War in Sool


True Puntlander
It's very sad.

But Puntland built the Federal Government using Bosaso's funding and today, we have two Ports. Alhamdulilah, Harti has wealth, Koombe has wealth. In fact, the merchant tribe of Cabdi Koombe aka Jambeel Koombe is trying to jump in also.
The Habro triad are already upset and they were being beat up by the baby of the family for over 20 days. I can't wait until for the Garaads to give the green light so that afka inaa laga garaaco sadexda habro oo asaasaqay.
Habroo wan garcaani 2004 in oog. It seems they need another karbash :westbrookswag:

Ximan iyo Xadeed

No one is fantasizing. I just think you made a miscalculation. Look, Awdal has mostly raised money for its own development projects. What has SL really done for them in the grand scheme? Stewing over Somalia not building you a road or investing in a port. Cannot eclipse the fact that you came up empty in the past 30 years. No roads built to Djibouti and Zelia and no port to speak of. In fact, SL sidelined a road from DJ to Borama many times. Your taxes go to SL and pebbles come back in the form of reinvestment. Prior to the debacle in LA you had Reer Borama get double the property taxes at gun point by uniformed men sent from Hargeysa. Please thank IIahi and the Dhulbahante for their bravery and in creating a diversion. Because without them your people might have been forced to overpay red eyed moryaan but with cripping khat addictions.

I hope you come around. Instead of feeling sorrowful about a Somalia that no longer exists. In this new political climate you can have more say and sway as a semi-independent province in a recognized country where your taxes actually fund you. Contrary to what you may think we Samaroon don't have a Pollyana view of Mogadishu as you are portraying. We merely believe in fairness and justice.

I wish Laascaanood well. You may count on them for political support in the future.​
Samaroon should look after their own interests never settle for being followers but I'm gonna say wait it out until you get a complete consensus from what I'm saying Samaroon are divided between pro-Awdal and pro-SL.
Isaaq waligood daarood kuma gaarayaan gobnimada- waa loo dhashdaa taas..

Reer hawiyena tar tartiib ayay u ogaanayaan in aanu ayaga shacab ahaan aana dagaal kula jirin ee siyaasad aan isku haysano- taasna ayaga kaliya ma ahane - anaka dhexdeena xataa taas waan isku haysanaa.. iska daa darood ee cumar maxamuud ahaan ayaan isku haysanaa waana caadi..

laakiin isaaq gobonimadeeda ka wareyso hawiyaha hargeysa iyo burco ku soo noolaaday sidii loola dhaqmay..

irirnimadu waa awrkacsi


Reer hawiyena tar tartiib ayay u ogaanayaan in aanu ayaga shacab ahaan aana dagaal kula jirin ee siyaasad aan isku haysano- taasna ayaga kaliya ma ahane - anaka dhexdeena xataa taas waan isku haysanaa.. iska daa darood ee cumar maxamuud ahaan ayaan isku haysanaa waana caadi..

laakiin isaaq gobonimadeeda ka wareyso hawiyaha hargeysa iyo burco ku soo noolaaday sidii loola dhaqmay..

irirnimadu waa awrkacsi

Their dreaming of HAGS attacking PL thru galkacyo and Dir(isaaq, samaroon, jabuti) movin from the north thru this 'irirism', their dreamers, even HAGS r not paying attention to their crap. The SFG loses significance, if SL as a territory splits doesn't cross their silly khat brains. Now their trying the 'dir' card lol.

Darawish r defending themselves not attacking any other clan in their land doesn't also cross their minds. Plus their restoring our borders which are the 'legal, recognized borders' not their 'fictional british borders', if they want british so much, let them go there.

My dad was chatting with morgan in PL, he said if Hartis would've backed him, these guys wouldn't be in hargeisa or burco today, they wud be in harshin refugee camps under Ogadens.



I do agree with you and Samaroon interests should be our primary objective. I just don't understand the obsession that some of our kinfolk have with Mogadishu. We are more impacted decisions made in Addis Ababa than ones made in Mogadishu. I just cannot stand the way they actually care about Somaliweyne so much when it never benefited us in anyway. Not one road nor any infrastructure was built in Awdal from 1960 to 1990. The only time we actually were able to see any sort of development was after the collapse of the Somali state. When we signed independence from the British we had our own region which was known as the Borama district and made up the borders of what is Awdal today and the representative responsiblefor the region was Haji Ibrahim. When we joined Somalia, they lumped us in with Hargeisa and Berbere districts and called us Waqooyi Galbeed. Somalia has alway been our worst enemy. I agree a future as an autonomous region within SL or outside doesn't bother me. I just don't want anything to do with Mogadishu as a set up to the way it was pre 1990. It was the worst 30 years ever and that's what many people fantasize about.


If these Irir want a 'war' we should finally give em one, at least thru that lesson, they will learn and not try their shit again with us. That's my philosophy, ppl learn after they get burnt. Let irir come together from djibouti-sl-awdal make ur push towards PL, let Hags do the same from the south. Then another war front will open with marehans(their gob if they know the shit is escalating to darod level) will march with JL ogadens to open a front on southern hawiye, then the mighty ogadens will be the 'decider' as they open up their fronts.

This Irirs are a joke wallahi, but sometimes the only way somalis learn is thru experience, let's give it to them is my policy, at least our future generation don't have to deal with their constant irir dreams and show them how they will be crushed.

95% of darods are nomadic base, their like HG but much 'larger' and spread out, where-as Jabuti-SL are urbanites my friend, that lowers the soldier quality, hags r farmers or urbanite base. Darods are simply going to win by any-one calculation.

Plus we didn't even tap into Mahrah State who will send huge 'hiil' from yemen, the ppl who will lose the most r Irir, where r they going to go, we can go to socotra under mahra state, we can go to east yemen.


No joke guys their isn't a single war post 91 that 'any' i mean 'any' darod clan started with irir, it's always the reverse and we assuming defence, they think the world is great scramble era, these ppl r the dumbest ppl and out-dated and never keep up with where the world is heading, their always going the opposite direction of humanity.


The only time a global scramble is going to happen is when super powers(veto nations) and security council members(weapon makers) leave the U.N and begin moving globally, creating new alliances geopolitically(securing laneways, security zones, securing energy sources, securing their critical trade partners), untill that happens, which isn't going to happen, why do these third worlders play third world politics, u can't do shit untill the top of 'card decks' begin to shuffle, once it does, then u can begin your scramble mentality, till then, work within the system that exist to achieve ur goals, it's better then no global system existing like prior to the U.N.


No joke guys their isn't a single war post 91 that 'any' i mean 'any' darod clan started with irir, it's always the reverse and we assuming defence, they think the world is great scramble era, these ppl r the dumbest ppl and out-dated and never keep up with where the world is heading, their always going the opposite direction of humanity.
R u being fr right now, siad barre is the cause of somalia demise


R u being fr right now, siad barre is the cause of somalia demise

Siyad was a govt exercising his national duty, do we now put to trial american govt for fighting confederate rebels or abi ahmed for fighting tigray? f*ck outta here bro, plus I said post 91, no darod clan has instigated or invaded any irir territory, u simply can't refute that, look over every conflict and tell me what PATTERN emerges


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