"You are what your father is" harassment online

You are what your father is, mixed raced individuals should never claim to be from a single race. I welcome half somalis to discover their somali sides but I would never belive them to be somali and frankly most somalis back home agree with me, the ones who haven't been indoctrinated with western ideas of race of course.

The issue, that I and many of us have, is the fact that they are not even permitted to celebrate HALF of their lineage on social media, before being swarmed with 'you're not Somali' comments.
I have no idea what you're trying to pedal here but the vast majority of Muslim men are thousands of leagues ahead of GAAL men in terms of respecting and giving women what they deserve as layed out by the quran sunnah.


You mean the Muslim men who;

1. Give their 6 - 8 year old daughters away as brides (Yemen), who then die of internal bleeding after a grown man has sex with them?
2. Practice FGM (Asian and African nations)
3. Ban girls from being educated (Afghanistan)
4. Forced marriage (Asians)

etc, etc.

Those Muslim men?

Like it or not, Muslim women are far safer and more powerful in Western countries, who appear to practise Islam more than so-called Muslim societies; in terms of social safety nets, women's rights being protected, anti rape laws, anti marital rape even, anti abuse laws, you name it.

Muslim countries are an EMBARRASSMENT. What Sunnah is practised??


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
The issue, that I and many of us have, is the fact that they are not even permitted to celebrate HALF of their lineage on social media, before being swarmed with 'you're not Somali' comments.
But really they aren't? Aren't they? And by seeking attention online, I believe you deserve whatever stupidity comes your way. I think most people by now understand the concept of Internet warriors as there were Internet wars the day the Internet was invented. No problem online reflects the true reality as it should. And by looking a certain way and going online, you may find kindness you may find hate
But really they aren't? Aren't they? And by seeking attention online, I believe you deserve whatever stupidity comes your way. I think most people by now understand the concept of Internet warriors as there were Internet wars the day the Internet was invented. No problem online reflects the true reality as it should. And by looking a certain way and going online, you may find kindness you may find hate

What on earth are you even talking about.
Only seemingly, they seek to spread western degeneration of societies. Yoga pants, cosmetic surgeries and hedonism is not respect for anyone.

Besides all the misogynistic aspects we currently see is not inherent in Somali culture. Reverence for the mother and feminine can even be seen in our clan names.

True, there is an effort to promote Gaalnimo, that said, whose fault is it, that Gaalo governments are more protective of human rights, and women's rights, than so-called Muslim societies.

I mean, is marital rape even recognised as a crime, or do they still believe a man can mount his wife even if she says no.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba

You mean the Muslim men who;

1. Give their 6 - 8 year old daughters away as brides (Yemen), who then die of internal bleeding after a grown man has sex with them?
2. Practice FGM (Asian and African nations)
3. Ban girls from being educated (Afghanistan)
4. Forced marriage (Asians)

etc, etc.

Those Muslim men?

Like it or not, Muslim women are far safer and more powerful in Western countries, who appear to practise Islam more than so-called Muslim societies; in terms of social safety nets, women's rights being protected, anti rape laws, anti marital rape even, anti abuse laws, you name it.

Muslim countries are an EMBARRASSMENT. What Sunnah is practised??
Every single thing you have noted are the most pedalled and overused propoganda pieces directed against the Muslim people's by the satanic and ungodly western societies which you claim to be superior to the average Muslim country. Every single muslim country in every way is more moral than your average gaal country, you need to understand that there are good and bad Muslims, but complaining about the bad Muslims rather than exemplifying the good ones is a disservice to the deen and to God.Whether it's true or not and I'm not saying it isn't, if you can't control the bad apples then start talking about the good ones. And realise the bad apples are a tiny minority, unless you believe that they are a majority? A serious problem? And that, implies, just like the kuffar want it to, that there is a problem with Islam because I mean look at the Muslims!!
Every single thing you have noted are the most pedalled and overused propoganda pieces directed against the Muslim people's by the satanic and ungodly western societies which you claim to be superior to the average Muslim country. Every single muslim country in every way is more moral than your average gaal country, you need to understand that there are good and bad Muslims, but complaining about the bad Muslims rather than exemplifying the good ones is a disservice to the deen and to God.Whether it's true or not and I'm not saying it isn't, if you can't control the bad apples then start talking about the good ones. And realise the bad apples are a tiny minority, unless you believe that they are a majority? A serious problem? And that, implies, just like the kuffar want it to, that there is a problem with Islam because I mean look at the Muslims!!

It's not propaganda, Muslim countries, don't act Muslim. Look at Somalia for example, FGM, rape (with an appalling track record of reporting and convicting these crimes). Women marginalised in terms of political power, not even getting 30% of the seats that were meant to be allocated. Don't even get me started on the neglect in terms of men not providing as they should, and recklessly creating broken homes all over the place. Clan-based violence, which is haram of course. I mean, the list is endless.
It is a fact that Cadcad are indeed paternally Asiatic. You disputing that puts you in the clown category since no one disputes this and there are others on this forum who are far more and I mean far more clued up in this. Even the history of Xamar attests to the fact that cadcads are the descendants of Asiatic traders.
It was also fact they were arabs! Until DNA testing came out and proved them to be mostly Habesha/indian/bantu/persian hybrids with arab dna rarely exceeding 20% lmao. Lets face it a lot of oral history surrounding the origin of clans are highly exagerrated, not in the way she was thinking though

I know I said my previous post would be the last one here, but I want to clarify

The year is 2024, your folk legends of how cadcads came into existence don't matter anymore. We have genetic testing, we can trace your DNA over 150k+ years, we know for a fact cadcads are not maternally Somali. I don't care what they say. I don't care what you say. Blood over words.

