"You are what your father is" harassment online

@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

I really can’t take this newday guy seriously. Now he is arguing that cadcads yes, the Gibil cad probably have Paternal Somali origin. I beg that he says that to them and watch them laugh at him. We didn’t even need genetics to tell us this. The history of Xamar negates this as we know for a fact that Asiatic male traders came to our shores and set up trades and homes.

Somalis from Xamar know that those lot have a foreign paternal origin who have isolated themselves and married a few Somali women in the past here and there. Unlike the Carab Salax who have continously married ethnic Somalis, cadcad’s didn’t and on top of that many families never allowed their daughters to marry ethnic Somalis, hence how can @NewDayNewMan even believe such a people originate from Somali men when more then half wouldn’t even let him marry their daughters before the war?! Also, many Somalis wouldn’t feel comfortable with giving their daughters to them as well due to different customs hence they were not fully absorbed by Somalis. The ones with Somali haplogroups are the Gibil madow who are of mostly hawiye origin.

There is truth to Somali folktales.
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your logic:

"You can show me hundreds of identical samples but these few anecdotes I have disprove everything you said"

I talk in PERCENTAGES. Real data and numbers. PER CAPITA. when looking at PERCENTAGES j1/J2 IS A TINY MINORITY COMPARED TO E-V32 AND T-L208. Understand it yet? I feel like a parent telling explaining to their child how many apples Johnny has. I mean seriously how did you get past the 5th grade? Wallahi I'm asking this with genuine curiousity

I seriously cant believe someone can be this mentally slow. I mean seriously, I swear on my soul your are genuinely the least intelligent person I had a discussion with all week

At which point did I claim most Somalis carry foreign haplogroups. The point I was making, is that Somalis did adopt foreigners, Somalis did marry foreigners, and that's why we have foreign haplogroups in our nation. You are the one who appears to be mentally deficient, ranting, raving, insulting and clearly, lacking reading comprehension skills. Don't quote me again, you weirdo, as I will not even see your diatribe.

@π’π’šπ’’π’‚π’˜π’‚π’— π’Žπ’šπ’—π’—π’’

I really can’t take this newday guy seriously. Now he is arguing that cadcads yes, the Gibil cad probably have Paternal Somali origin. I beg that he says that to them and watch them laugh at him.

Somalis from Xamar know that those lot have a foreign paternal origin who have isolated themselves and married a few Somali women in the past here and there. That is why their customs are seen as strange and they were not fully absorbed by Somalis. The ones with Somali haplogroups are the Gibil madow who are of mostly hawiye origin.

There is truth to Somali folktales.

I placed that person on ignore. At no point did I even make the points he is writing essays in response to.

All I said was, and I maintain this point; Somalis are not 100% homogenous, their daughters did marry foreigners as did they and this is backed by cold, hard data.
Maybe in the west, but back home I can assure you no Somali man is worried about these things.

Of course there are decent guys, like the few new ones I see popping up with social media accounts who intend to counter the bizarre freak narrative. That said, we have to stop burying our heads in the sand, and acknowledge the sheer number of people who lack emotional intelligence in our community. Basic social skills baa ka maqan.

What we need is to have new subjects in our curriculums back home, that teach basic akhlaaq, and how to represent Somalis in the best light possible. The ones in the diaspora, ilaahay baa uu maqan, nothing we can do, but report their comments and make sure to respond to it, with a counter-narrative. We are all ambassadors of Somalia whether we like it or not.
Not all, there are decent guys, like the few new ones I see popping up with social media accounts who intend to counter the bizarre freak narrative. That said, we have to stop burying our heads in the sand, and acknowledge the sheer number of people who lack emotional intelligence in our community. Basic social skills baa ka maqan.

What we need is to have new subjects in our curriculums back home, that teach basic akhlaaq, and how to represent Somalis in the best light possible.
You are right, I have seen rude ciyaal suuq behaviour being praised as raganimo. That definitely has to stop.
I placed that person on ignore. At no point did I even make the points he is writing essays in response to.

All I said was, and I maintain this point; Somalis are not 100% homogenous, their daughters did marry foreigners as did they and this is backed by cold, hard data.
I know then he went on a tangent saying that cadcad aren’t homogeneous. We know this? We know their origins varies? You get ones who are more Indian, ones who are more Arab and now we’re finding that some hail from Uzbek? But during my time on this forum, I’ve never seen anyone suggest that cadcads apart from Gibil madow aren’t descendants of foreign Patriarchs, Cadcads will tell you this themselves. They know their male line isn’t Somali which is why you have many saying they’re not Somali, yet this weirdo is so obsessed with the idea of being β€˜cucked’ he is now lying about a group and saying they have Somali forefathers.

@NewDayNewMan if your whole premise is that all the different ethnicities you find in cadcads is via Somali male conquering that tells me you know nothing about the history of Xamar. It is a fact that male traders came and set up homes here who were even clients to the Ajuuran empire.


