"You are what your father is" harassment online

You are right about your points. But who was behind spreading a particularly abusive interpretation of Islam in the Arabian peninsula? I will give you a hint, it is the same powers and interest groups behind the Balfour declaration and even the petrodollar.

I find this very interesting and have always found certain interpretations suspicious.
This group is also behind current gender, racial, religious and political divisions in humanity. They promote a false liberation but ultimately seek to destroy. It begins with female empowerment and ends with replacement of women with males then artificial wombs will follow once they destroy tradition. Women are just "birthing" people to them.

Men are also just as much on the chopping block, with all of this.

Don't let them lie to you.

I want Muslims to act like Muslims. I am a firm believer that there are powerful groups whose job is to subvert Islam and everything pure.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Don't be disingenuous. You can clearly see I condemn lip service to Islam and accuse Muslims of not practising Islam properly.
It doesn't matter to the
You are right about your points. But who was behind spreading a particularly abusive interpretation of Islam in the Arabian peninsula? I will give you a hint, it is the same powers and interest groups behind the Balfour declaration and even the petrodollar.

This group is also behind current gender, racial, religious and political divisions in humanity. They promote a false liberation but ultimately seek to destroy. It begins with female empowerment and ends with replacement of women with males then artificial wombs will follow once they destroy tradition. Women are just "birthing" people to them.

Men are also just as much on the chopping block, with all of this.

Don't let them lie to you.
This is exactly what I'm trying to say, talking about bad muslims despite the fact that there are worser gaal, only damages Islam.
And this is what the satanic west has been building for years upon years now.
I find this very interesting and have always found certain interpretations suspicious.

I want Muslims to act like Muslims. I am a firm believer that there are powerful groups whose job is to subvert Islam and everything pure.


This man was voted female model of the year 2024. Now see what I mean....


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Puntite Queen, I understand that you may have some negative emotional attachments to certain despicable things that you have discovered and I'm sure you were even more estranged when discovering the horrific stories inside of Muslim communities globally, however, if you were to calculate were most of humanity's insanity, perversion, and humiliation of human life and female sanctity were to come from, I'd guarantee it'd be far from Muslim lands. I understand that the reason as to why you bring up these matters isn't to attack Islam but to criticise people who you think aren't criticised which may be true. But ultimately, that only furthers the agenda of people whose ultimatum on power rests on the average person's stupidity to be unable to separate muslims from Islam.


Plotting world domination
I have no idea what you're trying to pedal here but the vast majority of Muslim men are thousands of leagues ahead of GAAL men in terms of respecting and giving women what they deserve as layed out by the quran sunnah.

She only said that because I'm not some annoying red pilled Muslim nigga.

There was another gaal user I've found on here named Aussie hustler. He was a mod and in most of the old discussions I've seen on here he was usually one of the chillest members.

In fact most of the liberal users I've seen on here before usually weren't as toxic and cringe. The ones that have caused the most problems on here were the red pilled niggas that were usually Muslim.

I can agree that non all gaal guys are cool though. We definitely have some annoying mfs amongst us
It was also fact they were arabs! Until DNA testing came out and proved them to be mostly Habesha/indian/bantu/persian hybrids with arab dna rarely exceeding 20% lmao. Lets face it a lot of oral history surrounding the origin of clans are highly exagerrated, not in the way she was thinking though
Yh, you can’t be taken seriously. They’re not habesha at all. 23 and me cannot process mixed Somali with Arab hence processes that as Habesha as Habesha’s are basically like Somalis with elevated Arab genetics. 😩

This is basic. Go to the culture and history section. I knew you were a clown indeed.
I know I said my previous post would be the last one here, but I want to clarify

The year is 2024, your folk legends of how cadcads came into existence don't matter anymore. We have genetic testing, we can trace your DNA over 150k+ years, we know for a fact cadcads are not maternally Somali. I don't care what they say. I don't care what you say. Blood over words.
Only a small minority of the testing shows Somali haplogroups, furthermore, these traders came after Islam during the medieval and even post 1500s. It isn’t long ago for Somalis to not know the history of Cadcads and Xamar. Get out of here. It is well known that traders of Persian, Arab and Uzbek backgrounds came to Somalia and were clients of the Ajuraan. This is established.
Daroods and Hawiyes were once thought of to have different origins, and now with the advent of genetic testing, we both know we are descended from the same man from 600BC. Generally speaking, both sides accepted this and now it's common knowledge that Somalis descend from the same people
You’re telling me things I know that are irrevelent to the conversation. Cadcads are a new group and aren’t shrouded in mystery the way the origins of Somalis are.
If you seriously bring up "Muh oral history" in the year 2024 and use it as an argument to combat genetic testing, you may have a mental deficiency.
We literally have testing that shows this as well. DNA testing also show that Carab Salah originate from a Mehri patriarch, but still you side step this issue.
They were otherized because they were of foreign race, that simple. They looked different, so we naturally treated them different. thats how it
You’re contradicting yourself. You literally said they’re of Somali origin as in they have a Somali patriarch. Please make sense. We know they were of foreign origin and that’s precisely my point. But on average they have between 20 to 40% Somali DNA.
nearly half of Black americans share paternal origins with white americans (due to slave masters having children with female slaves) yet they were still lynched for 200 years. whats your point?
Again, how is that relevant to our point? We’re talking about a minority group within Somalis who do have Somali DNA and lot of it is maternal.
"Muzaffarids" were ethnic Somali lol. The idea of them being persian is pure bullshit historical revisionism that arrived in the mid 1900s after some italian historian made the connection between a Somali ruler with the added title of Muzzafarid, a persian dynasty thousands of km away. and Subsequent "Muzzafarids" didn't even call themselves that. they were just Somalis. Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta both confirmed that the "Muzafarrids" were somali during their reign. can't be bothered to go into this but if you're on the somali side of history twitter you'd know. ask around here on the history if you want more clarification.
Ibn Batuta was around in the medieval period. This group were around in the 1500s during the time in which they were clients to the Ajuuran.
Atp im not suprised, there are literally entire accounts dedicated to hating on Somali women for marrying out that post MULTIPLE times a day...🤦🏽‍♀️


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
Because you are breaking ur balls. U all think that your inbreed mulatto that u had against the approval of ur family is more somali than someone who is full somali since generation and generation, go take ur damn bastards somewhere else, pretend that they are what their father ethnicity is, and leave us the f*ck alone.
Because you are breaking ur balls. U all think that your inbreed mulatto that u had against the approval of ur family is more somali than someone who is full somali since generation and generation, go take ur damn bastards somewhere else, pretend that they are what their father ethnicity is, and leave us the f*ck alone.

No matter what condition you suffer from, I'm sure you understand 'consequences' on some level. And guess what? Online bullying is illegal, so go ahead and delete your TikTok account or wait for that knock at your door.
It's not difficult to figure out what is similar about all of you who are against basic manners.
And like I said to Aegon earlier, there are laws against the kind of behaviour you exhibit online.
2 Somalis have already been arrested for online 'misconduct', in the United Kingdom. Best believe your names are on similar lists. So, is waalwaala hadaa rabtiin, your online harassment days are numbered.
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
She’s not talking about that. Everyone knows that T haplogroup and EB1 haplogroup are the native haplogroup of Somalis but due to DNA testing we’re finding people with Bantu Haplogroup despite being fully ethnic Somali and ones with haplogroups from North Africa ect, then you have the ones with J Haplogroup as well.
Did you read what I said nigga