Who will be the next Somali president?

Who would you like to be the next president?

what do you guys think of Hassan Ali Khaire?

What about Said Abdullahi Deni?

I am not fully aware of the political climate in Somalia.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Said Abdullahi Demi would be a good option. He has done good in his time as president of Somalia. Maybe he could do the same for the rest of Somalia.

I believe Farmaajo has a big chance of returning as well. If he plays his cards right.

Especially with the fact that many of the federal states, are against HSM. Laftagareen which is a Farmaajo/NN asset is still president of sws and is on route to get re elected.
Said Abdullahi Demi would be a good option. He has done good in his time as president of Somalia. Maybe he could do the same for the rest of Somalia.

I believe Farmaajo has a big chance of returning as well. If he plays his cards right.

Especially with the fact that many of the federal states, are against HSM. Laftagareen which is a Farmaajo/NN asset is still president of sws and is on route to get re elected.
What is the likelihood of HSM or Khaire getting a chance ?
Honestly I don't think HSM has a chance of returning. I mean how likely is it to get 3 recurring presidency. Kheyre is probably likely though
How can someone with dual citizenship become the president of a country. It's embarrassing walahi🙆‍♂️ Somalia must be the only country in such a situation
How can someone with dual citizenship become the president of a country. It's embarrassing walahi🙆‍♂️ Somalia must be the only country in such a situation
I’m assuming you’re talking about Kheyre right? Either way I agree with you. As a president you’re not really displaying much confidence in being able to develop your country if you’re still carrying your western passport around. It’s almost like they’re one of those criminals in those movies who has a stash of cash and fake passports ready in case everything goes to shit and they have to make a run for it lol
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The IC is willing to work with Kheyre. They won’t work with anyone else unfortunately.

- Debt relief
- Arms embargo
- Build the army and helped pay their salaries as well as government departments via his international partners
- Build stadium mogadishu via his international partners
- Build national theatre
- funded the maritime case via his International partners.
- Has no ties with UAE/Qatar instead has ties with Norway/ Brussels and Russia

The list is endless! He is literally the only one qualified as he has graduated from 🇳🇴
The IC is willing to work with Kheyre. They won’t work with anyone else unfortunately.

- Debt relief
- Arms embargo
- Build the army and helped pay their salaries as well as government departments via his international partners
- Build stadium mogadishu via his international partners
- Build national theatre
- funded the maritime case via his International partners.
- Has no ties with UAE/Qatar instead has ties with Norway/ Brussels and Russia

The list is endless! He is literally the only one qualified as he has graduated from 🇳🇴
I don't know much about him, but I am impressed every time I see his speech. It is clear that he is a patriot and loves Somalia. I hope he will run for president.
I don't know much about him, but I am impressed every time I see his speech. It is clear that he is a patriot and loves Somalia. I hope he will run for president.

All the young Somalis under 40 love him but unfortunately they don’t have the power to vote for him. This is him 12 years ago helping his Somali brothers in Galkacyo. He spend many years working for his nation. The IC love him because he worked with them for many years and is known to articulate himself well and has 0 corruption.

All the young Somalis under 40 love him but unfortunately they don’t have the power to vote for him. This is him 12 years ago helping his Somali brothers in Galkacyo. He spend many years working for his nation. The IC love him because he worked with them for many years and is known to articulate himself well and has 0 corruption.

In your opinion, is there a chance to run for president? Also, how long until the elections start?


The IC is willing to work with Kheyre. They won’t work with anyone else unfortunately.

- Debt relief
- Arms embargo
- Build the army and helped pay their salaries as well as government departments via his international partners
- Build stadium mogadishu via his international partners
- Build national theatre
- funded the maritime case via his International partners.
- Has no ties with UAE/Qatar instead has ties with Norway/ Brussels and Russia

The list is endless! He is literally the only one qualified as he has graduated from 🇳🇴

Lol your one funny dude. Shameless but funny