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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I am not from Canada. What kind of khat induced delusion is this??? I am from the US.

I have no interest in ever living in Somalia. Just 'deport' me to any of the Islamic nations in the middle east and everyone will be happy.


Stupid nobody wants you

Ilaahay baan ku dhaartay you'd be on the first plane to Mogadishu before you could say akhi



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Not all Heer systems were even the same depending on the region and the tribe. Some were perfectly compatible with the Shariah while others contradicted it on many issues.

Xeer has nothing to do with Shariah outside of marriage and inheritance.

Imagine nomads wearing jalaabiib


Some geeljire getting whipped for banging his neighbor's wife


Every single one of my male ancestors would've been one handed

Nothing pisses me off more than salafshits shoving their abominably disgusting ideals on the masses

You people helped facilitate the destruction of our culture brought your barbaric lifestyle to our shores

I can't wait for a sufi revival you'd all be deported to Saudi where you can be amongst your kin

f*ck of @Sufiyan
While I'm not sufi I hope they wake up and kick them out. Sufis don't blow up shit nor do they force people. Mom grew up in Somalia, finds Sufisim to be amusing (because of dancing) but peaceful too.

You people dont know anything about sufism and what it entails other than what Fareed Zakaria shows you on GPS. In many ways I am ahl al-tasawwuf and so have been many of my teachers and even the scholar in my avatar. All of them explicitly state the Shariah is non negotiable and anyone who opposes it is a kaffir. The Taliban are Sufis. Does that shock you??? Even the polytheistic sufis are in agreement. Go and read Hisham Kabbani on sunnipath and his fatwa against secularists and the advocates for secularism. I am sure he will sound a lot more like a "salafshit". The funny irony is the actual modern day "salafi"s are your friends here and will support a secularist leader over a leader who calls for the Shariah as was seen with Egypt a few years back with Al-sisi. But your ignorance of the deen and who ahl al-tassawuf and the "salafis" are actually makes you people say things like this and exposes that you really dont know what you are talking about and get your Islam and all other talking points from reddit and CNN.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Abysinnian defence against Muslims, eh?
Si or no?
It wouldn't have mattered if we were Muslim or Buddhist, it was purely a reaction to a neighboring empires desire to conquer us. The Prophet himself forbid any action against Abysinnia unless it was in self defense.
Xeer has nothing to do with Shariah outside of marriage and inheritance.

Imagine nomads wearing jalaabiib


Some geeljire getting whipped for banging his neighbor's wife


Every single one of my male ancestors would've been one handed


Haha resorting to strawman fallacies now and lowkey attacking the Shariah with the typical 'everyone would be without hands if we applied the Shariah consistently'. The HEER is a cultural system that incorporates the Shariah and is compatible with the Shariah. The shuyookh in Somalia are agreed that the Heer system is perfectly compatible with the Shariah and ulemah from other places in the world see absolutely nothing wrong with it either.

This nigga is biased, the love and affection he has for Israel is unbelievable. Obviously Somalia in the future will need a Israel, Palestine Embassy in its headquarters. But definitely not help and Aid from them.

Stupid nobody wants you

Ilaahay baan ku dhaartay you'd be on the first plane to Mogadishu before you could say akhi


Do not project your insecurities and racial inferiority complex onto me. I actually have skills and knowledge that are crucial to nation building especially in the development of defense. It is the main reason why if I were to ever make hijrah I would be a number 1 target for the secret services as a potential ISIS operative based on my profession and deen alone. I also look nothing like a "" which probably explains why I have never had any issues with Arabs or other Muslims while you unfortunately have had to endure racism at the hands of misguided and ignorant Muslims. All of this atheism and western posturing must be a subconscious or even conscious response to get back at them but you are unfortunately really harming yourself in the end.
It wouldn't have mattered if we were Muslim or Buddhist, it was purely a reaction to a neighboring empires desire to conquer us. The Prophet himself forbid any action against Abysinnia unless it was in self defense.
Them expanding and wanting to conquer us is the epitome of self defense, don't you think?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Haha resorting to strawman fallacies now and lowkey attacking the Shariah with the typical 'everyone would be without hands if we applied the Shariah consistently'. The HEER is a cultural system that incorporates the Shariah and is compatible with the Shariah. The shuyookh in Somalia are agreed that the Heer system is perfectly compatible with the Shariah and ulemah from other places in the world see absolutely nothing wrong with it either.

The shuyookh are peddling syncretic bullshit.

Xeer is mostly indigenous to Somalia, with no application to any non Somalis and in fact Somalis who stray too far from home. Xeer wouldn't apply to a murdered Arab nor does it regulate morality outside of offenses committed against neighboring clans.







ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Do not project your insecurities and racial inferiority complex onto me. I actually have skills and knowledge that are crucial to nation building especially in the development of defense. It is the main reason why if I were to ever make hijrah I would be a number 1 target for the secret services as a potential ISIS operative based on my profession and deen alone. I also look nothing like a "" which probably explains why I have never had any issues with Arabs or other Muslims while you unfortunately have had to endure racism at the hands of misguided and ignorant Muslims. All of this atheism and western posturing must be a subconscious or even conscious response to get back at them but you are unfortunately really harming yourself in the end.


Stopped reading at I don't even look black

Can you be more obvious

Don't forget Israel was helping the Ethiopians in the 77 war. Somalia has no friend and will never have any friend and the sooner we realize that the better. The best option for us is to pick up all the pieces ourselves and build our nation without relying on anyone. We should also leave the stupid Arab league and maintain business/trade relationship with every willing country. We don't need to work with Israel or any Arab nation other trading and import export that benefits both sides. Nations aren't handed down from the heavens..they are built from scratch!


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Judging by their success I would not say that.
Abaayo have you even read the Quran?

[5:52] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.

What Muslim person wants to ally themselves with Jewish people? Let's stop being naive for a second.

This nigga is biased, the love and affection he has for Israel is unbelievable. Obviously Somalia in the future will need a Israel, Palestine Embassy in its headquarters. But definitely not help and Aid from them.

They are doing this to spite Arabs. All of these Somali atheists and mushrikeen have massive inferiority complexes towards the Arabs because of likely a few unfortunate racists experiences with a misguided ignoramus. Look at that @Bahal character for example. Every time he mentions the meme of a racist Arab father and me asking for his daughter's hand in marriage to try to get under my skin but it never works because I have no inferiority complex towards them and dont even want to marry from among them to begin with. I wouldnt be surprised if that individual was at one point in time a super salafi towing the line and once he was rejected or experienced racism from a few Arabs he decided to transform into what we see today.
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