Plotting world domination
Of course there are decent guys, like the few new ones I see popping up with social media accounts who intend to counter the bizarre freak narrative. That said, we have to stop burying our heads in the sand, and acknowledge the sheer number of people who lack emotional intelligence in our community. Basic social skills baa ka maqan.

What we need is to have new subjects in our curriculums back home, that teach basic akhlaaq, and how to represent Somalis in the best light possible. The ones in the diaspora, ilaahay baa uu maqan, nothing we can do, but report their comments and make sure to respond to it, with a counter-narrative. We are all ambassadors of Somalia whether we like it or not.
You are right, I have seen rude ciyaal suuq behaviour being praised as raganimo. That definitely has to stop.
We're cooked. Red pill Losers like bum ass jiheeye and the manlet xaliye already have huge ass audience back home.
I know then he went on a tangent saying that cadcad aren’t homogeneous. We know this? We know their origins varies? You get ones who are more Indian, ones who are more Arab and now we’re finding that some hail from Uzbek? But during my time on this forum, I’ve never seen anyone suggest that cadcads apart from Gibil madow aren’t descendants of foreign Patriarchs, Cadcads will tell you this themselves. They know their male line isn’t Somali which is why you have many saying they’re not Somali, yet this weirdo is so obsessed with the idea of being β€˜cucked’ he is now lying about a group and saying they have Somali forefathers.

@NewDayNewMan if your whole premise is that all the different ethnicities you find in cadcads is via Somali male conquering that tells me you know nothing about the history of Xamar.

This nonsense right here, soo maaha? Never in my life, have I seen someone try to claim that CadCads have Somali paternal lineage. But he has the nerve to try to act like I am the one with issues.

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They probably even believe that Hawa AS, the wife of Adam AS was 'conquered' by Adam. All marriage is clearly seen as conquering and defilement of women. That's why you see freaks on here, proudly talk about their grandfather having 10+ wives in the past. Even their own grandmothers, are seen as objects to be conquered, impregnated and discarded. Their pride lies in their penis and production of children. Anything else is clearly, too difficult to achieve. Even animals can emulate intercourse and create offspring, it's not impressive.

Only Allah SWT can cure such sick minds.
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This nonsense right here, soo maaha? Let me screenshot it, in case he tries to delete it later on. Never in my life, have I seen someone try to claim that CadCads have Somali paternal lineage.

View attachment 341138
We don’t even need to test these folks to know they’re paternally Asiatic. Every historical book that delves into the history of Xamar attests to this. The MuαΊ“affarids for instance were Persian and Arab men who were clients of the Ajuraan.
At which point did I claim most Somalis carry foreign haplogroups
You never did, but you said "we already have a good number of Semitic haplogroups"

less than 2% is a good number, apparently. I guess arabs, famously patriarchal, historically documented to kill children who they believed to be of foreign origin or made out of wedlock should be way less diverse than this, right?

Nope, Yemeni arabs are more diverse than us paternally, and Saudi Arabs are slightly more diverse than we are too (both of us have our majority Y-DNA at 81%, but their minority is more mixed). Do you see how braindead your argument is? Somalis, as proven by genetics, were wary of foreigners marrying their women, as were arabs.


You also said "0.5 clans are maternally somali"

objectively false and outlandish lie proven wrong via genetics

Are you seriously trying to backtrack on your comments? You were clearly claiming that it was a common occurance for Somali women to marry foreign men, and have their kids be passed of as real ethnic somalis. Going so far as to say our lineages are fake LOL

Somalis are not 100% homogenous
No ethnic group is, and never did I once make that argument, literally my first post was how 81% of the men share the same paternal ancestor, not 100%. You're clearly putting words in my mouth. previously you were clearly insinuating by your insane claims mentioned above that historically Somali men allowed foreigners to marry their women when this is objectively false, and actually inversed when you look at our paternal DNA compared to our maternal dna

Paternal (Note the low diversity) Maternal (literally 5x as diverse)

based on genetics we can see for every 1 somali woman that married out, 5 somali men married outside of the ethnic group.

Now lets compare the paternal lineages of Somali men to Men across the world

Somali English anglo saxon Albanian

Do you see what im talking about? So if somali men let their women mix with foreigners (they rarely did) then what does this mean for other male groups who literally have up to 10x the amount of diversity in paternal lineages that we do.

Also, a lot of the fairy tales you have heard of *Insert minority group* being maternally Somalis are just that, fairy tales. because of technological advancements we can verify these claims with reliable science, going off of hearsay like its the 1800s and expecting that to add any validity to your point is hilarious

This is my final post on this thread. I'm not discussing this further, I know I'm objectively correct as someone who has studied human genetics as a hobby for years. I feel like im talking to a brick wall with you so I'm no longer going to waste my time discussing with people who make such insane claims with no evidence.
We don’t even need to test these folks to know they’re paternally Asiatic. Every historical book that delves into the history of Xamar attests to this. The MuαΊ“affarids for instance were Persian and Arab men who were clients of the Ajuraan.

