Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized

I seriously think what separates us is we were in a failed state for longer and hollywood capitalised on our situation creating unique stereotypes for us.

Prior to somalis nobody in recent history was called pirates.
Hollywood is the root cause of it all.

All of these social media problems with Yusuf7n, AJ Shabeel etc. exacerbated the damage Hollywood's conditioning did.

But since we live in the social media age, where cinema attendance has been reported as almost "dying out", the playing field has somewhat been levelled out between traditional fame and internet fame.
The only way we should improve our image is for Somalis to be more educated, richer, low crime ect. Easy way for people to like you without debasing yourself through media and these efforts directly helps our community while not contradicting our deen unlike modeling and social media.

Yes, those things should be done to benefit the Somali community and Muslims more generally. It should not be done to “improve our image” to gaalo, that is a disgusting reason to do anything.

Being better Muslims and being successful in whatever you do in a halal way to benefit your community and deen is the goal.

Not to impress gaalo or “fix” an image to please them. That is a repulsive sentiment and anyone who has it needs to seriously work on their self esteem and it starts with becoming a better Muslim and learning the deen more.

Internet Nomad

Why do you even care about your “image” in front of gaalo?

What a pathetic mindset. What a bizarre discussion.

You want to tap dance and entertain people so they will like you more and be nicer to you?

The only thing you should care about is your image in the sight of Allah swt. The kuffar will always hate it is natural. And Allah swt causes you to be liked or reviled due to your conduct.

Stop discussing how to best tape dance and be a court jester so some gaals will “like” you more.

What a pathetic discussion. Just call out bad behaviour and misinformation do better as Muslims and leave it to Allah swt. Have some self respect.

it’s that simple.
Saxib do you wear nice clothes, do you cut your hair, do you groom yourself at all?

Before going into an interview do you wear a suit and tie?

Im sure you do all of that. Despite living in a gaalo civilisation.

Im not advocating somalis to commit haram in order to please people like @Kisame. He is an atheist and has a whole different moral compass than me.

What me and others are saying is we should look for avenue to where we can raise our social standing and status. As people tend to insult and disrespect those who they can without impunity.

Ofc the most important thing is to care about how Allah(SWT) views you.

That being said it doesn’t mean you also don’t care about your own social standing.

Internet Nomad

Hollywood is the root cause of it all.

All of these social media problems with Yusuf7n, AJ Shabeel etc. exacerbated the damage Hollywood's conditioning did.

But since we live in the social media age, where cinema attendance has been reported as almost "dying out", the playing field has somewhat been levelled out between traditional fame and internet fame.
Your right the stereotypes that were brought by the hollywood movies and the news cycle are dying out.

What has taken its place is the new stereotypes that come from social media which show a trend of growth


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Instagram reels always put racist comments at the top.
I scrolled all the way to the bottom and the most positive comment I could find in that godforsaken reel was a dhageex dude venting about xalimos not liking his unwashed Christian ass

I was speaking more generally.

though it does not surprise me you would take issue with my analysis and not your atheist friend pushing degeneracy.

Allah swt mentions in the Quran the kuffar will not be happy until you adopt their ways and that they hate Islam and the Muslims. These are facts revealed by Allah swt in the Quran, not my personal analysis.

As for it being okay to attack Somalis and Elon musk promoting the post, it has everything to do with attacking Islam and Muslims. There is a wider culture that promotes it, it is the same Zionists that censor other kinds of discrimination.

Gen z and west Africans it has to do with the same thing. Due to Somalis being Muslim we can not integrate with them and they resent it so they launch attacks. They think they can bully Somalia into low self esteem and wanting to integrate with them. Many Muslim west Africans at least in the English speaking world that I’m aware of unfortunately do integrate with them and water down their deen to do so. The ones who do not hang around with Somalis and other Muslim ethnic groups with no issue.

