"You are what your father is" harassment online


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―

Yes there are

Oromo haplogroup
Bantu haplogroup
Pygmy haplogroup
Arab haplogroup
North African haplogroup
I think I even saw a Turkic one.

People who carry these are clearly descendants of foreign men.

What are you talking about???
So hitler is decended from a Somali man? As he carrys a Somali haplogroup that isn't present in most Germans and Europeans in general? Stop being stupid.

You're pushing this too much. So Somalis should accept half maternal somali kids according to you because some somalis have foriegn haplogroups meaning we decend from ajnabi men πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Shit sounds so autistic
Did you read what I said nigga
I don’t think I can be asked on this topic anymore. Kinda find it boring now tbh. My whole point is, yes Somalis are indeed homogenous but there are group like Carab Salax with a foreign patriarch but are now 98% Somali due to continued maternal Somali DNA. Thats it.

So hitler is decended from a Somali man? As he carrys a Somali haplogroup that isn't present in most Germans and Europeans in general? Stop being stupid.

You're pushing this too much. So Somalis should accept half maternal somali kids according to you because some somalis have foriegn haplogroups meaning we decend from ajnabi men πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Shit sounds so autistic

1. Leave half-Somalis alone
2. Somalis have already adopted the children of foreign males historically, and thus, this harassment is hypocritical

You cannot even comprehend these two basic points, orad madaxaaga darbiyada ku garaac.
I don’t think I can be asked on this topic anymore. Kinda find it boring now tbh. My whole point is, yes Somalis are indeed homogenous but there are group like Carab Salax with a foreign patriarch but are now 98% Somali due to continued maternal Somali DNA. Thats it.

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The same points are being repeated for pages, and pages on end. They are purposefully being obtuse at this point.


Haplogroups/DNA have no bearing on lineage/descent in islam, since we're muslim and discussing this from and islamic paradigm all these T/E arguements are nullified. A child takes the lineage/tribe of the father, ethnicity is another issue and we'd have to go into what constitutes/defines a particular ethnicity,
Haplogroups/DNA have no bearing on lineage/descent in islam, since we're muslim and discussing this from and islamic paradigm all these T/E arguements are nullified. A child takes the lineage/tribe of the father, ethnicity is another issue and we'd have to go into what constitutes/defines a particular ethnicity,
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Nationality is different to ethnicity. That is why we have people like Sh.Assim Al Hakeem who is Saudi but he is really of
Indonesian descent.

Bilal was referred to as Habeshi when really he was Arab. His Horner background was acknowledged, yet he was the son of Arab man. Till this day, people mistakenly believe he was fully black.

It isn’t as clear cut as you lot would want. There is nothing wrong with a kid with a Somali mother acknowledging his Somali side. No group spams the TikTok of their mixed folk like Somalis and it’s usually the pathetic incels who do this.


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
I don’t think I can be asked on this topic anymore. Kinda find it boring now tbh. My whole point is, yes Somalis are indeed homogenous but there are group like Carab Salax with a foreign patriarch but are now 98% Somali due to continued maternal Somali DNA. Thats it.

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Carab salax make up how much of the somali population? This woman is saying there are entire clans across somaliweyn with men who hold lineage from Gallas and Arabs and even centrak Asian Turks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ just to push that Maternal Somali are somali. I would've agreed with her if she wasn't giving me this autistic bullshit
I don’t think I can be asked on this topic anymore. Kinda find it boring now tbh. My whole point is, yes Somalis are indeed homogenous but there are group like Carab Salax with a foreign patriarch but are now 98% Somali due to continued maternal Somali DNA. Thats it.

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The carab salax clan was not established by a single male they're more like a tribal Confederation of several distinct clans of the mehra ethnic group. They are laandhere that still have ties to their "ancestral" lands. I recall coming across a half madow kid with a Somali mother in Mogadishu. To say he was ostracized is an understatement. Anyway I agree no harassment online


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
1. Leave half-Somalis alone
2. Somalis have already adopted the children of foreign males historically, and thus, this harassment is hypocritical

You cannot even comprehend these two basic points, orad madaxaaga darbiyada ku garaac.
You idiot when have I attacked half malis, my first post was literally agreeing with you. I have many cousins who are maternally somali. I don't see them different. I got half ducth, half kurd half yemeni. Makes no difference. I got many mixed cousins.

My issue with you is this stupid twisting of Haplogroups and dna to prove a point.

