Pray for our fallen Cushitic brothers


I wrote in a sarcastic manner kkk, but it’s true.

Lots of Afars in Djibouti speaks it, for obvious reasons. Practically all of those in the Somali inhabited regions, including the capital speak Somali.

Hopefully, the Afars in the rest of the country will speak it soon and spread it to Ethiopia :salute::banderas:
Inshallah the afar finally join the tribe of samaale. extra land to fight habeshi
Other than being shorter and having those sharp teeth, Afars look very similar to Somalis; absorb them, saaxibs

The Galbeed and the NFD will unfortunately require the use of force

war GIF


Other than being shorter and having those sharp teeth, Afars look very similar to Somalis; absorb them, saaxibs

The Galbeed and the NFD will unfortunately require the use of force

war GIF
We will assimilate the afar fast.
Galbeed and NFD will be secured as well


youre djiboutian? you country has a crapton of foreign bases. dont insult bantus. we got nfd and southern somalia. dont make us come for your micro state. :trumpsmirk:
You got a lot of confidence talking a pure and noble ciise.
Wait until I finish my iftar
If only Somalis had weird Sufi cults that resembled groups like Quakers, Menonites and Mormons. I'd seriously start slowly but surely wiring copious amounts of lacag to them on the pre-condition that they colonize the SE African countryside and have 13 kids per family.

Close Up Flirting GIF
Xerta Maxamed Rabiic are kinda like Mormons and are considered heretics by most people.

Garaad diinle

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Well this went off topic pretty quickly kkkkk. I like how the iraqw preserved the "C" and "X" sound in their language makes you wonder how the maay dialect forgot about these two letters. Funny story i remember watching a group of iraqw say that they originally came from iraq probably because of the similarities between iraqw and iraq. Turns out claiming arab origin is an ancient cushitic tradition kkkkk.


youre djiboutian? you country has a crapton of foreign bases. dont insult bantus. we got nfd and southern somalia. dont make us come for your micro state. :trumpsmirk:
Nigga you aint got southern somalia, NFD and the south is pure somali.
I live in london does that mean london is a somali city?
The f*ck are some big booty bantus coming to djibouti? We ciise alone would dash you into the red sea without trying.

Come back to me when ya'll create a legal code more advanced than 10th century ciise xeer
Nigga you aint got southern somalia, NFD and the south is pure somali.
I live in london does that mean london is a somali city?
The f*ck are some big booty bantus coming to djibouti? We ciise alone would dash you into the red sea without trying.

Come back to me when ya'll create a legal code more advanced than 10th century ciise xeer

Our future fürer engages in FKD?!?!? :ohreally:
I hope there will be no favoritism when you ascend to power :whoa:


Our future fürer engages in FKD?!?!? :ohreally:
I hope there will be no favoritism when you ascend to power :whoa:
i only engage in FKD if it is outside my ethnic group.
I was being put in 1 hour detentions back in secondary because of how racist i was back in my younger years.
White, east asian, arab, indian. I was coming after all of them


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Nigga you aint got southern somalia, NFD and the south is pure somali.
I live in london does that mean london is a somali city?
The f*ck are some big booty bantus coming to djibouti? We ciise alone would dash you into the red sea without trying.

Come back to me when ya'll create a legal code more advanced than 10th century ciise xeer

Bro, he's as Somali as it gets. Hell, he could probably recount for you every word in the Somali dictionary off the cuff. He's trolling.

Bro, he's as Somali as it gets. Hell, he could probably recount for you every word in the Somali dictionary off the cuff. He's trolling.


He's an honorary Bantu citizen of Somalia. Or at least he ticks that box when they do census, so might as well claim Bantu in its entirety, kkk :sass1: