Why a certain community wishes to expand to the Green Valleys of Hiiraan from the dry red sands of Western Galgaduud.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
So your telling me MSB told Mahdi and Caaydiid to duke it out in Mogadishu.
MSB be having superpowers bro.
Ali Mahdi and Caydiid are responsible for the battle that happened between them, but what drove them and all the others to this point were the actions of Muhammad Siad Barre. Had he listened to the portfolio group and genuinely left all public office things would’ve been different.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
"The wealth that was turned into hantiwadaag that was looted and empowered with Boons like your clan."

What wealth show me what he took from you.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
"The wealth that was turned into hantiwadaag that was looted and empowered with Boons like your clan."

What wealth show me what he took from you.
The only communities that can have grievances about state ownership of properties in Xamar were the real landowners from pre-independence: the Reer Mataan, sections of the Murursade, and the Barwaanis.
Brother your being very hypocritical right now. XL Made a huge portion of Aideed troops ( second after hg) everyone knows this. You can’t get onto hg for aideed when your clan massively fought under him and supported him. This isn’t my beef to get involved but it just doesn’t look right
As an XL myself, I have to agree with you on this. That was the first mistake XL ever did. Do you think we are going to fall for that trap again aka Badbaado Qaran :gucciwhat:

We regret giving Aidid a base in Hiiraan and our lands in Farjano DDS. We regret everything, it was XL fault, they should have started the war on HG the day they fell out with Abgaal instead of falling into 2 groups and saying “Caydiid Gar leh Cali Gar leh” wtf. They had the chance but they didn’t take it because since HG started a war with Abgaal and Murusade it was obvious XL was next. They did a cheap shot but you know there is no rules in War. XL should have started it first instead of waiting for HG. Today we would have controlled both Hiiraan (which we do) and “Southern Mogadishu” (our stronghold pre 1994) we will be back tho.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
The only communities that can have grievances about state ownership of properties in Xamar were the real landowners from pre-independence: the Reer Mataan, sections of the Murursade, and the Barwaanis.

One day they will be the victims the next day the proud oppressors.
So you are telling me XLS attacked Hiran with HGS? Well mercenaries have existed and still exists to this day, and I am not denying one or two wecel xl being with uncivilised people, but XL has never supported that guy and that was the reason he attacked Hiran. Are you talking about the initial union( USC) which was Hawiye rebel.
No, he isn’t saying that but he is saying we contributed to the USC Aidid led being the majority clan. But the red eyed Iljeex that raided Hiiraan was not USC but their so called successor called Salbalaar Government lol. Alx we destroyed it


No, he isn’t saying that but he is saying we contributed to the USC Aidid led being the majority clan. But the red eyed Iljeex that raided Hiiraan was not USC but their so called successor called Salbalaar Government lol. Alx we destroyed it
aidid beefed his allies. beefed hawadle. beefed rahanweyn and invaded them. :mindblown:
I find it funny that XL think writing threads against us will help them. You can do niiko for the daarood all you want the reality on the ground will stay the same.

taariikh wax kama ogidee aan maanta ku baro dadkaad la ficiltamee ii meel ay kaa soo kacsheen iyo maanta meel ay joogaan. you think we came to the deegaano as magan iyo soo dhoweyn?
hoo taariikhdaan fuuq fuuqso

'Maanta Goofado ayaan fadhaa ganuun biyaana ka dhiibi maa'
waxii xigay odaygaan hanoo sheego oo deegaanka joogo
for reference here is goofado, ON TOP OF MATABAAN.
Screenshot (58).png

from Goofado today xabadu waxey taagan tahay Bacda iyo beergadiid iyo teedaan iyo maxaas where 50 years ago nafar Cayr ah ma joogin.
Here is Gen Mascuud in Teedaan doing heshiis beeleed between Habaraji and XL in 2020!!

Here is the Habarji minister in GM talking about how HG freed their Hiiraan degaans.
Screenshot (62).png


for reference here is teedaan my fren' compare it to the location of Goofado and you will have a rough understanding of what you're dealing with.
Screenshot (60).png

maxaas, Beergadiid Bacda iyo coomaad.

The expansion and Karbaash continues, XL oo bacda lagu xasuuqay anoo 50 sano ka hor Goofado meel u dhaafsiisaneyn.