No, vast swathes of Somalis don't have male lineages coming from foreign men.
Carab salax make up how much of the somali population? This woman is saying there are entire clans across somaliweyn with men who hold lineage from Gallas and Arabs and even centrak Asian Turks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ just to push that Maternal Somali are somali. I would've agreed with her if she wasn't giving me this autistic bullshit
They’re in the thousands tbh. Like at least 50k or even 100k?

I doubt she fully believes that. Her point is, not enough Somalis have been tested and we’ve been finding a lot of outliers. Unless those people’s great granny were cheating which I highly doubt, there have been a minority who have settled within Somalis and married local women and as years went by their descendants have become totally Somali.

Thats not a crazy statement. I even saw a video of Reer Burco having a minority who are fully Somali but with an Indian Patriarch that came years ago and they’re heavily related with HJ. I’ll try and find the video on YouTube.

Why this is a controversial take? Only Allah knows.
The carab salax clan was not established by a single male they're more like a tribal Confederation of several distinct clans of the mehra ethnic group. They are laandhere that still have ties to their "ancestral" lands. I recall coming across a half madow kid with a Somali mother in Mogadishu. To say he was ostracized is an understatement. Anyway I agree no harassment online
I don’t believe that Carab Salax have any ties. They are 99% Somali literally. The average Carab Salax looks 100% Somali, doesn’t speak Arabic and only has Somali Daqan? What on earth are you talking about?


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
They’re in the thousands tbh. Like at least 50k or even 100k?

I doubt she fully believes that. Her point is, not enough Somalis have been tested and we’ve been finding a lot of outliers. Unless those people’s great granny were cheating which I highly doubt, there have been a minority who have settled within Somalis and married local women and as years went by their descendants have become totally Somali.

Thats not a crazy statement. I even saw a video of Reer Burco having a minority who are fully Somali but with an Indian Patriarch that came years ago and they’re heavily related with HJ. I’ll try and find the video on YouTube.

Why this is a controversial take? Only Allah knows.
This happens everywhere, the world has always been connected. At this comment there are Chinese men back home who came to work in Somalia and either brought Chinese girls with them or married local. These outliers are too small or insignificant to matter.

Likewise there are a family In India who cdecend from a Somali man who settled there in the 1800s and there was a video of an elder Indian man reciting his abtirisi. It's here on sspot if you want to see
Many hold Yemeni citizenship
Anyone can yet Yemeni citizenship that lived in Yemen pre-1970.
They’re not recognized in Yemen and you’re chatting shit.

Carab Salax in Somalia look 100% Somali, can’t speak Arabic and have Somali dhaqan and are genetically 99% Somali like you and I.
Anyone can yet Yemeni citizenship that lived in Yemen pre-1970.
They’re not recognized in Yemen and you’re chatting shit.

Carab Salax in Somalia look 100% Somali, can’t speak Arabic and have Somali dhaqan and are genetically 99% Somali like you and I.
They're recognized by the mehra tribal chiefs that's how they got the Yemeni citizenship in the first place. And not anyone can get it unless you're clearly Arab looking
This happens everywhere, the world has always been connected. At this comment there are Chinese men back home who came to work in Somalia and either brought Chinese girls with them or married local. These outliers are too small or insignificant to matter.

Likewise there are a family In India who cdecend from a Somali man who settled there in the 1800s and there was a video of an elder Indian man reciting his abtirisi. It's here on sspot if you want to see
Yep, but corn fried men will call this β€˜cucking’. Flipping weirdos. Our ancestors had bigger fish to to fry. Traders that came did indeed marry local women and those marriages were probably arranged by fathers since love marriages and wanting to be with foreigners wasn’t a concept. Those marriages happened when it benefitted the community like trade deals and links ect. I was reading Burton and he mentioned an Ugaas who married his daughter off to the ruler of Harar who wasn’t Somali and it was obviously for a clear benefit like an alliance.
They're recognized by the mehra tribal chiefs that's how they got the Yemeni citizenship in the first place. And not anyone can get it unless you're clearly Arab looking
Divine, stop right there. You’ve clearly not seen Caraab Salax. They’re fully Somali, like 99% Somali genetically. This is a fact. They look no different to you and I. They’ve been marrying MJs for centuries and now look identical.


IMO halfbreeds are only accepted if they intermix solely into somali clans, carab saalax intermix with puntland mjs generation upon generation. For example nearly all of the descendants of my carab saalax great grandmother are MJ. To be accepted you'd need to live in Somalia, marry somalis for generation upon generation and intergrate into the culture. On the other hand Cadcads dont marry ethnic somalis to the same degree and are therefore not recognised as being ethnic somalis.