Are Somali men more sexist than other?

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Where's Somali girls agency over there bodies when their parents are cutting their genitalia? The way I see the athorites are trying to show the parents that this is not fine and that children have rights. It's children we are talking about. It's not grown woman who are fully grown to make their own decision. We are talking about kids as young as 6 years old.

How are we gonna have an open door policie when FGM is so deeply rooted in our culture where the parents don't even understand why it's wrong? When parents go against the countries laws and still violate their child's right? I rather countries like Sweden and England create a data on how many have young children have been subjected through FGM then them just being passive.

And schools do question children and parents who they suspect have done other horrible things.

You keep ducking my question. Are you okay with your daughter being violated to teach barbarian somalis that FGM is wrong?


Suicidal men adore me.
You keep ducking my question. Are you okay with your daughter being violated to teach barbarian somalis that FGM is wrong?

Violated? You're going overboard. It's a gynecologist that is doing the checking with the mothers consent. They have valid reasons. So yes ofc.

You're acting as if they're kidnapping the kids. FGM is a serious violation of women's right. I rather they do check ups then be passive and let it happen on their soil.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Violated? You're going overboard. It's a gynecologist that is doing the checking with the mothers consent. They have valid reasons. So yes ofc.

You're acting as if they're kidnapping the kids. FGM is a serious violation of women's right. I rather they do check ups then be passive and let it happen on their soil.

No naaya, here's how it actually goes. If a child is suspected of abuse their not allowed to go home or even speak to their family. Their usually put in a group home for an indefinite time and a doctor inspects (just like virginity test) to see any unusually body modification to the child.

Feminists like you are truely disusting if you would allow that to happen to your child. The ittle girl I mentioned refused to go back to school because of what happened from the trauma.

You can watch on YouTube plenty of stories of somali mothers who didn't even leave the country who had their children taken away on dubious claims of FGM.

You seem intent on punishing little somali girls to please white people. Smh.


Move right or get left
Are you seriously comparing a hair cut to the cutting of a part of the genitalia ? :drakewtf: Dugaagan bal fiiri
Stop cherry picking my words you wecel. I've purposely listed those things so the fools can come out of wood work. We all know you're incapable of rebuking my argument in its entirety, take a backseat you retard.

Let me guess you think it's fine to circumcise girls. You cannot compare FGM with regular removal of the for skin. Circumcision on boys have a health benefits unlike FGM and it doesn't take away from men's sexual pleasure. It's not the same don't compare them and don't try to justify it

Let me educate your dumb ass once and for all. There are in fact many scientifically proven benefits of female circumcision. There are two types of female circumcision. The type of 'FJM' that's harmful is the non Islamic pharaonic practice where the clitoris is removed in its entirety, even this doesn't do any physiological damage. The Islamic version of female circumcision consists of removing the clitoral prepuce and this is very similar to removing the prepuce of the penis. Some schools of Islamic thought suggest that female circumcision is merely permissible but the Shafi'i school of thought (which most Somalis follow) ordains that it is compulsory which is why it's prevalent in Somalia.

So trying to prevent Somalis from circumcsising their females is akin to preventing them from practicing an aspect of their religion. We also believe that it's for the benefit of our daughters (there are scientific evidences pertaining to the benefits of female circumcision) so clearly your argument that little boys can be circumcsised on the grounds that it's 'beneficial' is clearly flawed.

I repeat removal of the clitoris in its entirety has no physiological effect (although I believe this pharaonic practice is wrong). The benefits of removing clitoral prepuce are well known.

Get the f*ck out of here with your feminist rhetoric, Somalis are never going to accept your bullshit


Suicidal men adore me.
No naaya, here's how it actually goes. If a child is suspected of abuse their not allowed to go home or even speak to their family. Their usually put in a group home for an indefinite time and a doctor inspects (just like virginity test) to see any unusually body modification to the child.

