The futuh al habash changed the trajectory of somaliweyn true or false ?



What happened to Somalis with the collapse of the Awdal/Bar Sa'Adin Empire and the Gareen led Confederacy/Kingdom of Mareeg-Qalafo-Merca and Mogadishu was a region wide devestation of epidemic proportions, in a way that is very comparable to the collapse of the Roman empire. They also fell to invasions, trade disruptions and defeats as well.

Watch how he describes the collapse of the Roman Empire in @2:09
Thus , the 27 years of war, the famine and the plague, had utterly reduced the population of Italy, entire cities were abandoned, Mediolanum for example was completely razed in 539, even Rome stood almost empty at some point in the 550s after being sacked numerous times in that lenghty war, the old roman infrastructure that was still perfectly intact in the Ostrogothic Kingdom now was given price to unchecked decay, street networks cumbled.... Aqueducts were falling into disuse left and right, many cities had to rely on frech water from rivers and wells such as in Rome for example, where the population was henceforth concentrated near the Tiber river and all other parts of the humongous city were left completely abandoned.
A similar picture would occur in the whole of Italy. The population now being so utterly reduced compared to only some decaded earlier, would now retreat to small cores in the once big cities or to the countryside. Small dwellings would now have to do , the living standards fell dramatically. Where stoned housing with bricks and mortar had been standard, now small wooden shakcks .....such as for example nicely visible theater of Marcellus in Rome , where people had built their dwellings into this once mighty amphiteater , now replaced the previous domus and insula structures. Wood construction had in many parts completely replaced stone and mortar housing, especially for private dwellings. Churches were now the only structures that were still built out of solid stone, but even here we can witness how much smaller they had become in those times , as archeological evidence from Italy shows.
Life became more rural, the old urbanized society had started to vanish. Trade would collapse in many parts, so that food had to be produced locally. Peasants would often start sowing their feilds amids the old towering decaying buildings of the old imperial times.

Its almost exact same thing that happened to the Somali region. This period of invasions , disruptions of trade and wars was described in the 15th century chronicles that survived , with plague outbreak, famine and horrors etc happening. And you can also see it from the archeological records which i have qouted and the external medieval descriptions.

As much as i studied that period, i wouldn't wish to live in that time.

In much the same way as in Europe where imperial state collapse led to the rise of the Catholic Church and feudalism/decentralization, for Somalis it was similar with the rise of Sufi Religious Orders/Tariqas and also decentralization. With the Eastern vassal imperial state only surviving semi-intact aka Bari/Majerteen.
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It couldve been a whole lot worse. Just say Alxamdulilah we are Good now. @Internet Nomad Where did u find that map ? is it a map of all the ruins? that would be crazy. Wonder if anyones been on some outback adventure. I mean technically they are geel jire everywhere traveling the out back finding places for their camels. You know im less than 1 generation away from being a Geeljire in the middle of the ogaden. They must come across these ruins all the time. You know there could be some guy Resting under the ancient rocks as we speak. Reminds me of the meteor they found in somalia, they just saw it as a special rock
Historians come in @Khaemwaset @Step a side

Just think about it after that war major migrations occurred tribes who where powerful lost their influence and numbers they had before the war the territory Somalis occupied also changed over the following decades centuries
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To answer your question The Adal conquest to Abyssinia was the Muslims in the region or states response to the Abyssinian raids and subjugation of the Muslims states and the fall of Adal didn't bring the Somalis to submit to the "victorious" Abyssinians like what happened to the Muslims in the interior but ushered a new independent Somali kingdoms or states that dominated the sea an trading routes in the region


What happened to Somalis with the collapse of the Awdal/Bar Sa'Adin Empire and the Gareen led Confederacy/Kingdom of Mareeg-Qalafo-Merca and Mogadishu was a region wide devestation of epidemic proportions, in a way that is very comparable to the collapse of the Roman empire. They also fell to invasions, trade disruptions and defeats as well.

Watch how he describes the collapse of the Roman Empire in @2:09

Its almost exact same thing that happened to the Somali region. This period of invasions , disruptions of trade and wars was described in the 15th century chronicles that survived , with plague outbreak, famine and horrors etc happening. And you can also see it from the archeological records which i have qouted and the external medieval descriptions.

As much as i studied that period, i wouldn't wish to live in that time.

