War in Sool

How many people in this thread have visited Lascanod or have relatives there? It's a shame that needless killing is happening. Only good outcome from this whole event is that the residents of Lascanod can be governed by their own people and not some Somaliland lackey.

FBI Somalia

All reer badiyo people who drink from wells have these teeth, more minerals from well water causes their teeth to look this way. It's not unique to reer Burco.

Ximan iyo Xadeed

How many people in this thread have visited Lascanod or have relatives there? It's a shame that needless killing is happening. Only good outcome from this whole event is that the residents of Lascanod can be governed by their own people and not some Somaliland lackey.

FBI Somalia

All reer badiyo people who drink from wells have these teeth, more minerals from well water causes their teeth to look this way. It's not unique to reer Burco.
Reer Laascaanood are getting shelled in their own city and Bixi been lying through his teeth with the wada hadal nonsense, peace is paramount for reer Sool and inshallah they achieve it if SL wanted peace they should withdraw to Oog as the Garaads stated.
Not sure why you are stating something I did not agree/disagree with. I know Bixi is incompetent, this could have been resolved much better. SL should govern areas that want them. Somalia as whole would be better if people just minded their own business, a tough ask I know.
Hypocrisy of the highest level…

I remember that we collected money from all over Europe for the fire tht broke out in waheen…

I recall speaking to an Abgaal guy who mentioned that he is going to donate money but he won’t expect any form of abaal or gratitude β€œ tomorrow they’ll celebrate alshabaab bomb attack in Mogadishu whilst calling me qadaadweyn wanlaweyn iyo wax la mid ah..

They are United in destroying an antire cities peoples and their will to uphold their independence hope… isn’t tht hypocrisy…

ssc should not only defend themselves but also reer awdal this is waajiib…

I didn't give even one red cent to Hargeisa's market, and today I have zero regrets. That same market is the one funding the attacks on LaasCaanood. Until that triangle starts holding itself accountable, I don't see why Somalis should offer them anything.
By now it should be obvious to everyone that Isaaq came up with the organisation called Urur Samaale in the 1960s. They have always used multiple cards, to suit their own needs, but they don't offer any help to their supposed allies and 'relatives'. At the end of the day, it is up to their 'allies' to find some self-respect and some reliable and useful allies, instead of being allied with a toxic, terrorist entity.

If Iidooria was ever recognised, they would host enemy nations on purpose to spite Somalia. They would also amp up the terror attacks.
Update on the diplomatic manoeuvring:
- Negotiations, brokered by the US via Ethiopia, faltered with no clear direction,
- SL refused to remove its militias to Oog, and instead started bringing reinforcements to the front,
- SSC Commanders given the green light to remove SL militias from SSC territories,
- SSC Alliance poised.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Garxajis reporter exposes the Nazi like Hargeisa outpouring for their atrocities

@cow he also mentions antisadetism



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Reer Awdal going ham in Boorame hotel

That tiktok is interesting. One thing is for sure. :mjlol: Glad they are claiming Awdal State and being unapologetic.

We know the politricks the regime are playing to gain support for their unjustified war on LA civilians that are looking to restore their original boundaries.

The macro-qabil trump card doesn't work with us. Rarely has it in the past either. Since the Bermuda Boys are Arab in Abundance and Dir when it's Dire. :sass2:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Marehan elder Sugulle warns Idoor again after Faisal Ali Waraabe insulted MSB AUN he reminds Iidoor Siad Barre is not alive three times. Apparently Siyaad is still alive and is behind the SSC Revolution according to them :damn: :mjlaugh:

Update on the diplomatic manoeuvring:
- Negotiations, brokered by the US via Ethiopia, faltered with no clear direction,
- SL refused to remove its militias to Oog, and instead started bringing reinforcements to the front,
- SSC Commanders given the green light to remove SL militias from SSC territories,
- SSC Alliance poised.

Harti and Koombe are losers if they cannot permanently remove Iidooria. I said it.
They will never accept retreat or peace so let's scorch the earth.
Marehan elder Sugulle warns Idoor again after Faisal Ali Waraabe insulted MSB AUN he reminds Iidoor Siad Barre is not alive three times. Apparently Siyaad is still alive and is behind the SSC Revolution according to them :damn: :mjlaugh:

Marehan are not needed yet in the frontlines, but what you can do is get rid of the gorgorad bracelets in your deegaan and boycott Dhiigshiil. I saw people celebrating May 18th, Somaliland day aka maalinta qashinka, in Caabudwaaq. They are too comfortable so hit them where it really hurts.
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