I am actively expanding :ftw9nwa:

for reference here is coomaad and bacda
Screenshot (59).png

I'm karbaashing you 60KM south of matabaan beyond beergadiid near your biggest magaalo Beledweyne and you want to act tough on sspot today?

XLow intaan oo aan kaa kachey dhib la'aan oo maanta xoog ku heesto anigoo hiiraan boqol sano ka hor joogin miyaa afka igu soo taage? it is clear nabad la'aanta cida ay u daran tahay and who needs peace. NINKII CAYR LA MAAGANA CAATADAAN U BISLAANO MAAHMAAH WEEYE CAANOO, CAAN AHOO CUSLEEDO. Compare goofado to meesha aan maanta heest0:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:
Screenshot (61).png

Maxaas heshiis
P.S this isn't even inclusive of the wells I removed them from in Galgaduud 150 years ago such as Dabbare and Daadaale till lebi duule.
Cabdille Guure markuu dhahaaye 'Gacan webi(XL jufo) iyo reer tolkey(Yabadhalo) miyeey dabarre daraadeed isugu gaaloobeen?' ma waxaa moode inaan magan aheyn?
@bidenkulaha @MenacingGeeljire @Starswarz1 don't let these XL faan for you Ceyr has them by the balls and expanding acively into their dhul.


  • Screenshot (58).png
    Screenshot (58).png
    256.2 KB · Views: 42

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
I find it funny that XL think writing threads against us will help them. You can do niiko for the daarood all you want the reality on the ground will stay the same.

taariikh wax kama ogidee aan maanta ku baro dadkaad la ficiltamee ii meel ay kaa soo kacsheen iyo maanta meel ay joogaan. you think we came to the deegaano as magan iyo soo dhoweyn?
hoo taariikhdaan fuuq fuuqso

'Maanta Goofado ayaan fadhaa ganuun biyaana ka dhiibi maa'
waxii xigay odaygaan hanoo sheego oo deegaanka joogo
for reference here is goofado, ON TOP OF MATABAAN.
View attachment 258572
from Goofado today xabadu waxey taagan tahay Bacda iyo beergadiid iyo teedaan iyo maxaas where 50 years ago nafar Cayr ah ma joogin.
Here is Gen Mascuud in Teedaan doing heshiis beeleed between Habaraji and XL in 2020!!

Here is the Habarji minister in GM talking about how HG freed their Hiiraan degaans.
View attachment 258573

for reference here is teedaan my fren' compare it to the location of Goofado and you will have a rough understanding of what you're dealing with.
View attachment 258575
maxaas, Beergadiid Bacda iyo coomaad.

The expansion and Karbaash continues, XL oo bacda lagu xasuuqay anoo 50 sano ka hor Goofado meel u dhaafsiisaneyn.

I am actively expanding :ftw9nwa:

for reference here is coomaad and bacda
View attachment 258576

I'm karbaashing you 60KM south of matabaan beyond beergadiid near your biggest magaalo Beledweyne and you want to act tough on sspot today?

XLow intaan oo aan kaa kachey dhib la'aan oo maanta xoog ku heesto anigoo hiiraan boqol sano ka hor joogin miyaa afka igu soo taage? it is clear nabad la'aanta cida ay u daran tahay and who needs peace. NINKII CAYR LA MAAGANA CAATADAAN U BISLAANO MAAHMAAH WEEYE CAANOO, CAAN AHOO CUSLEEDO. Compare goofado to meesha aan maanta heest0:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:View attachment 258577

Maxaas heshiis
P.S this isn't even inclusive of the wells I removed them from in Galgaduud 150 years ago such as Dabbare and Daadaale till lebi duule.
Cabdille Guure markuu dhahaaye 'Gacan webi(XL jufo) iyo reer tolkey(Yabadhalo) miyeey dabarre daraadeed isugu gaaloobeen?' ma waxaa moode inaan magan aheyn?
@bidenkulaha @MenacingGeeljire @Starswarz1 don't let these XL faan for you Ceyr has them by the balls and expanding acively into their dhul.
The way he is talking you would think he came from the 15th century.
Expanding Kulaha
Yes because Abgaal didn’t xasuuq every Darood in Xamar and Middle shabelle lol. Or Xawaadle didn’t just dump 1,000 innocent Ogaden into the river to be eaten alive/ drowned. Come on, be realistic. It was a war and if anything HG have been easier to live and trade with in the last few decades.

