Are Somali men more sexist than other?

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Whoah the kooxda kintirada managed to convince countries to 'check' little girls vaginas before and after a trip to Somalia? That's shocking. They're active in U.K. and when they said they wanted police to stop families at the airports I took it as one of those crazy right wing feminist ideas but to think it's already a practice in other countries scares me so much. I would be mentally scarred if as an adult that happened to me just for going to Africa I can't imagine what this must feel like for the child. How DARE they undermine a child's parents like that. How DARE they make children not trust their parents and groom them to not trust their own parents. What consent is involved? There's no parental consent when the parents are SUSPECTS ffs this has gotten really out of hand. I'm seriously feeling like I'm reading a dystopian novel not a real life discussion.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
As much as I hate FGM and disgusted with people who advocates for it. It has been overly exaggerate by the media, hardly no somali here in the west does this disgusting practice anymore, what mother would rather spend 14 years in jail and lose her kids over that. Somali parents are more scared of spanking their kids and you are here talking about FGM.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
It's pretty basic you can't change Allah's creation and the clitoris serves a purpose, most of the clitoris cannot even be removed as it is an important internal organ. So the removal is purely for aesthetic purposes and removal of just the hood leads to other issues. :/ By the way why would anyone even want to do this???

Somalis do it for aesthetic purposes, they don't like the hangy bit that's why they mostly do the pharaonic type.


Suicidal men adore me.
The innocent parents aren't victims? The poor kid who was genuinely going to visit granny isn't a victim?

Yes they are. But they can not look at a minority when so many girls are being circumcised in their countries. I really feel bad for those innocent parents but they should take it up with the community and with Somalis in Somalia


Move right or get left
Lmao the majority of women orgasm from clitoris stimulation. And I'm very well aware of my own body. So are most women.
You definitely have problems with comprehending text. Removing the clitoral prepuce does not mean remove the clitoris in its entirety (which is pharaonic).

Women can still orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris if they were to have an Islamic circumcision.

This is the last reply you're getting from me you fcking retard. First you talk shit about the social constructions of conservative and liberal States as if you know anything about it. The amount of statistical proof that I have to refute all your silly arguments but why bother? you won't understand shit, no point of wasting my time on a moron. Now you're trying to convince us that our daughters need a vaginal inspection. Spend the rest of your life victimising yourself and fighting for non-existent causes.

Yh, we're done here...
Stop cherry picking my words you wecel. I've purposely listed those things so the fools can come out of wood work. We all know you're incapable of rebuking my argument in its entirety, take a backseat you retard.

Let me educate your dumb ass once and for all. There are in fact many scientifically proven benefits of female circumcision. There are two types of female circumcision. The type of 'FJM' that's harmful is the non Islamic pharaonic practice where the clitoris is removed in its entirety, even this doesn't do any physiological damage. The Islamic version of female circumcision consists of removing the clitoral prepuce and this is very similar to removing the prepuce of the penis. Some schools of Islamic thought suggest that female circumcision is merely permissible but the Shafi'i school of thought (which most Somalis follow) ordains that it is compulsory which is why it's prevalent in Somalia.

So trying to prevent Somalis from circumcsising their females is akin to preventing them from practicing an aspect of their religion. We also believe that it's for the benefit of our daughters (there are scientific evidences pertaining to the benefits of female circumcision) so clearly your argument that little boys can be circumcsised on the grounds that it's 'beneficial' is clearly flawed.

I repeat removal of the clitoris in its entirety has no physiological effect (although I believe this pharaonic practice is wrong). The benefits of removing clitoral prepuce are well known.

Get the f*ck out of here with your feminist rhetoric, Somalis are never going to accept your bullshit

Your really remedial huh ? It's FGM and not FJM and you calling who a retard, I called you a dugaag cos your always emotionally inclined, I don't need to rebuke jack shit how you going to try push a Got damn pharoanic practice and pass it of as a religious obligation, and last but not least your Not Somali you dirty xaraab cad ca:camby:d trying to beg Foh

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
You definitely have problems with comprehending text. Removing the clitoral prepuce does not mean remove the clitoris in its entirety (which is pharaonic).