Feminists like you are truely disusting if you would allow that to happen to your child. The ittle girl I mentioned refused to go back to school because of what happened from the trauma.

You can watch on YouTube plenty of stories of somali mothers who didn't even leave the country who had their children taken away on dubious claims of FGM.

You seem intent on punishing little somali girls to please white people. Smh.

Please white people? Lmao. Once again stop putting words in my mouth.

Here they do the check ups before and after a trip to Somalia. They have a valid reason since FGM is usually done during holiday season where the kids are taken to Somalia.

I've never heard of those stories. I've heard and seen doctors come to schools to do a check up with the mothers consent.

I get that it's a sensitive topic and the situation is unfortunate but they have too. Thousands of young girls, children to be specific undergo FGM. It's a horrible crime and they have to do whatever they can to protect the children. Instead of putting the blame on the governments point you're fingers to the Somalis who think FGM is important not and must be done on every girl.

The governments are only trying to do what's right here. Take your anger out on Somalis.
Let me guess you think it's fine to circumcise girls. You cannot compare FGM with regular removal of the for skin. Circumcision on boys have a health benefits unlike FGM and it doesn't take away from men's sexual pleasure. It's not the same don't compare them and don't try to justify it

How the f*ck would u know??


Suicidal men adore me.
Stop cherry picking my words you wecel. I've purposely listed those things so the fools can come out of wood work. We all know you're incapable of rebuking my argument in its entirety, take a backseat you retard.

Let me educate your dumb ass once and for all. There are in fact many scientifically proven benefits of female circumcision. There are two types of female circumcision. The type of 'FJM' that's harmful is the non Islamic pharaonic practice where the clitoris is removed in its entirety, even this doesn't do any physiological damage. The Islamic version of female circumcision consists of removing the clitoral prepuce and this is very similar to removing the prepuce of the penis. Some schools of Islamic thought suggest that female circumcision is merely permissible but the Shafi'i school of thought (which most Somalis follow) ordains that it is compulsory which is why it's prevalent in Somalia.

So trying to prevent Somalis from circumcsising their females is akin to preventing them from practicing an aspect of their religion. We also believe that it's for the benefit of our daughters (there are scientific evidences pertaining to the benefits of female circumcision) so clearly your argument that little boys can be circumcsised on the grounds that it's 'beneficial' is clearly flawed.

I repeat removal of the clitoris in its entirety has no physiological effect (although I believe this pharaonic practice is wrong). The benefits of removing clitoral prepuce are well known.

Get the f*ck out of here with your feminist rhetoric, Somalis are never going to accept your bullshit

I knew you would bring religion into this. Please tell me the health benefit? Does have to do with no female orgasm?


Move right or get left
There's no benefit whatsoever. It's haram.
I forgot to mention practices like sewing the vagina of females in order to prevent pre-marital sexual intercourse. I think this practice is unIslamic.

Why are you saying female circumcision is haraam? NO scholar past and present declared it impermissible. Who are you to say it's haraam?

I knew you would bring religion into this. Please tell me the health benefit? Does have to do with no female orgasm?

You don't even know how your own body works you fucking retard. You're a shame to your kind. Removing the clitoral prepuce doesn't prevent orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris. A female can also orgasm from vaginal penetration. Removing the prepuce is solely for the sake of convenience.


Suicidal men adore me.
I forgot to mention practices like sewing the vagina of females in order to prevent pre-marital sexual intercourse. I think this practice is unIslamic.

Why are you saying female circumcision is haraam? NO scholar past and present declared it impermissible. Who are you to say it's haraam?

You don't even know how your own body works you fucking retard. You're a shame to your kind. Removing the clitoral doesn't prevent orgasm from stimulation of the clitoris. A female can also orgasm from vaginal penetration. Removing the prepuce is solely for the sake of convenience.

Lmao the majority of women orgasm from clitoris stimulation. And I'm very well aware of my own body. So are most women.
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