Ugaasadda caught on film outside of her normal studio

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so much exposure shaah kulul

Sell your house, donate the proceeds to the poor, return her salary, denounce the government of thieves, hail darood as the only clan that can save Somalia etc etc

Easy peasy lemon squeezey
when did you switch teams :drakewtf:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
When did I rep my clan? What clan am I? You're mind fogged by qabiil. I already gave my advice - help the poor people in Mogadishu, she could have rallied a lot of people for that cause with her fame and I would not have expected that from her if she were not a government official.

You mean those poor people who you say aren't even somali and should leave back to Tanzania. :gnzbryw:

I'm qabil fogged, not really I've observed the phenomenon of her ig account being flooded with vile comments, I'm not for it. I could see it if you said that we don't need someone being paid on our governments very meagre budget for good pr, or that she's only there through nepotism.

I don't see how personal attacks are any form of criticism.


You do know that the vast majority of IDP's are ethnic Somalis, right?

Don't connect my comments to what a qabiilste said on IG just to shut down criticism of her on this forum. Even so, she should suck it up seeing as she's getting paid more than the soldiers who are risking their lives in Mogadishu to make it safe enough for her photograph buildings.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Sorry but I can't help but think when people make personal attacks on her it's qabil motivated. :zhqjlmx:

As for idps, They are overwhelmingly jareeerweyne abaayo. It's going to take a lot more than ugaasada giving back all her money heck hsm could donate his entire networth and it wouldn't even put a dent on it. As long alshabaab is in control of a good portion of where these people are from, they'll be living in limbo.

But what do I know I'm just a Hutu qabiliste.


Dunno where you got that JW are the majority from.

All I said was raise awareness and/or set up a charity. If she can live there while AS are about, she should be able to help people in need - surely AS are exactly why one should help Reer Mogadishu more than ever. You seem extremely edgy about this topic, not once did I call anyone here a Hutu.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Lol I looked back at the comments written on here about her, I don't think that I'm the one who's on edge.

Anyways, I'm over it. The conversation isn't going anywhere and it's getting hostile.

It just embarrasses me that non somali people have to witness clan warfare on some girls IG for the sake of fake concern over God knows what. That's all goodbye.
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why come to a thread with a "nvm" post what you think watchu pussying out for
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