Things are getting spicy in Amhara region

Do you know what I find Funny this Tigrayan thinking buck broken TPLF and defunct ONLF have any weight anymore seems like ur still living in 2021
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Amhara and Oromo are both enemies the former are Ethiopian Nationalist their threat towards Somalis mainly comes from demographic changes in big cities and imposing their culture on everyone since they belive Ethiopians can live in every inch of Ethiopia not to mention also the massacres of Amhara muslims last year in Gondar by them.

Recent However their is a growing Amhara Ethno- Nationalist movement radicalised by the oromo killings very small and mainly diaspora tho I think
if anything I see the Tigrayan as the lesser evil than both due to their small population Ethnic Federalism ensures their Rights.

whilst It seems Oromos don't mind Centralisim as long as their at the helm as seen by the recent moves by Abiy in which the Oromo Opposition parties like Jawar mohammed a Federalist did not condemn the move.
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Based on the maps, population, and current politics, aren’t the Oromos the biggest threat as they border native Somali lands? It doesn’t help that their current region cuts through many ethnic groups—looks as if they are swallowing the neighboring minority ethnic groups.
Based on the maps, population, and current politics, aren’t the Oromos the biggest threat as they border native Somali lands? It doesn’t help that their current region cuts through many ethnic groups—looks as if they are swallowing the neighboring minority ethnic groups.
yh they are
Based on the maps, population, and current politics, aren’t the Oromos the biggest threat as they border native Somali lands? It doesn’t help that their current region cuts through many ethnic groups—looks as if they are swallowing the neighboring minority ethnic groups.
Oromos feud with Somalis over a few villages inhabited by confused flipflopping clans, Amharas want to Amharize and enslave everyone in Eastern Africa it’s not a debate.
This is sheer lunacy; why can't African Countries maintain some semblance of peace and order?

I can't speak for other countries, but in the case of Ethiopia, there're no genuine will from the top leaders to ensure long term peace and stability, at least not in practice that doesn't contradict with their promises. Everyone in Addis want to rule without consideration of its people, which result in people revolting just to have their voice heard. Not as a first choice, but when peaceful demonstrations are limited/prohibited/answered with bullets, people turn to taking up arms.

Just look at the past 30 years, the four largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia have been involved in some form of conflict with the state, even lasting decades: Oromos, Tigrayans, Somalis and Amharas. The gov't always talks about creating a national dialogue to solve issues through mutual understanding, but it never materializes because it goes against their own interest. The same cycle continues over and over again, with no end date.

Until they respect the people they're supposed to represent, which can also happen without 'democracy', it will never lead to permanent peace. Some militant groups will also take advantage of these instability to push their own agenda, but overall most people just want peace.
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So after this Amhara civil war finish in 3 or 5 years who will be next ethnic group that Ethiopia will target? Perhaps Oromo?
how the f*ck is Ethiopia government doesn’t collapse is hella confusing to me 😂