It comes down to Islam, that is all it is. It will never change. Dawah should be made to these communities.
I take issue with your analysis because it is shallow and lacking perspective not because it offends my sensibilities as an "anti-Islam liberal gaalo-loving feminist self-hater" or whatever your new insult of the week is for me.

As for your snarky little comment about me wanting to "push degeneracy", you've greatly misunderstood my view on the matter and are making a fool of yourself in that assumption.

My opinion is that there will always be a very, very fringe number of gaalo Somalis. Since we don't want them to spread their anti-religion views and largely turn us into a kafir population, and naturally they wouldn't contribute by being in ordinarily successful roles in the community as OPEN gaals, they should at least make themselves useful by granting the community soft power via internationally popular avenues such as sports, film and music.

Once you wield some form of power, you can then decide what is done with it, if that's the full proliferation of Islamic dawah to interested non-Somalis who've been conditioned to love us, then that would be wonderful.

For instance, if we had a critically acclaimed, Oscar-winning director who was a secular Somali, he would open the doors for the Muslim majority of artists to access the market, with a whole new audience of foreign viewers curious about what the Somali people are all about.

But you'd rather fearmonger and attack others on SomaliSpot for "sucking up to kuffars" like a simpleton.
Saxib do you wear nice clothes, do you cut your hair, do you groom yourself at all?

Before going into an interview do you wear a suit and tie?

Im sure you do all of that. Despite living in a gaalo civilisation.

Im not advocating somalis to commit haram in order to please people like @Kisame. He is an atheist and has a whole different moral compass than me.

What me and others are saying is we should look for avenue to where we can raise our social standing and status. As people tend to insult and disrespect those who they can without impunity.

Ofc the most important thing is to care about how Allah(SWT) views you.

That being said it doesn’t mean you also don’t care about your own social standing.

The point is they will hate you regardless as it is revealed in the Quran. Can you name one predominantly Muslim group they portray positively? No, they hate Islam.

Being a better Muslim for the sake of Allah SWT makes you a better person and when Allah swt loves you he causes his creatures to love you.

It is like early Muslims sitting around think what can we do to improve our image in front of the kuffar Quraish? Or the kuffar Romans/Persians? It is a degrading and repulsive thought process.

Imagine early Somalis sitting around discussing how to gain the pleasure of colonists and improve their image in front of gaalo.

The target audience should not be to impress degenerates it’s a fools errand. It is to be a better person, a better Muslim, that will elevate you in the sight of other good people, other muslims.

I do not like this sentiment of being concerned about what they think at all. Thought misinformation does need to be corrected and behaviour as Muslims should be improved.
I take issue with your analysis because it is shallow and lacking perspective not because it offends my sensibilities as an "anti-Islam liberal gaalo-loving feminist self-hater" or whatever your new insult of the week is for me.

As for your snarky little comment about me wanting to "push degeneracy", you've greatly misunderstood my view on the matter and are making a fool of yourself in that assumption.

My opinion is that there will always be a very, very fringe number of gaalo Somalis. Since we don't want them to spread their anti-religion views and largely turn us into a kafir population, and naturally they wouldn't contribute by being in ordinarily successful roles in the community as OPEN gaals, they should at least make themselves useful by granting the community soft power via internationally popular avenues such as sports, film and music.

Once you wield some form of power, you can then decide what is done with it, if that's the full proliferation of Islamic dawah to interested non-Somalis who've been conditioned to love us, then that would be wonderful.

For instance, if we had a critically acclaimed director who was a secular Somali, he would open the doors for the Muslim majority to access the market, with a whole new audience of foreign viewers curious about what the Somali people are all about.

But you'd rather fearmonger and attack others on SomaliSpot for "sucking up to kuffars" like a simpleton.

You didn’t need to write all that.

You can just say you see liberalism with its atheism and degeneracy as success and hope some like minded individuals emerge to leave Islam and adopt it.

Siniliar to your atheist compatriot. It is no wonder you hold the same opinion as the “proud gaal” and see success as becoming liberal so gaalo love you.

