Where are those BLM activists now?

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no I'm not. I'm a korean woman

I have seen your posts, especially the ones where you display qabyaalad. You are so clueless about qabiil yet you post about it often. It makes me wonder if you are really Somali or if you are just a cringey dhocil. I chose the former.
@Knowthyself doesn't care about BLM she just wants to bash Somali men.
Black people in America are discriminated against. If you are not racist, then why are black in Chicago having gang violence that was unheard of throughout their history? This is a manufactured problem obviously! The 3 letter organizations are pouring drugs and disgusting things into those neighborhoods.
When you talk about successful black people, they number under 10%.
Search about how black communities are the ones with lead-filled water supplies and then talk about how evil they are.

So, what happened to personal responsibility? What happened to pulling yourselves up by the bootstrap? Why are there so many black men and women who leave these hoods and end up leading successful lives through hard work and discipline? It's interesting how it's these same people who also tend to be the most conservative and republican of the black community.

Your typical BLM supporter vs a black conservative raised in the ghettos of South Chicago:

Notice how the BLM supporter and police hater is from the completely safe and quiet suburbs. This is why I would wish sometimes the police go on protest and every BLM supporter is airdropped in these communities. Then they will see the atrocities their own black "kings" and "queens" willingly and thoughtlessly commit against their communities. But I'm sure it was white supremacy that conditioned them to be that way. :francis:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
I'm not racist nor do I have hate in my heart BUT I'm no fool.

I've been robbed before, I've been beat up, and jumped for no reason. Every single instance was AAs. This new breed is dangerous and has no regard for human life. Older AAs and the ones from stable two parent homes are not like them.



Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
So, what happened to personal responsibility? What happened to pulling yourselves up by the bootstrap? Why are there so many black men and women who leave these hoods and end up leading successful lives through hard work and discipline? It's interesting how it's these same people who also tend to be the most conservative and republican of the black community.

Your typical BLM supporter vs a black conservative raised in the ghettos of South Chicago:

Notice how the BLM supporter and police hater is from the completely safe and quiet suburbs. This is why I would wish sometimes the police go on protest and every BLM supporter is airdropped in these communities. Then they will see the atrocities their own black "kings" and "queens" willingly and thoughtlessly commit against their communities. But I'm sure it was white supremacy that conditioned them to be that way. :francis:
Do you really want to debate if black people are oppressed in America... I hope you're not that crazy. Because if you want a debate I will destroy you in every category:
  • Black Schools
  • Black Neighborhoods
  • Drugs
  • Prison
  • Jail sentences
  • Judiciary System
  • Police Brutality
  • Doctors
  • Leasing
  • Economics
  • Crime

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Do you really want to debate if black people are oppressed in America... I hope you're not that crazy. Because if you want a debate I will destroy you in every category:
  • Black Schools
  • Black Neighborhoods
  • Drugs
  • Prison
  • Jail sentences
  • Judiciary System
  • Police Brutality
  • Doctors
  • Leasing
  • Economics
  • Crime
I live in America. 9/11 on your list is self induced. You can't tell me what I see out my windows everyday! Horse shit for a list.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
I live in America. 9/11 on your list is self induced. You can't tell me what I see out my windows everyday!
  • Are underfunded schools their fault?
  • Are drugs that are being imported into their neighborhoods their fault?
  • Even though white people commit 63% of crimes, prisons are filled with blacks. (In America, prisoners are slaves)
  • The war on drugs was made to destabilize their communities. (That's why there are no fathers)
  • They receive on average higher prison sentences than their white counterparts.
  • They have to pay higher prices for houses.
I can go on and on, but you get the point.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
  • Are underfunded schools their fault?
  • Are drugs that are being imported into their neighborhoods their fault?
  • Even though white people commit 63% of crimes, prisons are filled with blacks. (In America, prisoners are slaves)
  • The war on drugs was made to destabilize their communities. (That's why there are no fathers)
  • They receive on average higher prison sentences than their white counterparts.
  • They have to pay higher prices for houses.
I can go on and on, but you get the point.

1. Yes. Schools are a product of the local tax base. Most AA community's have terrible tax base. Duh.

2. Yes. Most drug dealers are from the community they poison. Another obvious.

3. Stupid argument. Just because white man gets caught less doesn't make it right that crime and criminal activities are occurring at current rates in the AA community. Childish argument.

4. War on Drugs was terrible for everyone involved including law enforcement. Look at how the Chinese turned from a nation of addicts to a world power. They don't blame white man or British. Again childish as f*ck.

5. Why even commit the crime? Sentencing disparity is just disparity. Disparity wouldn't occur if less youth AAs were committing crimes.

6. False. Price is very much related to credit worthiness and wealth. AAs don't have a culture that values building wealth and credit. Another obvious.

