Why does rejection shatter some women's egos so badly?

Looool i've never done that. But i've asked 'what do you like about me' before.

Some women cannot be with nonchalant men. In fact I would advise young women to avoid effortless bare minimum men like the plague.

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she thought she shouldn’t keep herself available cause I might not be interested no more loool.
Yeah women assume most men want us. Guys more attractive then us show sexual interest as well so it inflated our egos tbh. So the thought of a man rejecting you is inconceivable, especially if he is average. That is why most women do not chase after men.
I disagree though that most guys show interest in less attractive women. In most couples the girl is better-looking. But nowadays it seems women do pursue you.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
At long last. My sspot muse returns and graces us with her presence:rejoice:


On the contrary, you're here to grace us with a decadent thread which I hope gets some more pages. Plat even. I suggest we consult @sambuusi to make it happen. :yousmart:


A man trying to be successful
Emphasis on some, before you ladies start hurting the "i.ncel" accusations at at me.

I've noticed that some women will per-emptively reject you because they assume you'll reject them first. If they're into you, and you don't give them any attention or climb up their arsehole like 90% of guys do, they'll take subtle jabs at you lol.

Rejection seems to cut them really deep.

E.g: "I'm not really into muscly guys. They spend all their time in the gym, they're really vain and boring. I want someone to cuddle with."

My theory is that guys are used to rejection, so over time we grow thicker skin and learn to deal with it. By contrast, most women haven't been brutally rejected so it really fucks with their psyche lol.
I remember rejecting this girl back in high school and then she went after my homie saying oh his so cute blah blah blah thinking it would make me jealous and tryed to ruin our brotherhood all the time. Women can be evil asf.:damn::damn:
her comment wasn't for you either, but you still had to make your rude comment :camby:
don't get ruffled up that i meh'd you, everyone else here gets at least 5 from you daily
I wasn't ruffled up but clearly you were. It was humorous. Not rude at all. Calm yourself. No need to attack me either. Big cap about that btw though, I maybe give out three on a typical day out of many. More than 95% I can assure you are positive. Even that one counts as a positive rating. And I'm pretty sure that's a guy.. :cosbyhmm:
her comment wasn't for you either, but you still had to make your rude comment :camby:
don't get ruffled up that i meh'd you, everyone else here gets at least 5 from you daily
I also always give fair ratings. I don't qashin people's comments just because they're from a certain individual. Go complain about people who do that instead. I'm known for the dead reaction so why so rude?