Like I have said, your views, likes and dislikes are shaped by liberalism and is opposed to Islam. There is not much difference in taste between you and the gaal on here while you promote what opposes Islam.
You didn’t need to write all that.

You can just say you see liberalism with its atheism and degeneracy as success and hope some like minded individuals emerge to leave Islam and adopt it.

Siniliar to your atheist compatriot. It is no wonder you hold the same opinion as the “proud gaal” and see success as becoming liberal so gaalo love you.
You're right, I shouldn't have bothered writing all that, knowing how happily narrowminded you are.

Just lock yourself in the masjid doing your dhikr, you have no place in a serious conversation on PR strategy.
You're right, I shouldn't have bothered writing all that, knowing how happily narrowminded you are.

Just lock yourself in the masjid doing your dhikr, you have no place in aintelligent conversation on PR strategy.


That you hope Somali murtads emerge to please and tap dance for your smelly unwashed ideologically masters is hilarious but not surprising.

I will leave you to continue this high IQ discussion with the gaal who thinks “drill” rappers are the key to success.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
If none of us is clapping back, then don’t care and there won’t. What I mean is we don’t have anyone defending us publicly so why care? Just make sure no one is stepping on to you in real life.

Vast majority of commenteers would not say shit to a lanky 60kg ciyaalsuuq whose diet consist of nacas and kebab pizzas. Gaalka waa fulayaal.

We got more positive rep nowadays, so focus on that.
If none of us is clapping back, then don’t care and there won’t. What I mean is we don’t have anyone defending us publicly so why care? Just make sure no one is stepping on to you in real life.

Vast majority of commenteers would not say shit to a lanky 60kg ciyaalsuuq whose diet consist of nacas and kebab pizzas. Gaalka waa fulayaal.

We got more positive rep nowadays, so focus on that.

What you expect When you get Somalis laughing with them in the comments .

@Galool you’re right we shouldn’t care about what these gaals say about us but if we don’t address this issue Online best believe Somali kids are going to be affected in real life . Pinky was right .

We shouldn’t please them or care about how they perceive us but rather we should set boundaries and limits .

That you hope Somali murtads emerge to please and tap dance for your smelly unwashed ideologically masters is hilarious but not surprising.

I will leave you to continue this high IQ discussion with the gaal who thinks “drill” rappers are the key to success.
You clearly haven't read all of my messages, so I'm not sure why you're laughing like you came out on top.

I want Somali athletes to be the face of our international success. The English Premier League (football) and the NBA (basketball) are my ideal choices.

Music and cinema are secondary pursuits limited to the gaals in our community, because, like I said, I don't want the Muslim community to be engaging with the degeneracy that comes with pop music and Hollywood (the two most successful music and film industries)

At least with Muslims who manage to make it big in sport, the degeneracy isn't compulsory there and all examples of pre-existing Muslim football stars like Karim Benzema do it out of choice not an obligation to make it.

I'm writing this out, not just as a final response to you, because you've already shown yourself to be the biggest nacas on this forum, but for the benefit of others.

Internet Nomad

The point is they will hate you regardless as it is revealed in the Quran. Can you name one predominantly Muslim group they portray positively? No, they hate Islam.

Being a better Muslim for the sake of Allah SWT makes you a better person and when Allah swt loves you he causes his creatures to love you.

It is like early Muslims sitting around think what can we do to improve our image in front of the kuffar Quraish? Or the kuffar Romans/Persians? It is a degrading and repulsive thought process.

Imagine early Somalis sitting around discussing how to gain the pleasure of colonists and improve their image in front of gaalo.

The target audience should not be to impress degenerates it’s a fools errand. It is to be a better person, a better Muslim, that will elevate you in the sight of other good people, other muslims.

