Never be the Mr Nice-Guy to a Halimo or your Somali wife

I had a toxic relationship with who ???
Don’t deflect
Where did I lie
I said men aren’t atm machines I didn’t say you said that I said it cos you implied it
You’ll help him as long as he’s doing the bulk of the work miyaa And that your in charge and you call the shots
No amigos , that’s not how the world works
If you want healthy relationships you need healthy people that know their rights
Dismissing me - there goes your need for power again
Why do you feel so powerless that you need to control internet interactions
Learn the meaning of a hypocrite while your at it
And clean your filthy mouth
You’ve got a bit of a temper on you ain’t ya

Excuse me? Here goes another lie.

I said if the wife is working and contributing financially, the husband should also help with the housework. In that situation they are both equal.

If she is a housewife and he is earning, then she is doing the housework.

So why lie? Why talk to ME about men being ATM machines then? It had nothing to do with the conversation, so what was your point?

I have a temper because you are liar, that insults people's families and then has an audacity to talk about manners.

Anyways, you're dismissed and you bore me. Oh a tip, learn to use punctuation.


Bye liar.
I agree with this post entirely, and this is one of the few times i agree with you. Never led them step all over you, in fact never let anyone do that to you. Have a backbone
Excuse me? Here goes another lie.

I said if the wife is working and contributing financially, the husband should also help with the housework. In that situation they are both equal.

If she is a housewife and he is earning, then she is doing the housework.

So why lie? Why talk to ME about men being ATM machines then? It had nothing to do with the conversation, so what was your point?

I have a temper because you are liar, that insults people's families and then has an audacity to talk about manners.

Anyways, you're dismissed and you bore me. Oh a tip, learn to use punctuation.


Bye liar.
Have you failed to realise men and women will never be equal when it comes to roles
We have equity not equality
And a man should help his wife but that’s not his job and your are most definitely not on the same footing.
You honestly think I’ll be taking tips from you ??
I take my counsel from reasonable people
You know what they call women like you
Simple women
You ain’t understood the world yet
Have you failed to realise men and women will never be equal when it comes to roles
We have equity not equality
And a man should help his wife but that’s not his job and your are most definitely not on the same footing.
You honestly think I’ll be taking tips from you ??
I take my counsel from reasonable people
You ain’t understood the world yet

Are you telling me if a woman works outside of the home she should do all cooking and cleaning as well?

No disrespect, i'm genuinely interested now.
Are you telling me if a woman works outside of the home she should do all cooking and cleaning as well?

No disrespect, i'm genuinely interested now.
If she works outside or inside that’s her role
He shouldn’t expect her to put any input in the bills
If she does that’s her own initiative and is charity on her part
Lool.. Sometimes it's complicated bro.

How are you gonna kick her out if she has your baby
I heard mufti menk say in Islam the father get the Custody of the kids when kids reach shorten age like 10 or 12 the father gets full custody and not the mother cuz
Mother job is only to nurture the kids to shorten age then it is father that have responsibility to take kids to live with him and have full custody of the kids
I kind get it the west is not that way
If she works outside or inside that’s her role
He shouldn’t expect her to put any input in the bills
If she does that’s her own initiative and is charity on her part

What happens with men that can't afford to pay all the bills?

Should the wife then do everything by herself? Pay bills and expect no help from her husband as well or should she leave him?

Many women are in that sitution btw.
What happens with men that can't afford to pay all the bills?

Should the wife then do everything by herself? Pay bills and expect no help from her husband as well or should she leave him?

Many women are in that sitution btw.
If he was doing it by himself all along and he takes his responsibilities seriously
Of course you’ll help
But choose your spouse wisely
There’s some men that are worth the struggle and millions that aren’t
Imagine your helping him out and he thinks he can still get another wife and go shaaxay and laugh about
Why are you sacrificing yourself for someone that
thinks he got himself a good deal
I have a cousin she married a guy from back home bought him to uk he was here two weeks she’s sponsored him works 40 hour week has a child with him
They’ve been married ten years not one day did he bill her
When he said would you mind if I marry another woman
And when she got offended
He said I’m this family
We’re known for having lots of wives

People get demoted, lose their wealth as well. Sometimes you will need help financially and whilst she is helping you, common sense dictates that you also help her.
If she is doing everything herself while the man does nothing, her walking away will no way harm her, in fact it would benefit her as she doesn't need to take care of another human being. If he lost wealth and is of need of help then of course the woman needs to also help in until the situation is dealt with, while the man needs to also help out within their own home, they both have to play an active role in helping each other out
If he was doing it by himself all along and he takes his responsibilities seriously
Of course you’ll help
But choose your spouse wisely
There’s some men that are worth the struggle and millions that aren’t
Imagine your helping him out and he thinks he can still get another wife and go shaaxay and laugh about
Why are you sacrificing yourself for someone that
thinks he got himself a good deal

No, you are not getting my point.

I'm pretty traditional and would prefer to stay home, whilst my man works.

My point is that in this day and age many families need two incomes. Whilst women are helping, how can you turn around and tell women not to expect help from their husbands?

I'm not the type to advocate for 50/50 relationships. My point is this, if he YOU are helping him with his role, then make sure he help you with yours. Its basic etiquette.
If she is doing everything herself while the man does nothing, her walking away will no way harm her, in fact it would benefit her as she doesn't need to take care of another human being. If he lost wealth and is of need of help then of course the woman needs to also help in until the situation is dealt with, while the man needs to also help out within their own home, they both have to play an active role in helping each other out

That is my whole point, but @Hals here wants to fight me. Even men understand this point.
No, you are not getting my point.

I'm pretty traditional and would prefer to stay home, whilst my man works.

My point is that in this day and age many families need two incomes. Whilst you are helping him, how can you turn around and tell women not to expect help from their husbands?

I'm not the type to advocate for 50/50 relationships. My point is this, if he YOU are helping him with his role, then make sure he help you with yours. Its basic etiquette.
And how many men are going to do that ??
I haven’t seen a single woman who is married and she works that the husband helps out
I’m afraid we’re Somali not cadaan
The likely hood is close to nil
And even if he does
Is he stay at home daddy aswell??
It ruins his standing in society and respect for himself
It ruins the whole equilibrium