I'll give you the sources and the links will be at the bottom. Read all these facts and admit everything you said was made up and that I was right every single time.
Mogadishu was not an Arab enclave according to a 12th century historian called Yaqut al-Hamawi stated that Mogadishu was inhabited by Swarthly Berbers who are ancestors of Somali people today. What do you think of that? Read the source from below.
Ajuran coast stretched from Hobyo to Kismayo so anything between was also under their domain including Mogadishu.
Definition of domain: an area of territory owned or controlled by a particular ruler or government.
"The Ajuran Sultanate covered much of southern and central Somalia and eastern Ethiopia, with its domain extending from Hobyo in the north, to Qelafo in the west, to Kismayo in the south."
The map is factual and it shows you the ports Ajuran controlled/governed. Please do not deny this map.
Ajuran Sultanate did have foreign trade relationship around the world and its coastal provinces flourished.
Ajuran did build ships. They had a powerful navy and done naval expedition as far as southeast Asia with their Ottoman allies to weaken Portuguese influence in the Indian Ocean.
Here is the model of Ajuran boat and it was called Ajuran markab.
Link 1: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=X1dDDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA59&dq=Ajuran+Imamate+the+largest+multi-clan&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhzIv5xuzbAhWTXsAKHfZlCXEQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Ajuran Imamate the largest multi-clan&f=false
Link 2: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=FlL2vE_qRQ8C&pg=PA36&dq=Yaqut+Al+Hamawi+dark+skin+berbers+mogadishu+Somali&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiX6OPL3_HbAhXJ1qQKHUKqDVIQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Yaqut Al Hamawi dark skin berbers mogadishu Somali&f=false
Please don't be repetitive troll and just stop being stubborn and naive. At least be honest like @James Dahl who admits he's wrong sometimes.
Ah. You like my source.
Link one. There is not one word there about Somali ships. Merka and Baraawe were under Portugal and the ships were Indian.
Link two. No Ajuraan ships. Note the dates 1150-1250. Sofala was not a mine but a trading center. The business was in the hands of Arabs, some of whom may have come from Mog. By the mid-1200s the trade was controlled by Arabs at Kilwa.
"From the 1100s, Arabs began arriving in greater number in this coastal area. In the 1200s Mombasa became staunchly Muslim, and a Muslim dynasty was established at Kilwa. By the mid-1200s, Kilwa controlled the trade fromSofala to its south, Sofala being a point of departure for gold from inland."