Stick to British issues sis.

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

Los Angeles:

Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city's population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

New York:

Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, "blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties."
  • Are underfunded schools their fault?
  • Are drugs that are being imported into their neighborhoods their fault?
  • Even though white people commit 63% of crimes, prisons are filled with blacks. (In America, prisoners are slaves)
  • The war on drugs was made to destabilize their communities. (That's why there are no fathers)
  • They receive on average higher prison sentences than their white counterparts.
  • They have to pay higher prices for houses.
I can go on and on, but you get the point.

Your handicapped. The blacks in prison deserve to be there, because they are criminals.

This is according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, as well as this 1985 study:

“Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among black Americans cannot be denied,” wrote James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their classic 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature.” “Every study of crime using official data shows blacks to be overrepresented among persons arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for street crimes.” This was true decades before the authors put it to paper, and it remains the case decades later.

“The overrepresentation of blacks among arrested persons persists throughout the criminal justice system,” wrote Wilson and Herrnstein. “Though prosecutors and judges may well make discriminatory judgments, such decisions do not account for more than a small fraction of the overrepresentation of blacks in prison.”
So, what happened to personal responsibility? What happened to pulling yourselves up by the bootstrap? Why are there so many black men and women who leave these hoods and end up leading successful lives through hard work and discipline? It's interesting how it's these same people who also tend to be the most conservative and republican of the black community.

Your typical BLM supporter vs a black conservative raised in the ghettos of South Chicago:

Notice how the BLM supporter and police hater is from the completely safe and quiet suburbs. This is why I would wish sometimes the police go on protest and every BLM supporter is airdropped in these communities. Then they will see the atrocities their own black "kings" and "queens" willingly and thoughtlessly commit against their communities. But I'm sure it was white supremacy that conditioned them to be that way. :francis:
but (assuming your even somali) you can use the same argument on us. why can't we pull ourselves by the boot straps and heal our community out here in canada? why is there so much gang violence? simple, we are victims of circumstance. When you in the hood and your surrounded by gang banging, drugs, prostitution etc. your bound to fall in that pit (it starts at a very young age). when you age out of that mentality its already too late, its kill or be killed. your lucky enough to never see a world like that but these people aren't. "pull yourself by the bootstraps" is WAAAAAAAY easier said then done. when you have no access to proper education and your schools are run down pulling yourself up by the boot straps is near impossible.
Why are blacks mainly criminals?

"In 2013, over 72 percent of blacks were born out of wedlock. In Cook County –which Chicago belongs to – 79 percent of blacks were born to single mothers in 2003, while only 15 percent of whites were born to single mothers.

"Until that gap closes, the crime gap won't close, either," writes Mac Donald.

They have no dad. They are bastards.

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

Los Angeles:

Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city's population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

New York:

Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, "blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties."
Thomas Sowell points out, before the 1960s "most black children were raised in two-parent families."

Blacks today are more reprehensible than they've ever been.

The civil rights movement was the biggest mistake that America made.


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
1. Yes. Schools are a product of the local tax base. Most AA community's have terrible tax base. Duh.

2. Yes. Most drug dealers are from the community they poison. Another obvious.

3. Stupid argument. Just because white man gets caught less doesn't make it right that crime and criminal activities are occurring at current rates in the AA community. Childish argument.

4. War on Drugs was terrible for everyone involved including law enforcement. Look at how the Chinese turned from a nation of addicts to a world power. They don't blame white man or British. Again childish as f*ck.

5. Why even commit the crime? Sentencing disparity is just disparity. Disparity wouldn't occur if less youth AAs were committing crimes.

6. False. Price is very much related to credit worthiness and wealth. AAs don't have a culture that values building wealth and credit. Another obvious.

Stick to British issues sis.
I am in disbelief.
1. Public schools are not allowed to be underfunded. They are state owned. Broken ceiling, lockers, door, ripped books and much more make school less interesting for students.
When the government doesn't care about you, you turn to crime and violence.

2. Drugs are imported by the C 1 A. There are countless articles proving that. How are there more cops in a neighborhood for 20+ years but there is still more crime? That means the cops are accomplices to this system.

3. White people are arrested 63% of the time. But they are let go with a slap on the wrist while blacks go to prison for life for stealing 30$ worth of candy.


4. War on drugs was meant to affect the black communities, plain and simple.
Aide says Nixon's war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies

5. When you are in poverty crime skyrockets. Look at African countries, all of them have a humongous amount of crime and corruption.

6. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/02/blacks-hispanics-mortgages/471024/

I have to go somewhere. I will reply after 2 hours.

"There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups."

Rubenstein, The Color of Crime
More statistics:

"In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race."
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