Why so much hostility towards Somalis in the world ??

There comes a point in time where we must sit down and have this discussion with ourselves, maybe we are the problem. If everyone in the world hates Somalis, literally everyone, ask yourself why? Is it because they are jealous like some believe, or is it because of the actions of some Somalis? We should begin calling out the people who tarnish our name publicly instead of crying when foreigners show hatred towards us
true however there are some people that hate us unprovoked like how itnwas in the uk back in the day ....


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Jews hav4 fanbase in the millions while no one cares about us, we aren't a protected group is us against the world. Hopefully Somalia becomes peaceful so we can all move back.
the jews were in the same position
The girl has 1 million followers on tiktok and tons of fans. This tweet got 1k likes. Perspective is needed.

Anyways, nothing will happen in real life. You receive hate in real life? Answer is 100% not.
who's to say this won't affect somalis in secondary school? they are the most vulnerable group of ours.
the jews were in the same position
that was before social media. Plenty of time to organise and come together and jews are people who stick together while somalis aren't like that anymore, and remember in the eyes of cafaans we are black, dark while Jews are Whiteskin so have the white privilege on their belts
There’s a point where you realise Somalis in the homeland have a better reputation to ajnabi than the Somali “community” in London.

Any Somali with a degree there should make the move to Minnesota. It’s only going to get worse as this type of rhetoric is amplified by elons stormfront twitter
this hate is for somalis worldwide this is not excluded to somalis that only live in London.
Perhaps this is what is needed to unite our people and bring ceeb shaming back.

Social media in general has gotten very hateful recently. Especially Twitter ever since that South African took it over. People are far more bold to spew their hatred and we’re an easy target due to our weak government that can’t push back on these social media companies/negative stories, high visibility and of course being African and Muslim.

Also, madows in particular will go after racists and they will make sure they get fired or thrown out of school. But Somalis, despite having a massive presence online, don’t pursue this further and often times, ignore such posts. Only the so called incels respond. Yet the majority of Somalis on social media, tolerate the abuse as often times, they dissociate from the Somali label and either identify with their qabil, gender or being a Kpop fan etc first.

This guy is in the UK where they’re are strict anti racist speech laws but you won’t see Somalis mass reporting it while tagging the police.
Somalis, unlike Ethiopians or Eritreans, have the biggest mouths on planet Earth. That's why you'll see white people who know Somali words but they'll never know one word of Amharic or Oromo. We love attention whether it's bad or good. Main character syndrome!

We also have some of the worst social media accounts representing us, from woke morons to racist fascists.
Not true Jews don't look the same no one in the streets can point and say that's a jew unlike a somali lool
If you are talking about our appearance, yes we look unique but if you told someone that a person is a Jew they wouldn't know if they are Ashkenazi or Mizrahi, who are the vast the vast majority of Jews
If you are talking about our appearance, yes we look unique but if you told someone that a person is a Jew they wouldn't know if they are Ashkenazi or Mizrahi, who are the vast the vast majority of Jews
it don't matter people still can't point a jew out in the streets while they easily can identify a somali by a mile end of.


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