the profile of the OP.
I disagree with some of Taliban's actions but sxb this place should never be a platform to spread propaganda against a Muslim entity(Taliban) by the aggressor enemy(Gaalo) they defeated.

Your sexism is clear to see. You literally reduce the rights of women as merely being ‘gender ideology’. Anyone that advocates for women is being ‘gender centric’. That is a argument that is the height of gaslighting and you’ll utilize it even someone rights are being infringed upon.

I remember we had an argument and you even debated with me over the idea of women being socially weaker than men and having their rights taken away from them.That is the height of your gaslighting has reached. But remember this:


Women are weak in society and their rights are routinely violated. One of the last sermons the Prophet s.a.w spoke about treating women well for his something this Unmah definitely struggles with. We have too many men that will gaslight sisters. Oh but I’m sure you think all of this is ‘gender centric’.

Anyways this is my last reply.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
You really lack any self-awareness right? Is it a case of your inability to emphasize or what exactly?

Let’s be real, if you truly cared about Afghanistanis being in poverty and being sanctioned by gaalada, why do you now turn around and make excuses for Afghan women being sanctioned by their own men with regards to lack of education and finances? A lot of these women have lost Mahrams to these wars and now you want to make excuses for 50% of women still living under economic hardships in a country in dire poverty and lots of women not being able to rely men? Are you being for real?

This is where gaslighting and lack of awareness gets you. Actually think through your arguments.

No, Afghan women aren’t real people. Who would have thought. When these women cry about their lack of education or not being able to work so that they can put food on the table, they’re not real right?

Right now, you’re the one that is telling us to stop talking about Muslim women’s rights being taken away. If I was to write a post about India not allowing women to wear hijab, would you debate us and tell us that we have an agenda? So why can’t you flipping understand that I want my fellow Muslim sisters to have the rights to wear hijab, get an education, not be denied to provide ect. I love for my sisters what I love for myself. You cannot even see that simple concept because you cannot fully see our humanity. Everything that we Muslim women do is an agenda right?

You’re free to create threads about what America did to Afghanistan and the poverty there, but you won’t. Instead you will waste your time here arguing with your fellow Muslimas about being concerned about Muslim men taking away their rights.

Incredibly disingenuous. I’ve noticed you will use anything to shut down any dialogue with regards to female mistreatments. Anything. Peak gaslighting.

What have you done? Do you send them them sadaqa, what the hell do you do apart from shutting down dialogue and being a hypocrite? I call you one because instead of creating threads about all of the issues you’ve outlined you would much rather be in this threads and gaslight Muslim women.

When muslims have more hatred for fellow muslims than gaalada who do more damage it becomes a problem and we've to question their reasoning for condemning muslims but not gaalada.

There's a lot of things we're simply unaware regarding afghanistan and if we use this thread as an example then all those making hasty decisions etc need to reflect and stop their condemnation. How in the world are you extrapolating the closure of some shops in a single province to the entire country is atrocious and simply highlights your lack of nuance.

You're entitled to your opinions but they don't constitute facts, the taliban hasn't stopped majority of women from working if you claim otherwise please bring facts to back this claim of yours.

Like i stated before i don't agree with a lot of things that the taliban does laakin this doesn't mean that i make up stories to vilify them nor negate any good they've done. Critique them while being just this is my point.

You can't equate india banning hijab to taliban closing down some shops for failure to comply with islamic requirement etc. Even though i'm in agreement with you regarding education i nonetheless i disagree with manner you went about it and what you use it for.

I'm not trying to shut down any discussion but critique your reasoning behind your advocacy for the rights of afghani women. Despite bringing attention to false claim of the OP, you both continue to claim that the taliban is against women working, why is this ? how does closing some shops in 1 province constitute stopping 50% of the population from working ?

None of you admitted at all that you made a mistake and didn't bother verifying the claims made in the tweet. You were not concerned at all that some one lied about afghani women having access to work now why is this ?

Not only do i send sadaq but also have also volunteered at masjids collecting clothing to be shipped back etc i also make dua for Allah to lift their hardships at least i try & my concern for them doesn't end when i stop discussing about them.

You remind me of the qabilist here who boast and take pride in their qabyalad etc laakin when it comes to helping their fellow tol back home they don't even send anything some don't even help out their relatives back home. All that talk and pride in the end amounts to nothing as they only care about themselves bis