I saw prostitutes wearing niqab and most of them are not even Muslim but they do so cause their male clients like their prostitutes to be modest. It was even shown on Dalsoor.Let me tell you what happens in "Muslim" countries in numbers. Record-breaking groping, men having sex with men for being barred from women, women having sex with women for being barred from men (situational homosexuality), anal sex to avoid breaking virginity, married women sleeping with men half their age for better obscurity so not to be beat up by the fathers of virgin girls their age, rife prostitution (roadside, in jilbabs and niqabs, ironically enough), situational pedophilia wherein the lack of access to women make the young girl in access woman enough, streets filled with bastards turned street children for being dropped by the roadside etc, I can go on and on! Your vices are not erased by patriarchy and religion, they are masked to your 'liking'. Go spend a summer in a Muslim country like I did!