Aidid let go thousands of Darood prisoners under barre. There’s always example of human rights abuses but he became a figurehead and most disputes and power sharing were done by the clan elders. He continually called for his fighters to avoid any Darood killings but instead just fight faqash and their remnants.

Just say you you’re a clan who’s a victim of HG and move on.

You had Abgaal xasuuqing people in Madino and other parts, Plus the famous incident of XL throwing all the OG's in the river, During the Civil War you had everyone doing Madness from Syad Barre, USC, SNM, SPM ect they all committed crimes.

XL's Hate for Hg started when full-scale brawl between Xawaadle and Habar Gidir militias mostly between Eyr and Salabaan kicked off in Mogadishu, The Xawaadle were routed, losing their stronghold around the international airport " Came under EYR", Salabaan took the sea port, most Xawaadle then fled to parts of the city controlled by Ali Mahdi's forces or returned to their ancestral area towards Beled Weyne.

Shortly after there was a Habar Gidir offensive on Beled Weyne set up and funded by Osman Aato that drove the Xawaadle from their home town.

So i see where the hate comes from, But XL is acting like they own Hiraan same way Ogs are acting like they own Jubbaland,

Xawaadle live In Beletweyne
Cayr Live In Degmada Matabaan
Murusade live in Dagmada Ceelbuur
Abgaal live In Degmada Buulo Burte

People need to get their representation.


You had Abgaal xasuuqing people in Madino and other parts, Plus the famous incident of XL throwing all the OG's in the river, During the Civil War you had everyone doing Madness from Syad Barre, USC, SNM, SPM ect they all committed crimes.

XL's Hate for Hg started when full-scale brawl between Xawaadle and Habar Gidir militias mostly between Eyr and Salabaan kicked off in Mogadishu, The Xawaadle were routed, losing their stronghold around the international airport " Came under EYR", Salabaan took the sea port, most Xawaadle then fled to parts of the city controlled by Ali Mahdi's forces or returned to their ancestral area towards Beled Weyne.

Shortly after there was a Habar Gidir offensive on Beled Weyne set up and funded by Osman Aato that drove the Xawaadle from their home town.

So i see where the hate comes from, But XL is acting like they own Hiraan same way Ogs are acting like they own Jubbaland,

Xawaadle live In Beletweyne
Cayr Live In Degmada Matabaan
Murusade live in Dagmada Ceelbuur
Abgaal live In Degmada Buulo Burte

People need to get their representation.
So in effect they got it worse than other clans in Mogadishu that we thought. When we reached agreements with Abgaal and Murusade they returned to their neighbourhoods in the South. I can’t see why Xawadle who’ve literally not got any presence anywhere near Xamar and have Cayr encroaching on their land in Hiiraan would have such cuqdad!

I only realise how much hate people have for us after we speak politics lol
I find it funny that XL think writing threads against us will help them. You can do niiko for the daarood all you want the reality on the ground will stay the same.

taariikh wax kama ogidee aan maanta ku baro dadkaad la ficiltamee ii meel ay kaa soo kacsheen iyo maanta meel ay joogaan. you think we came to the deegaano as magan iyo soo dhoweyn?
hoo taariikhdaan fuuq fuuqso

'Maanta Goofado ayaan fadhaa ganuun biyaana ka dhiibi maa'
waxii xigay odaygaan hanoo sheego oo deegaanka joogo
for reference here is goofado, ON TOP OF MATABAAN.
View attachment 258572
from Goofado today xabadu waxey taagan tahay Bacda iyo beergadiid iyo teedaan iyo maxaas where 50 years ago nafar Cayr ah ma joogin.
Here is Gen Mascuud in Teedaan doing heshiis beeleed between Habaraji and XL in 2020!!

Here is the Habarji minister in GM talking about how HG freed their Hiiraan degaans.
View attachment 258573

for reference here is teedaan my fren' compare it to the location of Goofado and you will have a rough understanding of what you're dealing with.
View attachment 258575
maxaas, Beergadiid Bacda iyo coomaad.

