Somali men need to be metrosexual

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Your superior
Hate everything else about Trump but when you look at something like this...when you look at what somalis and other muslims are bringing to the west then what he says makes sense. All those countries in Europe are destroying themselves out of political correctness. My SO was born in Sweden and spent much of her young years there...her father was a south african who was the only european trained doctor Dr serving the village in sweden where she was born. She recently went back to visit and she was completely shocked at the changes in the place. Its the same story all over Europe.

These people operate on a completely different state of mind which is diametrically opposed to the hard work and freedom that the west promote. They come from a hard, unforgiving, brutal, backward existence and instead of adopting what they find in the west when they find charity there many want to hold on to their savage ways even as they live on the handouts that these countries provide to them. Not only do you not see any sense of gratitude but you see them still infested with the anger and hatred and savagery that ruled their way of life....only now its directed toward the very people who plucked them from the hell of their home land. Phucking amazing!

All these countries better take might already be too late for some.
Why do you guys have aids and ebola and all the diseases
Why do you guys have aids and ebola and all the diseases

Are you grateful for the country that have taken you in? Do you love that country that brought you salvation abeed!??

Can you people bring yourselves to say "I love {insert country} and i'm grateful for them rescuing me and my family".

With the hundreds of thousands of gibberish so many of you post all over the internet...i don't think i've ever seen any of you express words of gratitude like that.


Hate everything else about Trump but when you look at something like this...when you look at what somalis and other muslims are bringing to the west then what he says makes sense. All those countries in Europe are destroying themselves out of political correctness. My SO was born in Sweden and spent much of her young years there...her father was a south african who was the only european trained doctor Dr serving the village in sweden where she was born. She recently went back to visit and she was completely shocked at the changes in the place. Its the same story all over Europe.

These people operate on a completely different state of mind which is diametrically opposed to the hard work and freedom that the west promote. They come from a hard, unforgiving, brutal, backward existence and instead of adopting what they find in the west when they find charity there many want to hold on to their savage ways even as they live on the handouts that these countries provide to them. Not only do you not see any sense of gratitude but you see them still infested with the anger and hatred and savagery that ruled their way of life....only now its directed toward the very people who plucked them from the hell of their home land. Phucking amazing!

All these countries better take might already be too late for some.
Man shut your ass up:childplease:
West this west that if I remember correctly your from the caribbean meaning you been guest in the west countries for few decades now why the f*ck are you pretending to be the white people who own the countries nigga worry about the carribbean island you crawled out of:heh:


Your superior
Are you grateful for the country that have taken you in? Do you love that country that brought you salvation abeed!??

Can you people bring yourselves to say "I love {insert country} and i'm grateful for them rescuing me and my family".

With the hundreds of thousands of gibberish so many of you post all over the internet...i don't think i've ever seen any of you express words of gratitude like that.

I don't need to be grateful, I am not a slave. Their chains still hold you


Your superior
Man shut your ass up:childplease:
West this west that if I remember correctly your from the caribbean meaning you been guest in the west countries for few decades now why the f*ck are you pretending to be the white people who own the countries nigga worry about the carribbean island you crawled out of:heh:

His grandfather was a slave. Kkkkkkkk nacala


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
This is what i usually wear, cardigan, shirts, varieties of different sweaters, chino, normal sized jeans and with addidas & vans shoes



During autum/spring i wear jackets like these.


How i dress is pretty plain and casual to be honest. I dont like flashy stuff or clothes that are too tight or too baggy. I just keep it fresh and simple. I am not meticulous with what clothes i wear either.

I dont see whats corny about wearing this


future pirate king
Are you grateful for the country that have taken you in? Do you love that country that brought you salvation abeed!??

Can you people bring yourselves to say "I love {insert country} and i'm grateful for them rescuing me and my family".

With the hundreds of thousands of gibberish so many of you post all over the internet...i don't think i've ever seen any of you express words of gratitude like that.

carribeans are known slaves, keep bending over for your white masters.

Bob Marley

I don't need to be grateful, I am not a slave. Their chains still hold you

Reality is he was born free but you made it to Europe like this

And I don't know where you get off on calling anyone else a slave when the human trafficking of Somalis happens all the time
it a shame how North African & Arab countries treat darker-skinned people
Man shut your ass up:childplease:
West this west that if I remember correctly your from the caribbean meaning you been guest in the west countries for few decades now why the f*ck are you pretending to be the white people who own the countries nigga worry about the carribbean island you crawled out of:heh:

Can you address my question of being grateful to the western countries who are salvaging your people from haedes that is somalia. Can you say "thank you for saving me and my family from a life of hell."????
It is a very serious question. I am yet to see any of you people express gratitude to not only the western countries that take you in but the african countries as well. Are you incapable of expressing that sentiment?? Your DNA doesn't allow you to?
I don't need to be grateful, I am not a slave. Their chains still hold you

You have to be a slave to be grateful to a country that allows you into their borders saving you from what would surely be a life of unending strife? You can't say thank you?
Is that how you see it!??


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Can you address my question of being grateful to the western countries who are salvaging your people from haedes that is somalia. Can you say "thank you for saving me and my family from a life of hell."????
It is a very serious question. I am yet to see any of you people express gratitude to not only the western countries that take you in but the african countries as well. Are you incapable of expressing that sentiment?? Your DNA doesn't allow you to?

Just f*ck off. Somalia used to take in thousands of people in from neighbouring countries. We supplied military assistant to Eritrea. You have zero knowledge of the geo politics of East Africa and the territorial disputes. Africans move cross border all the time. You're a coward who's only concerned with Somali trolls, despite other Africans call new world blacks all sorts of names on their platforms, especially Nigerians and mainly Ethiopians. You won't address that. .
Wow...can't lie'd have to be heartless to not feel for the women and childred in that video clip above.
Just f*ck off. Somalia used to take in thousands of people in from neighbouring countries. We supplied military assistant to Eritrea. You have zero knowledge of the geo politics of East Africa and the territorial disputes. Africans move cross border all the time. You're a coward who's only concerned with Somali trolls, despite other Africans call new world blacks all sorts of names on their platforms, especially Nigerians and mainly Ethiopians. You won't address that. .

Aye listen...why are your people unable to express gratitude? Is it a cultural thing? Seriously i cannot find anywhere on the internet where your people are expressing any kind of gratitude for the charity they receiving from other nations. In fact i'm seeing quite the opposite i.e. hatred for those very same people. Maybe i'm me where this is being done and i'll be happy to retract my words.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Aye listen...why are your people unable to express gratitude? Is it a cultural thing? Seriously i cannot find anywhere on the internet where your people are expressing any kind of gratitude for the charity they receiving from other nations. In fact i'm seeing quite the opposite i.e. hatred for those very same people. Maybe i'm me where this is being done and i'll be happy to retract my words.

Nice of you to side step what I accused you of. Coward.

Nigerians call you akatas all the time. You don't care. You're obsessed with Somalis.



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
hmmm....that's a new one for me.....I'll have to educate myself on that word first before i can give an opinion.

New one for you? HAHAHAHAHAH

You're a liar. And a sad one at that. Claiming Nigerians use of the world akata is new to you. They call you names all the time and you deliberately ignore it and are obsseed with us.

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