I do not like this sentiment of being concerned about what they think at all. Thought misinformation does need to be corrected and behaviour as Muslims should be improved.
I understand that they will never accept us because of our religion all I want is to be a invisible ethnicity like indonesians or sudanese. Their are so many muslim ethnicities who don’t get dragged and I want to change our predicament.

Ofc the intention matters the main goal should be 1. Please Allah 2. Do good for ourselves (Self-esteem)3. Raise the social status of somalis(outward projection).

You mention colonisers and other people like them. These people are not colonisers they are our co-workers, delivery drivers, personal doctors and so on. You can’t live within a gaal society and have a hostile mindset of i don’t care what they think of me at all.

Thats like you going on a packed train and playing Quran on loud speakers and saying i don’t care if I’m disturbing the kaffir i just care about my lord.

You can see how despite the quran being a good thing playing it on loud speakers in that scenario is bad manners.

Because you understand the values of manners and how people view you.

Internet Nomad

@Galool I have love for you as a muslim brother and for the sake of Allah i want the best for you but saying “I’m muslim and i don’t care how non muslims perceive me” is reductive and puts us in danger.

Caring about how others view you is completely different to changing your morality to fit the dominant beliefs system.

When anti-muslim protests are going on should we continue to keep our heads in the sand and say they are kaffir i don’t care.

As Somalis living in the west we should be cognisant of our social standing. Because it could literally mean the difference between hate crimes like hijabs getting ripped of our sisters heads or disparaging comments getting millions of likes like fantasying murdering innocent somalis off the coast of Somalia as a tourist attraction.

Now the question should be is how do we raise the image of somalis. As a muslim I’m not going to advocate for haram methods but if someone does that then it’s out of their volition not mine. They have their own body and Allah will hold them accountable for it on day of judgement.

I explained it the ways in my previous posts.
To fix this we need to gain social capital either through positive representation or social power either through hate crime law, managerial influence on popular sites or make it a social stigma through awareness.
We as a community need to raise a racial consciousness amongst ourselves. Recognise we may have dark skin and come from the same continent but these people don’t treat us with the same respect they treat each other with.

Once we get racial conscience to a certain standard we must get the individuals amongst us with clout to talk about how anti-somali sentiments are immoral and should be treated as any other type of bigotry and these sites need to held accountable for platforming hate speech.

Imagine an advert with Mo farah, Chunkz, Maya Jama, Knaan and etc where they say something like stand up to anti somali sentiment or something like that.

It would go mega viral and maybe big social media platforms would comply.


I scrolled all the way to the bottom and the most positive comment I could find in that godforsaken reel was a dhageex dude venting about xalimos not liking his unwashed Christian ass

View attachment 336451
A Kenyan man definitely commented that. I saw a reel about a Somali village girl from the 1970s and bitter black people were hating in that comment section too.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
That's already been discussed, I recommend reading through the post histories of @Xoriyo and @haye haye who've contributed a wealth of analyses regarding our unique form of discrimination.

Those people also get attacked, but Somalis are the primary ethnicity in the Horn who get singled out for the sole reason that we have far too many traitors in our ranks who encourage the self-hating behaviours, which makes foreigners feel more comfortable outwardly attacking us.

I don't deny the impact of Islamophobia and have stressed it as a factor to the increase in anti-Somali sentiments online, but if the growing hatred of Islam was the main reason why, then we should have seen a parallel increase in anti-Sudani hate, as they’re not only viewed as an Black Muslim nation, but an Arabised one, fuelling the hate madows have for us. It would neatly be justified as "self-defense against the inherent anti-blackness of Arab/Islamic culture".

But, of course, that hasn't happened. Why? Because we (the young Western Somali diaspora) don't do a good enough job of making our digital image squeaky clean and often air out our own dirty laundry to boot.
Also the janjaweed up north didn't get a movie made of them in 2013 with one of the ugliest men spawned on the planet as the lead actor. like 90% of "somali men are so uglyyyy" memes come from Barkhad Abdi and his son Yusuf.