The expansion and Karbaash continues, XL oo bacda lagu xasuuqay anoo 50 sano ka hor Goofado meel u dhaafsiisaneyn.

I am actively expanding :ftw9nwa:

for reference here is coomaad and bacda
View attachment 258576

I'm karbaashing you 60KM south of matabaan beyond beergadiid near your biggest magaalo Beledweyne and you want to act tough on sspot today?

XLow intaan oo aan kaa kachey dhib la'aan oo maanta xoog ku heesto anigoo hiiraan boqol sano ka hor joogin miyaa afka igu soo taage? it is clear nabad la'aanta cida ay u daran tahay and who needs peace. NINKII CAYR LA MAAGANA CAATADAAN U BISLAANO MAAHMAAH WEEYE CAANOO, CAAN AHOO CUSLEEDO. Compare goofado to meesha aan maanta heest0:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:View attachment 258577

Maxaas heshiis
P.S this isn't even inclusive of the wells I removed them from in Galgaduud 150 years ago such as Dabbare and Daadaale till lebi duule.
Cabdille Guure markuu dhahaaye 'Gacan webi(XL jufo) iyo reer tolkey(Yabadhalo) miyeey dabarre daraadeed isugu gaaloobeen?' ma waxaa moode inaan magan aheyn?
@bidenkulaha @MenacingGeeljire @Starswarz1 don't let these XL faan for you Ceyr has them by the balls and expanding acively into their dhul.
So you want a war? Bruh, you are just proving my point that HGS ARE cancer to the Somali existence, you all are uncivilised, even if we give you all the Somalis land, you will still keep fighting between you, Sacad vs saleeban vs Ceyr, coz you aren’t yet civilised, you all were laangaabs before 1990, and before colonisations, you all were under the great Macrobian Al majeertinia, while they even slaved you, the only Somali group that were enslaved were HGS. Today, you fight coz you want people to know, wlaahi if XL face you, you know, I didn’t say Xawaadle haddii wacad kaa reebin waran kaa reebimaa, so plz slow down, take the peace, everything happened happened, try to live normal Somali. Bismilaah.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
So i see where the hate comes from, But XL is acting like they own Hiraan same way Ogs are acting like they own Jubbaland,
This is true

Jubbland Unuka Leh
Marexan Waa Jubbaland
Jubbaland waa Marexan
for the most part.
You had Abgaal xasuuqing people in Madino and other parts, Plus the famous incident of XL throwing all the OG's in the river, During the Civil War you had everyone doing Madness from Syad Barre, USC, SNM, SPM ect they all committed crimes.

XL's Hate for Hg started when full-scale brawl between Xawaadle and Habar Gidir militias mostly between Eyr and Salabaan kicked off in Mogadishu, The Xawaadle were routed, losing their stronghold around the international airport " Came under EYR", Salabaan took the sea port, most Xawaadle then fled to parts of the city controlled by Ali Mahdi's forces or returned to their ancestral area towards Beled Weyne.

Shortly after there was a Habar Gidir offensive on Beled Weyne set up and funded by Osman Aato that drove the Xawaadle from their home town.

So i see where the hate comes from, But XL is acting like they own Hiraan same way Ogs are acting like they own Jubbaland,

Xawaadle live In Beletweyne
Cayr Live In Degmada Matabaan
Murusade live in Dagmada Ceelbuur
Abgaal live In Degmada Buulo Burte

People need to get their representation.
So in effect they got it worse than other clans in Mogadishu that we thought. When we reached agreements with Abgaal and Murusade they returned to their neighbourhoods in the South. I can’t see why Xawadle who’ve literally not got any presence anywhere near Xamar and have Cayr encroaching on their land in Hiiraan would have such cuqdad!

I only realise how much hate people have for us after we speak politics lol
Lol, nothing to hate on you, but every HGS NEED to be sent to rehabilitation centres, mad people, and I proved why I hate them and need to be stopped, wlaahi after Alshabab, we as XL we gonna have one and last war with HGS, to end your filthy one and last time, so that every Somali can live better, you all are a bunch of thugs and gangs. Everyone of you looks like Dinka, war somali maba tihiin

