No xamar jungle politics, finish the constitution, reopen the supreme courts, no more damuljadiid, no more CBB, no more masr no more xabash, open negotiations with SL, that’s the roadmap to unification!
It's really a simple fix. Somaliland would drop this whole deal if SFG recognized us. We can negotiate the borders, referendum and all these technicalities later. SFG dragged prior negotiations on trivial topics like airspace sharing control and eventually went back on all agreements. HSM is not dacaad he was wasting our time all along & playing games like bringing Landers sell-swords to negotiate with us like, turning it into some kind of local conference.
This new deal is a culmination of the SFG failure to deal with Somaliland the past 12 years, especially the first 4 under HSM eariler term (negotiations started under Shiekh Shariif) I say mac sonkor it came to bite you in the ass so stop crying.