Majors/degrees/whatever you all are doing

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Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
What advice do you have to a person who is about to take an engineering course? Which engineering do you think is the most worthless ?
Have you given up on becoming an engineer?:mjcry:
Don't give up. I am old man not young like you.:kendrickcry:
You have a good opportunity, do not waste it.
Is there plenty of physics involved in mech because i dropped that and done a higher level math instead.Furthermore physics isn't a prerequisite for eng in most uni's in australia.Out of 10 how important would you say physics is .

Most engineering will have you go through to at least electricity and magnetism level physics.

Mechanical engineering is literally all physics until graduation. Classical mechanics, electricity, vectors physics, statics and dynamics, mechanics of deformable solids, fluid dynamics any the worst of all, thermodynamics. If you don't like physics, seek something else now.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20

Don't know why your laughing cuz I can see you through your webcam. Your very petite just the way I like it. Might have to vist you.
Don't stress over it. 70% of grads end up working in a field that has nothing to do with their intended major. Let's say you got a degree you'll probably end up as taxi driver or call center representative if you don't know the right people. All in all stay away from social science, biotechnology, genetic based degrees etc..
Don't stress over it. 70% of grads end up working in a field that has nothing to do with their intended major. Let's say you got a degree you'll probably end up as taxi driver or call center representative if you don't know the right people. All in all stay away from social science, biotechnology, genetic based degrees etc..
This!!!! Or if you're smart enough and have good A levels study Medicine, Dentistry or if your grades are not top notch study health care related degrees. You have to have a career in mind, don't just go to university for the sake of it or because everyone is going, you have to have a plan in mind first!
I'm doing a degree in civil engineering.
Pros: good paying job right after 4 years, you can travel and work anywhere you want, Always a demand even when economy is bad since building and repairing infrastructure is always required.
Cons: heavy workload, atleast 2-3 hours of studying a day.
My advice: stick with ppl who care about school and study hard during uni, have a school-life balance so you don't burn yourself out ie. Do a sport, join a club, find a useful pastime ,Uni is a place where you should grow as a person and develop yourself so find ways to develop soft skills that are important later in life such as communication, leadership etc.. by getting involved and doing things your passionate about.
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