Mercury you're the type of guy that calles yourself a feminist just to get pussy. Wallahi stop writing to me
@Sufiyan Prime example of what you just said.

Mercury you're the type of guy that calles yourself a feminist just to get pussy. Wallahi stop writing to me
And I fully stand by schools calling in social workers doctors to start an investigation. If Somalia wanna circumize girls they should stay in Somalia.
I asked you a simple question. How is it ok for a doctor to inspect the vagina of a girl just because of her country of origin? That's what the doctors do, and no usually their suspicions are false. But you don't hear of these stories because you take white people at their words.
It's no different to virginity checks. Except it's on small children of a particular ethnicity.
So if you have a daughter, you're fulky okay with someone violating her just because she's somali or half somali? Possibly taken away, not because of neglect or abuse but based on your ethnicity.
If my daughter gets violated because of her ethnicity there will be hell to pay.
This is why feminism is such a jokeFew years ago(in where I live), there was this feminist group complaining about why they can't pee standing up as blokes in public restrooms.
Tell that the Somali parents that has made this happen.
She's going to say, 'but.. I'll make sure it doesn't happen in the first place'.So you'd be okay with it if it was your daughter?
It is different to virginity checks. These doctors are trying to find out if a crime has been done. Somalis are know for FGM which incase you have forgotten is a crime. These doctors inspecting well it's only our fault because we brought this to ourself. FGM is a serious violation on women's right the fact that it's being done to small children must be investigate. Somalis don't want this to happen well I have a solution for you don't violate your daughters rights.
The U.K. Wanna star looking into Nigerian and other west Africans girls to see if they've been subjected to breast ironing, do you also think the government should stand by and be passive while their child citizens are put through horrors because of an ancient culture. I stand by them. We brought this upon on our self
So you'd be okay with it if it was your daughter?
Let's see you were JUST complaining about somali women not having agency over their bodies. But it's ok for an innocent child to have her privates violated because she shares the same ethnicity to people who circumsize their daughters.
So according to you, instead of having an open door policy just like molestation, and allowing children to feel safe to talk to their teacher about what happened to them. Key word TALK not inspect TALK.
You're a hypocrite. Maybe you should reflect on this post. Again are you okay with your daughter being violated because others might circumsize their daughter regardless of your position. A known somali FGM activist had her own daughters taken away for months and was accused of this so clearly your position on the matter is irrelevant to authorities.
Whites molest and rape their children yet I don't see you saying that white children should be inspected.
"reducing women to their genitalia"
>has dp of genitalia with the caption "women"
it's not an issue with ur avatar, im just pointing out the irony of u reducing women to their genitaliaWhy are people so bothered by a woman's vagina? This is like the 6th time someone's talking about my avatar. Y'all are acting like you've never seen a vagina. Plus chill it's a beautiful painting.
Do parents have the right to cut their children's hair since the children cannot make that decision? Do parents have the right to force their children to go to school (which is the case in all western states)? What about the circumcision of little boys? They don't make that decision do they? Do you even know what FJM is and the scientific evidence as to why it's mutiliation?
Do parents have the right to cut their children's hair since the children cannot make that decision? Do parents have the right to force their children to go to school (which is the case in all western states)? What about the circumcision of little boys? They don't make that decision do they? Do you even know what FJM is and the scientific evidence as to why it's mutiliation?