Ethiopia is cooked


- low birthrates
- poor
- not industrialized
- 70% of the youth unemployed
Djibouti shouldnt have been a country. Its like making Bosaso a country. It doesnt make sense. It will eventually become part of Somalia


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Thats true. Women who delay marriage cause they want a master degree and a phd. Like are we gonna allow this? She 32 by the time she wants to get married. Eggs gone, hit the wall 15 years ago. Now she can either be a second wife or be single and live with cats. I am starting to sound like one of those twitter accounts but you get my point. You shouldnt delay marriage and motherhood, a female should try to do both at the same time.
It’s far too expensive to raise children in this day an age especially when your ping and practically most high paying jobs require PHDS and masters degrees. Supposedly women didn’t get those qualifications. The salary of the man she would meet wouldn’t even be sufficient to raise a family. Cost of living is out of control and trying to have a conservative family in this day in age basically means your either rich or on benefits
It’s far too expensive to raise children in this day an age especially when your ping and practically most high paying jobs require PHDS and masters degrees. Supposedly women didn’t get those qualifications. The salary of the man she would meet wouldn’t even be sufficient to raise a family. Cost of living is out of control and trying to have a conservative family in this day in age basically means your either rich or on benefits
Thats the gaal way of thinking. Ubermax, council housingmaxx, welfaremaxx sxb. We already implementing Universal basic income in the somali society and it has raised the fertility rate, now the new generation is messing that up with the cadaan cuck mentality.

Sxb, now you do a mix of being highly educated but also a welfare leech.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
I think Counterurbanization can slow down falling birth rate, spread u people and give them high speed network system in every town and tuulo, so they're connected and yet apart, promote big family in television and lower u foreign consumption


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
International law didnt stop saudi arabia

They provide the world with energy to keep the lights running and run a stable enough economy. Add the fact that they’re geopolitically useful to both the West and Russia.

Now, what does Somalia have to offer right now to make it immune from international law?



🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
That’s a great idea, if there only wasn’t something called international law standing in the way man.

Bro only niggas that obey international law are the weak shithole nations and even after the Russia Ukraine war and israel v Palestine that shi practically means nothing. Use it to wipe your ass after you commit war crimes with @Khaemwaset

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
It’s over for clans who are highly urbanized tbh they will become a minority in a few generations
That's what happening in waqooyi, reer sool and sanaag have higher fertility rate average 8 for sool and 6-7 for sanaag while also having lower mortality rate, crazy, I think it's bc they majority nomadic and they have babies in the nomadic style
They provide the world with energy to keep the lights running and run a stable enough economy. Add the fact that they’re geopolitically useful to both the West and Russia.

Now, what does Somalia have to offer right now to make it immune from international law?

We can do the same. Too when Turkey anounces to Europe, sweet, light economically viable oil of 30 billion barrel of oil ready and I guarentee US, Europe will be happy, cause Europe stopped importing from Russia and US is tired of the middle east and wants to leave
That's what happening in waqooyi, reer sool and sanaag have higher fertility rate average 8 for sool and 6-7 for sanaag while also having lower mortality rate, crazy, I think it's bc they majority nomadic and they have babies in the nomadic style
It has to do with nomadic lifestyle nomads always have high fertility rates then settled populations


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
We can do the same. Too when Turkey anounces to Europe, sweet, light economically viable oil of 30 billion barrel of oil ready and I guarentee US, Europe will be happy, cause Europe stopped importing from Russia and US is tired of the middle east and wants to leave

What will happen first, Somalia producing billions of barrels of oil and becoming the number one producer of energy, making the world dependent on us as an energy source plus becoming geopolitically crucial.

Or Ethiopia collapsing and seeing millions of refugees reaching Somalia.

Even in your dream scenario, Somalia still has to uphold international law. Make sure to clean yourself off with tissues when you’re done lmao.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Bro only niggas that obey international law are the weak shithole nations and even after the Russia Ukraine war and israel v Palestine that shi practically means nothing. Use it to wipe your ass after you commit war crimes with @Khaemwaset

It’s very hard to be tried for international crimes when you either have a permanent seat on the security council or have the protection of a security council member.

For both those conflicts, either one of the two apply.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Thats the gaal way of thinking. Ubermax, council housingmaxx, welfaremaxx sxb. We already implementing Universal basic income in the somali society and it has raised the fertility rate, now the new generation is messing that up with the cadaan cuck mentality.

Sxb, now you do a mix of being highly educated but also a welfare leech.
It’s not cadaan cuck mentality . You can’t tell me that it’s not expensive to raise a big family in modern day uk. Economy reducing, less houses, more expensive houses, more immigration, less jobs available, more job market competition, more tax, smaller salary due to inflation. How the f can one raise a family in a debt ridden poor ass society like this one. Even in homes that bring in two salaries that shi ain’t enough and to raise a newborn someone’s gotta stay at home. Your comparing having a high birth rate in Somalia which doesn’t have a housing crisis to having one in a western nation


Plotting world domination
Fantasy. My dad does well in providing for my mom. Me and my little bro(second oldest after me) live in our own apartment. So that means my dad provides for 5 kids and my mom. They live in a 4 bedroom apartment for 1400usd a month and they go on holiday 1-2 times a year.

And this is recently that my mom stopped working, but my mom had 5 kids while working. I think 6 kids now that I think about it.
It's facts though. In america if you want to give your children the best opportunities it's better to raise them in a upper/middle class dual income household. The only niggas that should consider providing are the guys earning 150k+.

Your story isn't unique. I know taxi drivers and truck drivers that made it work but there kids didn't all turn out well. Our parents gen are the wrong niggas to look up too. They failed a lot of young men.
It’s not cadaan cuck mentality . You can’t tell me that it’s not expensive to raise a big family in modern day uk. Economy reducing, less houses, more expensive houses, more immigration, less jobs available, more job market competition, more tax, smaller salary due to inflation. How the f can one raise a family in a debt ridden poor ass society like this one. Even in homes that bring in two salaries that shi ain’t enough and to raise a newborn someone’s gotta stay at home. Your comparing having a high birth rate in Somalia which doesn’t have a housing crisis to having one in a western nation
I was being sarcastic. If I have to be honest. I dont know. I am in aprooaching my mid 20s and I am figuring it all out

