Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized


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I’ve seen this guy multiple times on YouTube is he really Somali
Hold up now that I think about it, his profile picture really looks familiar I remember debating about something with him under some video involving somalis like a year or so ago


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
this brings me to another thing shout out to all the somali dudes protecting the name in comment sections both on youtube and tiktok. There are a couple of names I always see when im debunking random things commentors say.
There’s this tiktoker named ozymandiaz that does genetics. When ever he post something about Somalis his comments are full of madows attacking Somalis.


Plotting world domination


Plotting world domination
There’s this tiktoker named ozymandiaz that does genetics. When ever he post something about Somalis his comments are full of madows attacking Somalis.
Lool I just found out he wasn't Somali. I thought this was a Somali troll account.


Plotting world domination
Can you link one of his videos about Somalis for us, please?
This him


I can't link tiktoks for some reason
It’s not even just madows we’re getting hit from all ajnabis. Plus I remember being on twitter back in 2012 and the Somali hate then was actually crazy intense mostly from London tho. Used to type Somali in the search engine to see live tweets and people even back then was saying crazy dehumanizing things. It was always London and Toronto and occasionally st. Cloud Minnesota. Mostly from Jamaicans or west Africans. It’s not a new phenomenon and the troll is just a reaction to the relentless hate we’ve been getting throughout the years. It’s not going to stop and it 100 percent has to do with the fact that we look different and stand out.
The Tutsis who live in Rwanda/Burundi get lots of hate from their Bantu neighbors despite been predominantly Roman Catholic,it’s a combination of phenotype,being Muslim and rejecting the black label.


Plotting world domination
Yeah thats him I known about him for a while he started out honest but now im hundred percentage sure he is just race baiting. His comments are a shit show of all ethnicities hating on each other

"baiting. His comments are a shit show of all ethnicities hating on each other"

He's actually posted a lot of good looking pics of us. I was surprised. I thought he was just going to constantly dunk on us. He threw in a few slight jabs at us just like he does everyone else.
The Tutsis who live in Rwanda/Burundi get lots of hate from their Bantu neighbors despite been predominantly Roman Catholic,it’s a combination of phenotype,being Muslim and rejecting the black label.
Being a Tutsi seems so ass. I feel bad for them. Their population is small and they're surrounded by a bunch of niggas that hate them.