In much the same way as in Europe where imperial state collapse led to the rise of the Catholic Church and feudalism/decentralization, for Somalis it was similar with the rise of Sufi Religious Orders/Tariqas and also decentralization. With the Eastern vassal imperial state only surviving semi-intact aka Bari/Majerteen.
Gareen? Do you mean Ajuraan? How come people dont think Ajuraan exists?

Internet Nomad

It couldve been a whole lot worse. Just say Alxamdulilah we are Good now. @Internet Nomad Where did u find that map ? is it a map of all the ruins? that would be crazy. Wonder if anyones been on some outback adventure. I mean technically they are geel jire everywhere traveling the out back finding places for their camels. You know im less than 1 generation away from being a Geeljire in the middle of the ogaden. They must come across these ruins all the time. You know there could be some guy Resting under the ancient rocks as we speak. Reminds me of the meteor they found in somalia, they just saw it as a special rock
So much is yet to be excavated or discovered


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To answer your question The Adal conquest to Abyssinia was the Muslims in the region or states response to the Abyssinian raids and subjugation of the Muslims states and the fall of Adal didn't bring the Somalis to submit to the "victorious" Abyssinians like what happened to the Muslims in the interior but ushered a new independent Somali kingdoms or states that dominated the sea an trading routes in the region
Nigga was too scared to @ me

And again you gave a simple and obvious answer. Anyone with 2 cells in their brains knows that Somalis didn't fall under Abyssinian rule you realise they too had a dark age after the galla hordes.

The Ethiopians had a 300 year warring states period until the mid 1800s where Emperor Tewedros xooged everyone else and unified the state. The Abyssinians didn't win the war they lost too. Their Emperor Galewedros also got packed and beheaded by the successor of Imam Ahmad, Emir Nur ibn Mujahid. In 1559.

If anything the Habasha got hit harder than us, they got conquered and xooged by Jihad and them swarmed by Gallas. Took them 300 years to simply recover a unified country under the Emperor again.

In 1559, Nur ibn Mujahid invaded Fatagar again with a force comprising 1800 horsemen and 500 riflemen, and numerous sword and bow-wielding troops. To face that threat, Gelawdewos ordered Ras Hamalmal of Kambata and Ras Fasil to lead two armies against Harar, which they successfully took and killed Barakat ibn Umar Din, the last member of the Walasma dynasty. Galawdewos then led his own troops, hastily assembled. On 23 March 1559, the imperial army met Nur ibn Mujahid force in the Battle of Fatagar at a place named Nech Sar, where, according to a Harari chronicle, Gelawdewos was killed in battle. "Early in the engagement Galawdéwos was hit by a bullet, but continued to fight until surrounded by a score of Harari cavalry, who struck him fatally to the ground with their spears," according to Pankhurst.Galawdewos was surrounded by about twenty horsemen who pierced his loin with a lance

Emir Nur had the Emperor's head sent to the country of Sa'ad ad-Din II, then rode off to plunder Ethiopian territory before returning home. The explorer Richard Francis Burton tells a slightly different account, adding that Gelawdewos had been supervising the restoration of Debre Werq when he received a message from Emir Nur challenging him to combat. When the Emperor met the Emir, a priest warned that the angel Gabriel had told him Gelawdewos would needlessly risk his life—which caused most of the Ethiopian army to flee.

According to G. W. B. Huntingford, Gelawdewos' body was buried at Tadbaba Maryam near Sayint and his head, which was brought back to Ethiopia by some traders, was buried in Ensaqya (now in Antsokiyana Gemza) in the Tomb of Saint Gelawdewos.
Nigga was too scared to @ me

And again you gave a simple and obvious answer. Anyone with 2 cells in their brains knows that Somalis didn't fall under Abyssinian rule you realise they too had a dark age after the galla hordes.

The Ethiopians had a 300 year warring states period until the mid 1800s where Emperor Tewedros xooged everyone else and unified the state. The Abyssinians didn't win the war they lost too. Their Emperor Galewedros also got packed and beheaded by the successor of Imam Ahmad, Emir Nur ibn Mujahid. In 1559.

If anything the Habasha got hit harder than us, they got conquered and xooged by Jihad and them swarmed by Gallas. Took them 300 years to simply recover a unified country under the Emperor again.
You Got Me Lol GIF by BrownSugarApp

You funny kid


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Bro they even put up a picture if some habashi man. They build churches and statues of menelik in Jigjiga too.