Daroods and Hawiyes were once thought of to have different origins, and now with the advent of genetic testing, we both know we are descended from the same man from 600BC. Generally speaking, both sides accepted this and now it's common knowledge that Somalis descend from the same people

If you seriously bring up "Muh oral history" in the year 2024 and use it as an argument to combat genetic testing, you may have a mental deficiency.

If they had paternal Somali origins, they wouldn’t have been otherized and seen as ethnic minorities. Their own oral history attests to then being Arab and of Persian origin as well.
They were otherized because they were of foreign race, that simple. They looked different, so we naturally treated them different. thats how it is

nearly half of Black americans share paternal origins with white americans (due to slave masters having children with female slaves) yet they were still lynched for 200 years. whats your point?

The MuαΊ“affarids for instance were Persian and Arab men who were clients of the Ajuraan.
"Muzaffarids" were ethnic Somali lol. The idea of them being persian is pure bullshit historical revisionism that arrived in the mid 1900s after some italian historian made the connection between a Somali ruler with the added title of Muzzafarid, a persian dynasty thousands of km away. and Subsequent "Muzzafarids" didn't even call themselves that. they were just Somalis. Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta both confirmed that the "Muzafarrids" were somali during their reign. can't be bothered to go into this but if you're on the somali side of history twitter you'd know. ask around here on the history if you want more clarification.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
It's not propaganda, Muslim countries, don't act Muslim. Look at Somalia for example, FGM, rape (with an appalling track record of reporting and convicting these crimes). Women marginalised in terms of political power, not even getting 30% of the seats that were meant to be allocated. Don't even get me started on the neglect in terms of men not providing as they should, and recklessly creating broken homes all over the place. Clan-based violence, which is haram of course. I mean, the list is endless.
And I'm sure who the culprits are right? The usless Muslim men of today am I right?
Talking about somethings flaws, especially something linked to Islam such as i dont know, Muslims?, does more harm than good even if the total oppression is real. The top 10 countries with the most rape aren't Muslim countries, and the people who perform fgm are mostly complicit women so shouldn't you target them and argue they could be doing better? They're strong somali women why are they taking orders from smelly men πŸ’€ Look at Somalia culture and understand historically that our women had twice as much freedom and leeway to do whatever, even stop fgm πŸ’€ But they're trying are they not?


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
And I'm sure who the culprits are right? The usless Muslim men of today am I right?
Talking about somethings flaws, especially something linked to Islam such as i dont know, Muslims?, does more harm than good even if the total oppression is real.

Why should we pretend Muslims act like real Muslims and shame the image of Islam.

The top 10 countries with the most rape aren't Muslim countries,

Maybe because rapes aren't being reported, investigated and part of national statistics as they should be.

and the people who perform fgm are mostly complicit women so shouldn't you target them and argue they could be doing better?

Of course women will do the surgery, do you think men are allowed to fiddle with the private parts of girls? This practise is about suppressing a girl's sexual desire, which benefits insecure men.
They're strong somali women why are they taking orders from smelly men πŸ’€ Look at Somalia culture and understand historically that our women had twice as much freedom and leeway to do whatever, even stop fgm πŸ’€ But they're trying are they not?

Do Somali women have "freedom" or are Somali women simply forced to work to feed their babies as useless husbands chew khat, lay up with other wives, or sadly die in a clan war.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Semantics. It is wrong but legally cannot be classified as rape since the definition of rape in the shariah is forcing zina upon a person. The term marital rape would be classified as torture in Islamic law.
I love how Muslim feminists love to throw around marital rape like it's a daily occurrence and muslims are brutal savages who love to force themselves on women they marry despite the entire teachings of Islam revolving around being mild mannered disciplined and kind when in the west, rape actually happens on the daily and is there for anyone to see πŸ’€
Semantics. It is wrong but legally cannot be classified as rape since the definition of rape in the shariah is forcing zina upon a person. The term marital rape would be classified as torture in Islamic law.

Whatever it would be classified as, is there a Muslim country on earth, where husband rapists are persecuted for this.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Why should we pretend Muslims act like real Muslims and shame the image of Islam.

Maybe because rapes aren't being reported, investigated and part of national statistics as they should be.

Of course women will do the surgery, do you think men are allowed to fiddle with the private parts of girls? This practise is about suppressing a girl's sexual desire, which benefits insecure men.


Do Somali women have "freedom" or are Somali women simply forced to work to feed her babies as her useless husband is chewing khat, laid up with other women, or sadly died in a clan war.

If rapes aren't reported or investigated, what proof are you basing your belief and conviction that in the average Muslim nation marital rape is a serious problem? You hear a couple of stories online, than go back online and pump the idea that Muslims are doing certain things whilst damaging the image of Islam as a whole.
True, there is an effort to promote Gaalnimo, that said, whose fault is it, that Gaalo governments are more protective of human rights, and women's rights, than so-called Muslim societies.

I mean, is marital rape even recognised as a crime, or do they still believe a man can mount his wife even if she says no.
You are right about your points. But who was behind spreading a particularly abusive interpretation of Islam in the Arabian peninsula? I will give you a hint, it is the same powers and interest groups behind the Balfour declaration and even the petrodollar.

This group is also behind current gender, racial, religious and political divisions in humanity. They promote a false liberation but ultimately seek to destroy. It begins with female empowerment and ends with replacement of women with males then artificial wombs will follow once they destroy tradition. Women are just "birthing" people to them.

Men are also just as much on the chopping block, with all of this.

Don't let them lie to you.