WAR YAAB. Tell me how many of them are in Jgjiga? where these jarsos live?Mahadsanid, walaal adiga iyo kuwa kale uu ina garab jooga iyo na difaaciya, much appreciated and grateful. The problem is that our communities live far from each other, even certain parts of DDS not far away, and thereby don't get the full picture of whats happening, sometimes. As we are left alone.
As far as the intermarriages, most of them stopped by 2004 when they choose to separate themselves from us, but as there we no fightings then, it still continued, but few and far in between. However, as the conflict intensified 10ish years and they insisted on being Oromo solely. This has stopped happening, and the communities are very segregated now, and very soon, as they are becoming more "oromomized" by choice, we will view them no different from other Oromos. Though, it's sad to see this development, from them claiming mostly Somali and rarely Oromo, to now going the other direction, is a slap to the face after hundreds of years living with each other. Especially, since they are no different from any other Somalis, in the sense that the speak somali as a native language (we all speak oromo to since its close to Oromia, but never in our areas and between us Geri and Jarso), they are culturally somalis, most of them have either muslim or somali names etc, so them separating from us is a great tragedy.
As far as them claiming oromo, it so funny to see other somalis trying to prove otherwise. Again, they made that request personally to us Geris living there, to stop calling them somalis from now onwards, especially those in Jinacsani. Since they are a minority in Tuli Guleed, they've largely avoided this topic, though their clan leaders are very clear on this matter, regardless of where they live. Honestly, what do we gain from people we've lived with for ages and considered us all somalis, to then all of a sudden brand them as foreigners.... People that haven't seen this, will see it in due time, as this has been the case for us, so I'm just going to be patient. Ironically, I just want someone to go to Jinacsani and call them Somali and just film it to see their reactions, maybe they will realize then... (Or even those in the diaspora, I'm not from the US but I heard that there are plenty in MN).
Until then there are so much footage online, to assemble together. FYI, most somalis that argue their somaliness, will use either older footage (when they claimed somali) or content they create when its conflict as they appeal to their fellow "kin" Dirs. Other than this, most other footages will prove to the contrary.
Here's the Ugaaska guud ee beelweynta Jaarso (Ugaas Abdirahman Ugaas Muhumed) from 2018. The quality is bad, but listen to him (speaking in somali) from 1.15 "inaaga ... waxaan ka soo jeedna asal ahaan Oromo. Laakin dhaqan ahaan waxan la dhaqan nahay Somali. Waan kala gursana, waan is dhalnay, daad soo wada nool baan nahay. Dad iswada garanyo baan nahay. Walal nahay. Isku dhaqan nahay. Isku diin nahay". Basically Oromo ethnic/clan, but Somali culturally. This alone should be enough to put all the Somali claims to rest. But lets look deeper...
Here are Jarso elders taking about leaving everything somali-related from clan titles, to somali culture. And there are striving/aiming at taking all land the inhabit on, even those where they are minority, to incorporate into Oromia.
"Jaarso wa mid. ... Waa Oromo. Dhaqanka ay oromo leedahay, baan leenahay. Dhaqan kale oo ka duwan ma lehi. Shalay ugaaz iyo garaad baan ku heshiiney, laakin somali ayaa leh. ... Afraan Qallo ba noo timid. Xaqiiqdi baa la na tusay. Oromia ayaan ku socona. Nin walbaa waxa la dhexgeyni Oromia. ... Arinto waa mid. Jarso waa mid."
Lets continue. Here's an oromo speaker, with an somali speaking Jarso audience, through an interpreter. Where they are making claims on somali lands, including Jigjiga and Hargeisa.
Another Jarso claiming oromo and speaking his (expansionist) mind and aspirations.
Here's an interview with Jarsos in the US from Jigjiga of Jinacsani origin. This was right before Abdi Illeys fall, where they were pleading with somalis to do something. This interview became somewhat well viewed/shared, especially on facebok, where many somalis first got to know more about hem. You would assume that these would be "more" somalis as they are from majority somali inhabited area, but no. They don't call themselves somalis, but a dual somali-oromo speaking people. Why are they not uttering, that they are somalis? (Nothing wrong with them claiming Oromo, but just pointing it out).
He's also dabbling in missformation with the audacity of claiming that Jarso being 100% in Jincasani and overwhelmingly majority of Tuli Guleed?!!?!? Langaab, langaab dhalay. I guess the reality proves otherwise... Why isin't Tuli Guleed in the hands of Jarsos? You'll never succed. A wikipedia search alone shows that Jinacsani has 65% oromos and 20% somalis. So, let's not talk about Tuli Guleed