But if we built a mosque and statue of Ahmad Gurey in their backwater towns in Amhara...
The picture of the man they put up was apparently a "harari" that was infact a oromo larper that got absorbed.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Imam Ahmad was just going to a Habash town with a small army to collect taxes, when he got jumped by Portugess and Ethiopians. He nearly won that battle too had Portuguese knights not crept up on him and assassinated Amhad Gurey.

Bro shouldve just stayed put in Harar and sent some noble to collect taxes in the highlands.

His death really was the greatest butterfly effect
Ahmed gureys own ego became the undoing of him and also its crazy how the portugese had to kill him in the most cowardly way possible 😂


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Majority of "harari" today are amhara and galla larpers lol
It is rare to see an actual harari cause the ones I come across alwayd spout BS of them preferring to be under ethiopia its def larpers cause no way in hell would you capture a larper saying that 😂


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Portuguese knights of all, not even regulars. 😂😂
:russ: They were salty cause their leader got smoked and they seeked revenge but they knew they couldnt beat him face to face so they snuck up like the cowards they are 😂


:russ: They were salty cause their leader got smoked and they seekes revenge but they knew they couldnt beat him face to face so they snuck up like the cowards they are 😂
He didn't even have a full fighting force the man just brought a small regiment to collect taxes in the Highlands and still nearly packed tbe Portuguese & Ethiopian Armies that caught him by surprise. Nigga was a real one walahi


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
He didn't even have a full fighting force the man just brought a small regiment to collect taxes in the Highlands and still nearly packed tbe Portuguese & Ethiopian Armies that caught him by surprise. Nigga was a real one walahi
If he didnt die sudan, yemen, ethiopia and the rest would be speaking somali rn.
So much is yet to be excavated or discovered

Flipping conspiracy nut Joe Rogan is not a good source for anything.

If you reverse image search that image you will find a description of this:

After 3 years...It's finally finished! A mapping of 171.667 archaeological structures (mainly funerary and religious) covering 423000 km2 of the North-East Horn of Africa (a total of 4 countries

It's just a survey of funeral mounds. People burying their dead, that's why its all over the place.

Gareen? Do you mean Ajuraan? How come people dont think Ajuraan exists?

Gareen was the name of the imperial family much like Walashma & Sa'ad Din .

Ajuuran was not what they called the state, it was a local nickname for taxing administrators that levy taxation from the populous and coordinating labour. It comes from the Arabic word Ashuur (Taxation) = Ashuuran basically.

It's similar to what is described in Futuh in these passages:

Then the emirs and the sultan replied, motivated by fear of the imam Ahmad,
may the Most High God have mcrcy upon him, ‘We agree with what you have said
to us about this matter, and we will not oppose you.' Thereupon the imam Ahmad

sent one of his administrative officers to the [better off] people of the country, to
the cattle owners and to the farmers, to collect the alms tax from them.

Other times it's not just administrative officers that are sent out to collect tax. You read Imam Ahmed coordinating agricultural production directly:

The storyteller; may God have mcrcy upon him, says: So the Qur’anic teacher Abu Bakr reached the imam Ahmad who was in Zarba, sitting and giving commands to agricultural workers, ‘Do this and do that'. He knew nothing [of this matter] and had heard no news. Then the Qur'anic teacher Abu Bakr handed over their letter, and he read it and understood its contents. The imam then said to the Qur'anic teacher Abu Bakr. ‘Return to them and tell them that what they want is vile, but let them do what they desire. I shall leave the country to them/

Locals didn't call their state Awdal or Mogadishu either, those were name of cheif commercial cities that outsiders knew them through. Their administrative capitals where centered somewhere else.
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If anyone else has questions about the period, and don't want to wank around with exaggerations, reaches and misinformation , like the post above me and throughout this thread.

Feel free to ask me whenever.


If anyone else has questions about the period, and don't want to wank around with exaggerations, reaches and misinformation , like the post above me and throughout this thread.

Feel free to ask me whenever.
My bad I forgot somalis were only a rump state that traded with civilised Arabian Omanis and European empires who xooged us at any given moment.

Did you really take my post to be literal?? Walashma already lost control of the state to Ahmad gurey in reality