Women can still orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris if they were to have an Islamic circumcision.

This is the last reply you're getting from me you fcking retard. First you talk shit about the social constructions of conservative and liberal States as if you know anything about it. The amount of statistical proof that I have to refute all your silly arguments but why bother? you won't understand shit, no point of wasting my time on a moron. Now you're trying to convince us that our daughters need a vaginal inspection. Spend the rest of your life victimising yourself and fighting for non-existent causes.

Yh, we're done here...

Are you making an e fatwa... :ftw9nwa:

You don't really have a clue about anatomy.


Suicidal men adore me.
You definitely have problems with comprehending text. Removing the clitoral prepuce does not mean remove the clitoris in its entirety (which is pharaonic).

Women can still orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris if they were to have an Islamic circumcision.

This is the last reply you're getting from me you fcking retard. First you talk shit about the social constructions of conservative and liberal States as if you know anything about it. The amount of statistical proof that I have to refute all your silly arguments but why bother? you won't understand shit, no point of wasting my time on a moron. Now you're trying to convince us that our daughters need a vaginal inspection. Spend the rest of your life victimising yourself and fighting for non-existent causes.

Yh, we're done here...

I'm just happy you're not gonna reply back to me.


Yes they are. But they can not look at a minority when so many girls are being circumcised in their countries. I really feel bad for those innocent parents but they should take it up with the community and with Somalis in Somalia

There has to be another way, victimless way. Maybe ban children from going to Somalia and other FGM practising countries, honestly I'd rather that because they're not missing much and they won't be molested by the state.
It's pretty basic you can't change Allah's creation and the clitoris serves a purpose, most of the clitoris cannot even be removed as it is an important internal organ. So the removal is purely for aesthetic purposes and removal of just the hood leads to other issues. :/ By the way why would anyone even want to do this???

Somalis do it for aesthetic purposes, they don't like the hangy bit that's why they mostly do the pharaonic type.

Wha?? You mean to tell me it isn't done to stop women from being promiscuous?
To keep the women under control or else they run off with big d** bantu man


Suicidal men adore me.
There has to be another way, victimless way. Maybe ban children from going to Somalia and other FGM practising countries, honestly I'd rather that because they're not missing much and they won't be molested by the state.

I think that's taking it a step to far. Going to Somalia could mean so much to them.

Educate Somalis. Constantly. Don't just tell them it's illegal, tell them why it's illegal. It's unfortunate but until the statistic is down they're gonna continue. Somalia is the country where most FGM is committed in the world. We have to change our culture not for the sakes of others approval but because it's old outdated and harmful to ourself. Just think of the millions of young girls who gone under the procedure, the pain they've endured and the medical complication the will endure. It's a huge problem because people really think that cutting the clitoris and sewing the walls is the way a woman's vulva is suppose to look.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
There has to be another way, victimless way. Maybe ban children from going to Somalia and other FGM practising countries, honestly I'd rather that because they're not missing much and they won't be molested by the state.

They can just have awareness sex education classes about their bodies. And have FGM be apart of those classes so if they're parents threaten or tell them they'll have it done they can feel comfortable telling a teacher.

Most of the children taken away didn't go to Africa, one lady had all five of her children taken away because a lady spreada rumour that she was going to circumsize her 17 year old daughter. The craziest thing is she never left the town and the lady was an FGM campaigner. And no one cuts their near adult child, her children were taken away for months boys included.


I think that's taking it a step to far. Going to Somalia could mean so much to them.

Educate Somalis. Constantly. Don't just tell them it's illegal, tell them why it's illegal. It's unfortunate but until the statistic is down they're gonna continue. Somalia is the country where most FGM is committed in the world. We have to change our culture not for the sakes of others approval but because it's old outdated and harmful to ourself. Just think of the millions of young girls who gone under the procedure, the pain they've endured and the medical complication the will endure. It's a huge problem because people really think that cutting the clitoris and sewing the walls is the way a woman's vulva is suppose to look.

I'd rather they banned the visits if visiting means a compulsory vaginal examination. The education can only come from our Sheikhs I'm afraid, it's their duty.
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