Tensions in Ceerigaabo

Bro your legit Ethiopian! You don’t know anything.

walker texas ranger chuck GIF by GritTV
The NA dude that was killed initially was stopped by going in his house because he made a video saying that if Bixi came to NA side of Ceeri, that it would pop off. 2 HY police confronted him, argument insued and we know the rest. You can see this video on social media, that’s what popped it off. This NA individual also took part in the Sool war so this gave extra motivation for him to be confronted.

This guy Salman Adan?

Next day NA killed 2 randoms and HY retaliated by killed 2 more later on that day in a firefight. NA came back from Fiqi fuliye and killed 3-4 more (hearing 3 and 4 from different sources) That is where it stands as of now. 10 total dead. 6 HY with 2 of them civilians and 4 NA.
We pretty much have the same casualties, except you didn't mention the 3 Dhulbahante who were murdered in Ceerigaabo city. Or Karash militia who attacked HY geeljire and stole their camels. HY casualties being 5 or 6 are plausible around Goof since SSC milita were camping in Fiqifulyi for months ever since the sentence on the 60 youth in Ceerigaabo, they eagerly needed a reason to fight.

Dhulbahante casualty timeline:
1 in Ceerigaabo city> 2 in Goof > 3 in Ceerigaabo city.

HY casualty timeline:
2 in Goof, 3-4 in Goof when they tried to retrieve camels from Karash militia
Every side is evacuating. And of course they will all leave since artitelly will hit homes and bullets will fly. (Don’t think either will happen in the foreseeable future, just skirmishes sure)

I've seen pro SSC accounts reposting the above videos claiming it to be Isaaq, but so far there is no video of MI leaving Ceerigaabo civilian or otherwise. No artillery is coming close to Ceerigaabo. Bullets yes, but artillery require positioning your troops at least few KM outside the city which is unlikely.
The Dhulbahante garaads don’t want war in Sanaag, that was made clear to me. Everyone else does. I personally don’t think a big war will happen.

Sanaag wars will be just like the Sool one. And I think it will ultimately make SL weaker.

I don't think so. This time Somaliland has the support of the shacab inside the city perameters. Muuse Ismaciil will fight alongside the army. There is a reason why all these HY killings are outside the city in the miyi. Bixii just came out and said elections might be delayed by the war in Ceerigaabo. He has everything to win by pouring oil into the fire. If SSC Karash militia attacks Ceerigaabo city proper it would be an open war.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

@Libaax-Joore waa ogaaa ceerigaabo iney gorgorton galeyso markaa arkey Warsangali oo Bosaso igu so ciriiryey😂. We either have to close the dem border or help our cousins reclaim ceerigaabo.
I literally posted Bah Ogayslabe going to fight

Why are Harti obsessed with us this week?

Where is Warsangeli in Ceerigaabo, why aren't Warsangeli fighting

Literally had a Maakhir episode in Ceerigaabo district where we fought all of Hargeisa wtf can Nuux Cumar and Bah Ogayslabe do two subclans

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Warsangeli deegaan free from SL influence in Ceerigaabo district

Damala Xagare
Dhabar Dalool

When I say Warsangeli I man Bah Ogayslabe and Nuux Cumar
Warsangeli deegaan free from SL influence in Ceerigaabo district

Damala Xagare
Dhabar Dalool

When I say Warsangeli I man Bah Ogayslabe and Nuux Cumar

There are still some horgal Hartis like the one that killed NA guy so we need to deal with them first.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

There are still some horgal Hartis like the one that killed NA guy so we need to deal with them first.

The horgal will only leave when they have to leave

Wtf do Hartis want with my people, I lost 200 men in the 1990s fighting SL as a subclan.

200 men fought in Xad eed
100+ men fought in Birxamar,Dabablehe and Jidali

The taliye of SNM in Sanaag was an HA they don't tell you this in school all of SNM were posted up in Sanaag

@Midwestern stop disrespecting my people say Reer Badhan nacaala

You and I know that Dubeys are fighters and so are Bah Ogayslabe
Bah Ogayslabe in Carmale
Haragwaafi these are the people that ransacked your adeers in Oct.7.2023

Last year , he called two subclans faqash whole SL was shook 😂
Stupid vid made by jeberti kids doesn't mean anything to me but when clan war comes let's see what your small irrelevant jeberti clan would do as we're sure you going to run towards your kin Majeerteens for safety when MC's and MS's clans come after you kkk :mjlaugh:

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Stupid vid made by jeberti kids doesn't mean anything to me but when clan war comes let's see what your small irrelevant jeberti clan would do as we're sure you going to run towards your kin Majeerteens for safety when MC's and MS's clans come after you kkk :mjlaugh:
I excuse you this is the first time you seen guns , these aren't whistles

The horgal will only leave when they have to leave

Wtf do Hartis want with my people, I lost 200 men in the 1990s fighting SL as a subclan.

200 men fought in Xad eed
100+ men fought in Birxamar,Dabablehe and Jidali
Ceerigaabo needs to have two maamul at the first least. Isaaq Shacab are not armed like Hartis and SL military were destroyed on 8/25 so it would be their best interest to take this deal or they will end up being under a hostile state.