War in Sool

Oh Shite, this is an overkill. The Landers must be sharting their underpants, wishing they never picked a fight with Daraawiish.

I hear the latest batch of top snipers armed with rifles equipped with laser beams fesh from Garacad have arrived in Las Anod too.

The last time that Harti and Koombe were given a free ticket to paradise was Futuh Al Habesha. Now it's Futuh Bah Xabusheed.
Bucur Bucayr's crotch fruit must be forced to eat porcupine for the next 15 years.
The last time that Harti and Koombe were given a free ticket to paradise was Futuh Al Habesha. Now it's Futuh Bah Xabusheed.
Bucur Bucayr's crotch fruit must be forced to eat porcupine for the next 15 years.
Indeed ka daa, u yare tur, waa dadkeenna e.

Perhaps we should offer them 'xalwah & oodkac' after blooding their noses, in a bit of 'qab jabin', as a consolation.

I have seen some 'before' & 'after clips', and it was heartbreaking shite.
Indeed ka daa, u yare tur, waa dadkeenna e.

Perhaps we should offer them 'xalwah & oodkac' after blooding their noses, in a bit of 'qab jabin', as a consolation.

I have seen some 'before' & 'after clips', and it was heartbreaking shite.

If it was a skirmish between tribes over grazing land then yes, oodkac and kaftan can be had after blood money is paid. But this is something else altogether. I have seen images that will never leave my mind. Nacalad ha ku dhacdo dadkaan.
If it was a skirmish between tribes over grazing land then yes, oodkac and kaftan can be had after blood money is paid. But this is something else altogether. I have seen images that will never leave my mind. Nacalad ha ku dhacdo dadkaan.
I agree. I had multiple conversations with displaced civilians, and wounded fighters, incl. relatives - an aunt who lost 2 of her kids in the shelling, said in the most calm and collected voice in her final words to me (am paraphrasing): 'Alle sharkood ha naga qabto, xaqqana ha tuso'.


It is unclear who made up those fake districts: Gar'adag, Badhan, and Dahar?. Since they are not among the three officially recognized districts in Sanaag by the central government. The recognized districts are Ceel Afweyne, Ceerigabo, and Las Khorey.
Badhan and Dhahar are legit districts since 1974. Gar'adag used to be the center for what is known as the El Afweyn district, but the district centre was relocated to El Afweyn town in 1976.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

It is unclear who made up those fake districts: Gar'adag, Badhan, and Dahar?. Since they are not among the three officially recognized districts in Sanaag by the central government. The recognized districts are Ceel Afweyne, Ceerigabo, and Las Khorey.
Its Badhan, Dhahar, Laasqoray, Ceerigaabo and Ceelafweyne Warsangeli live in 4.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Samaroon should look after their own interests never settle for being followers but I'm gonna say wait it out until you get a complete consensus from what I'm saying Samaroon are divided between pro-Awdal and pro-SL.
If we have to be honest I think those in favour of the project mostly want to grease their palms. It's short-term self-interest while sacrificing long-term benefits for the whole and true development opportunities in their area.​


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Boqor Buurmadow praises Darood and Dhulbahante calls them gob and says they dont harm journalists and innocent Isaaqs in Laascanod like Terra and Bakayle

He says Muse has done the opposite to isaaq dividing them further



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