The lies he cooked up, is from the disorder some of these men suffer from, where they think that sex is something that is done to women, taken away from women, and thus, marriage in itself is seen as shameful. These are clear sexual disorders, and it reminds me of the narratives painted in C0rnography, where women are violently treated. They think that marriage and sex = conquering, not something women voluntarily engage in and even enjoy.

Leading neuroscientists talk about how c0rn changes how men view women, and the popularity of consuming this content, also correlates with the rise of violence against women globally.
We're cooked. Red pill Losers like bum ass jiheeye and the manlet xaliye already have huge ass audience back home.
We are not "cooked". We have so much potential as a people, that it is scary. Things are changing for the better thank Allah.

Oh I forgot you are a gaal right?
You never did, but you said "we already have a good number of Semitic haplogroups"

less than 2% is a good number, apparently. I guess arabs, famously patriarchal, historically documented to kill children who they believed to be of foreign origin or made out of wedlock should be way less diverse than this, right?

Nope, Yemeni arabs are more diverse than us paternally, and Saudi Arabs are slightly more diverse than we are too (both of us have our majority Y-DNA at 81%, but their minority is more mixed). Do you see how braindead your argument is? Somalis, as proven by genetics, were wary of foreigners marrying their women, as were arabs.

View attachment 341137View attachment 341139

You also said "0.5 clans are maternally somali"

objectively false and outlandish lie proven wrong via genetics

Are you seriously trying to backtrack on your comments? You were clearly claiming that it was a common occurance for Somali women to marry foreign men, and have their kids be passed of as real ethnic somalis. Going so far as to say our lineages are fake LOL

No ethnic group is, and never did I once make that argument, literally my first post was how 81% of the men share the same paternal ancestor, not 100%. You're clearly putting words in my mouth. previously you were clearly insinuating by your insane claims mentioned above that historically Somali men allowed foreigners to marry their women when this is objectively false, and actually inversed when you look at our paternal DNA compared to our maternal dna

Paternal (Note the low diversity) Maternal (literally 5x as diverse)
View attachment 341132View attachment 341133
based on genetics we can see for every 1 somali woman that married out, 5 somali men married outside of the ethnic group.

Now lets compare the paternal lineages of Somali men to Men across the world

Somali English anglo saxon Albanian
View attachment 341134 View attachment 341135 View attachment 341136

Do you see what im talking about? So if somali men let their women mix with foreigners (they rarely did) then what does this mean for other male groups who literally have up to 10x the amount of diversity in paternal lineages that we do.

Also, a lot of the fairy tales you have heard of *Insert minority group* being maternally Somalis are just that, fairy tales. because of technological advancements we can verify these claims with reliable science, going off of hearsay like its the 1800s and expecting that to add any validity to your point is hilarious

This is my final post on this thread. I'm not discussing this further, I know I'm objectively correct as someone who has studied human genetics as a hobby for years. I feel like im talking to a brick wall with you so I'm no longer going to waste my time discussing with people who make such insane claims with no evidence.
I mostly agree with the assessment that Somalis are mostly homogenous. But it is a fact that Cadcad are indeed paternally Asiatic. You disputing that puts you in the clown category since no one disputes this and there are others on this forum who are far more and I mean far more clued up in this. Even the history of Xamar attests to the fact that cadcads are the descendants of Asiatic traders. Also, the fact that you ignore Carab Salaxs, also makes me think you’re a clown as well.

As for cadcads, If they had paternal Somali origins, they wouldn’t have been otherized and seen as ethnic minorities for generations. Their own oral history attests to them being Arab and of Persian origin as well and being different to ethnic Somalis.

@Step a side can you please tell us if Gibil Cad and not Gibil madow whom we know are in Fact Hawiye are paternally Somali?

Also, it’s telling that you refuse to talk about Carab Salax as that will undo all of your claims.

If you said, hey, Somalis are indeed mostly homogenous and but also understood that Gibil caad are mostly paternally Asiatic and that Carab Salah do have Mehri origins which is not disputed, you’d make a lot of sense.
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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
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You are what your father is, mixed raced individuals should never claim to be from a single race. I welcome half somalis to discover their somali sides but I would never belive them to be somali and frankly most somalis back home agree with me, the ones who haven't been indoctrinated with western ideas of race of course.
Isn't it sad that a 'Gaal' is more respectful of women, than some of the men on here who claim to be Muslim.
Only seemingly, they seek to spread western degeneration of societies. Yoga pants, cosmetic surgeries and hedonism is not respect for anyone.

Besides all the misogynistic aspects we currently see is not inherent in Somali culture. Reverence for the mother and feminine can even be seen in our clan names.