Ugaasadda caught on film outside of her normal studio

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Queen Carawelo

No it doesn't idol. 99% of negatve almost hysterical comments coming from fellow somalis is pathetic.:(
Doesn't make her look bad it just further stereotypes us.

I'm not going to argue with this with you because your hatred for hawiyes is one that I've never seen before. :oh6b81q:


It's not hatred. Royals don't hate peasants. We just don't mingle with them. .


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Fat ugly who's stealing darod houses.........

No I ain't gonna say that..I'm just gonna send my special habaar as long as she's under the pay of this Tuugs...

What's even worse is that she and others like her, from Western countries, have filled up the stealing positions ..the men and women who have lived like xoolos for the past 25 years are getting screwed over let alone getting a chance at the tuug position


Looool at people getting at the Mogadishu government and acting like they care when they're just qabilists. @Idol if you care so much about corruption why don't you speak on people like faroole who was also stealing puntlands money on the low? Let me also not start with silaanyo and SL. All Somali leaders are corrupt but people only want to point fingers at the ones who don't hail from their clan.

Queen Carawelo

But Puntland is not getting bombed everyday. Citizens of Puntland are safe to do whatever they please. Faroole didn't steal anything. You're forgetting he was a multi millionaire before he became the President of Puntland. He doesn't need to steal anything. It was his money and he has a right to do whatever he pleases with it.


But Puntland is not getting bombed everyday. Citizens of Puntland are safe to do whatever they please. Faroole didn't steal anything. You're forgetting he was a multi millionaire before he became the President of Puntland. He doesn't need to steal anything. It was his money and he has a right to do whatever he pleases with it.

Yes alhamdulilah it's safe but you can't deny he was corrupt and took state money his own son exposed him. Just because PL is safe and people might be doing better than down south doesn't mean leaders aren't corrupt. If you're going to act like you care about corruption at least be just about it and don't exclude people just because they hail from your clan. How was he a multi millionaire?


Your superior
But Puntland is not getting bombed everyday. Citizens of Puntland are safe to do whatever they please. Faroole didn't steal anything. You're forgetting he was a multi millionaire before he became the President of Puntland. He doesn't need to steal anything. It was his money and he has a right to do whatever he pleases with it.


didn't know taxi driving industry was so lucritive in Australia

Queen Carawelo

Yes alhamdulilah it's safe but you can't deny he was corrupt and took state money his own son exposed him. Just because PL is safe and people might be doing better than down south doesn't mean leaders aren't corrupt. If you're going to act like you care about corruption at least be just about it and don't exclude people just because they hail from your clan. How was he a multi millionaire?
He owned and still owns couple of businesses in Australia.

Queen Carawelo

The guy was a taxi driver for goodness sake
He was never a taxi driver you asshole, that's what your people tell themselves to make yourselves feel better. He owned 4 stores in Australia. Don't hate.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
He was never a taxi driver you asshole, that's what your people tell themselves to make yourselves feel better. He owned 4 stores in Australia. Don't hate.

You got issues for going ballistic at any little disagreement, settle down girl


Your superior
You got issues for going ballistic at any little disagreement, settle down girl

unfortunately her beautiful heart has been corrupted by qabyaalad. I will make her fall for me and with in the space of few month turn her into a hardcore somalilander protesting her local council to recognise somaliland


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
I hate liars and you're the captain of lying.

Why would I lie tho...forget abt him being a taxi driver or not ..are you gonna say that this guy hasn't stolen anything ?....

I have proven record where I curse Siilaanyo as much as Jubaland leader..

It's unbelievable how you are ok to cuss at other's corruption but is so unbalanced to condemn your clans ills...

Shows your state of jahiliya

Queen Carawelo

Why would I lie tho...forget abt him being a taxi driver or not ..are you gonna say that this guy hasn't stolen anything ?....

I have proven record where I curse Siilaanyo as much as Jubaland leader..

It's unbelievable how you are ok to cuss at other's corruption but is so unbalanced to condemn your clans ills...

Shows your state of jahiliya
Speaking of jahliya, I'm not the one having a curse of diarrhea. Sometimes you come off like a childless widow.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Speaking of jahliya, I'm not the one having a curse of diarrhea. Sometimes you come off like a childless widow.

These people deserve my curse. I've travelled over there numerous times in the past 10 years. I've seen Eedo Asli on the streets of Hargeisa as much as in Bossaso, xamar, Baydhabo and Kismaayo. I won't support any Somali leader in this time and age because they are certified thieves. I will support them the day I see a paved road build from Zaylac to Ras Kamboni and Eedo Asli is moved into a 4 bedroom house with her 8 kids and is given a civil servant job.

Therefore I urge you to go get healed cause you are utterly sick with an acute qabiil disease
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