The Unspoken Obession with Horn of African features

70-80 of the ancestry is shared between Nilotics and our ancestral east african ancestors. They have about 30 West African related ancestry that we lack. We share the bulk of our ancestry and share common ancestors, it's pretty much a sister to the ancestors of nilotics.
Our East African component also lacks the Niger Congo found among modern Nilotic populations.
Yep pretty accurate. There are also depictions of our ancestral east african ancestors or at least, people related to them. It seems, our facial structure seem to have been inherited from our MENA ancestors
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What exactly did they use for this reconstruction, do you have the source out of interest?

I find it a bit hard to believe. How would our features develop if both our ancestral components (Natufian like and North East African) had such robust builds with a more broad facial features?
Our East African component also lacks the Niger Congo found among modern Nilotic populations.

What exactly did they use for this reconstruction, do you have the source out of interest?

I find it a bit hard to believe. How would our features develop if both our ancestral components (Natufian like and North East African) had such robust builds with a more broad facial features?
The reconstruction is based on the skulls found in Wadi Halfa. You see, prehistoric populations were far more robust than modern populations you'll find this trait in every single human population during those periods. It's likely that our Natufian-like ancestors had much more smaller noses or developed such traits.

Broad facial features are something that was the norm for african populations if you see reconstructions of the ancestral north africans they also had broad facial features. It's a mixture of environment and the lack of eurasian admixture, eurasian populations developed such traits due to living in their enviroments for tens of thousands of years as well as adding on random mutations such as skin tone.
In our Amero-centric world, the perception of "whiteness" as the epitome of beauty is primarily a mental construct. While it may not be explicitly stated, dating data suggests a preference among black men and individuals of various races for white women over their own. This establishes a hierarchy where white people are considered the pinnacle, and black women are perceived as the opposite. Consequently, other races are evaluated based on their proximity to whiteness. For black individuals, conforming to certain beauty standards, such as hair texture resembling that of white individuals, is often seen as a natural progression on the path towards achieving societal ideals associated with whiteness.
:ftw9nwa: I came across this video which was randomly suggested on YT. About the obsession with the Horn of African phenotype. What are your thoughts?

:deadrose: I told you we don't need to speak to get mentioned. It happens organically.
I left some comment to set things straight. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
It's a very common misconception which is uttered to no end. I'm sure Somali armchair geneticists will make that clarification in the comments. I think the point stands. That the obsession is real. Skimming the comments I saw someone coin the term 🤣 "Ancient Multigenerationally Mixed" (AMA). One remarked that we often marry each other to keep the features alive. Otherwise they'll disappear. Something to that effect.
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They are not much different from other Africans, because they do not mix with the ethnic Saudis, but they have the same rights as them.
Omg I found out it was kind of taboo of black Saudi and ethnic Saudis marrying together
Omg I found out it was kind of taboo of black Saudi and ethnic Saudis marrying together
It may happen that a man marries an ethnic Saudi woman, but it is also rare. At the same time, they are the sporting face of the country, and the most famous singers are their category, and no one surpasses them in this regard. They have their rights with the same degree of citizenship, and the majority have an excellent income.
It may happen that a man marries an ethnic Saudi woman, but it is also rare. At the same time, they are the sporting face of the country, and the most famous singers are their category, and no one surpasses them in this regard. They have their rights with the same degree of citizenship, and the majority have an excellent income.
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There are two types of Africans who have nationality:
1- Descendants of slaves or “mawali” were brought by tribal sheikhs, and during the reign of King Faisal they were given citizenship and were also given the lineage of the Arab tribe to which he was a slave, meaning you will see an African Saudi whose tribe is Arab and you will know directly that they are descendants of slaves or “mawali”
2- Africans who took refuge in Mecca and Hijaz in the past and lived there and were given citizenship for this reason


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
The idea of Horners having slim noses, small lips, and loose hair is interesting. Completely false, but interesting nonetheless.
Someone corrected with. "Ancient". Lol.

I think we have different experiences IRL.
Threatening to kill people? I'll assume he's unstable.

In North America the experience is very different.

Lol. I heard the opposite. Small nose, wavy hair, dark skin and African is Somali 9 times out of 10. Those with no experience with Somalis are the ones suprised. Though I could see how the remark was off putting.
I’m pretty light skinned with a kinkier hair texture but not as kinky as most madows (I have 3c-4a) and I’ve been asked if I was half white…lmao. I look straight up horner too. I understand mistaking me for habesha but half black/half white is reaching.

People get very confused by horn African features when they’re not familiar with us


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