Omar del Podcast- Response to Allegations

If YOU as a woman refuse intercourse with your husband for no valid Islamic reason, then you will be cursed by the Angels until your husband is pleased with you again. Do you have an issue with this statement?

The ONLY reason I even quoted your Takfeer bullshit, is to present some evidence to some sisters and normal brothers on here. I will not spend a single second talking to you after this post. Darbiyada jiir hadaa rabtid.

If YOU as a woman refuse intercourse with your husband for no valid Islamic reason, then you will be cursed by the Angels until your husband is pleased with you again. Do you have an issue with this statement?
Valid reason? What one man sees as valid another man won’t, so what’s valid? Headache, husband insulted you and mistreated you? Had a rough day? Parents died? Stressed out and super tired? Husband tries to sleep with you but you need to take your kids to school or they’ll be late? What’s the limit here or is it unlimited? Death isn’t a factor? Childcare and work isn’t a factor?

The list can be endless but for a man that doesn’t care it can be short.

I don’t doubt this Hadith since I’m not a Hadith scientist and I’m not in the business of Hadith rejection, but I was taught that Hadith was for women who use sex as some sort of weapon and use it as a way to control their partner instead of having a normal marriage in which both parties can be satisfied.

The Sheikh in the video she posted makes a valid point.
Valid reason? What one man sees as valid another man won’t, so what’s valid? Headache, husband insulted you and mistreated you? Had a rough day? Parents died? Stressed out and super tired?

The list can be endless but for a man that doesn’t care it can be short.

I don’t doubt this Hadith since I’m not a Hadith scientist and I’m not in the business of Hadith rejection, but I was taught that Hadith was for weapon who use sex as some sort of weapon and use it as a way to control their partner instead of having a normal marriage in which both parties can be satisfied.

The Sheikh in the video she posted makes a valid point.

Abayo, don't even bother with this rapey clown, he'll just end up takfeering you. He simply wants to force himself upon the poor woman who is forced to be his wife, no matter how much she protests. And he wants to slee[ at night, under the delusion, that the angels are cursing the victim, and not the person who forced himself on her.
Valid reason? What one man sees as valid another man won’t, so what’s valid? Headache, husband insulted you and mistreated you? Had a rough day? Parents died? Stressed out and super tired? Husband tries to sleep with you but you need to take your kids to school or they’ll be late? What’s the limit here or is it unlimited? Death isn’t a factor? Childcare and work isn’t a factor?

The list can be endless but for a man that doesn’t care it can be short.

I don’t doubt this Hadith since I’m not a Hadith scientist and I’m not in the business of Hadith rejection, but I was taught that Hadith was for women who use sex as some sort of weapon and use it as a way to control their partner instead of having a normal marriage in which both parties can be satisfied.

The Sheikh in the video she posted makes a valid point.
I said Islamic reasons because any other reason would be subjective.
Do you even know the Islamic reasons ? For instance if a wife’s friend died and she’s grieving do you think because she’s physically able you can force her? Or she’ll be cursed?
If it causes her mental harm and physical harm then she can refuse because this is a valid reason, Islamically.

Well, well, well. LOOKIE HERE! A great find by @Mcqueeny

Omar Da Fraud, has been antagonising Somalis for a longer time than previously thought.

He was arguing with an Ogaden user in 2020, trying to claim that reclaiming Somali land by invading Ethiopia and Kenya was not 'justified'.

This sure sheds new light into why he made that random Cuba comment. Looks like the comment wasn't so 'random' after all.

No, he's NOT some miskeen revert, with no ill-intent, this person is well-versed in Somali-Ethiopian-Cuban, history, and purposefully makes commentary such as this;

So you change the story. Look, I don't care what you believe about my ethnicity. I'm not making some big deal about my ethnicity, you are.

I talk about different topics from my viewpoint and it generally has little to do with me personally.

Let's go one by one. I am anti-Western? Well I'm not against Western people personally but yeah I'm against Western degeneracy like any reasonable person should be.

Against Israel? What reasonable person isn't? There is something wrong with a person who is pro-Israel.

Pro-China? Well, basically I'm in favor of the Turkey-Pakistan-China bloc and I prefer it over the Israel-US bloc, sure.


I was directly asked about my viewpoint on Ethiopia and Kenya in relation to Somalia and so I gave it. I don't think it's justified to invade Ethiopia and Kenya to establish Somaliweyn. How many ajnabis would agree with that- even if we only limit it to Muslim ajnabis?

If we find a random Muslim from pretty much any other predominantly Muslim nationality and explain what Somaliweyn is and ask them if it is justified to invade Ethiopia and Kenya to establish Somaliweyn- I think they'll very likely think the same way I do.

I'm not against Somaliweyn in itself but I don't agree with invading Ethiopia and Kenya in order to establish Somaliweyn. People may not agree but what do you expect? You think I'm a hardline Somali nationalist?

I don't think I'm "Ethiopia affiliated" but yes I have what I think would be pretty much a standard ajnabi viewpoint. I only gave my viewpoint because I was directly asked.

Also, weren't there some Latin people who got involved in the issue previously?

"Siad Barre had arrived in Aden that morning. Mengistu did not arrive until the afternoon. I had a conversation with Siad Barre in which he bared his claws. He told me that if Mengistu was a real revolutionary he should do as Lenin, and withdraw from his territory. Siad Barre took a very hard position. I asked him whether he felt that there had been no real revolution in Ethiopia and that Mengistu was not a real leftist leader. He told me that there had been no revolution in Ethiopia. While in Mogadishu he had shown me a map of Greater Somalia in which half of Ethiopia had been annexed."

-Fidel Castro

Do you really think it is surprising that Fidel wasn't exactly sympathetic to Siad Barre?

Cuba prior to the Ogaden War had actually done things to help Somalia. Fidel wasn't out to get Somalia or Somalis. But he didn't think the invasion was justified.

Other people are free to their viewpoint and I am as well.

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Well, well, well. LOOKIE HERE! A great find by @Mcqueeny

Omar Da Fraud, has been antagonising Somalis for a longer time than previously thought. A gift from a friend;

He was arguing with an Ogaden user in 2020, trying to claim that reclaiming Somali land by invading Ethiopia and Kenya was not 'justified'.

This sure sheds new light into why he made that random Cuba comment. Looks like the comment wasn't so 'random' after all.


Omar del Sur


Well, well, well. LOOKIE HERE! A great find by @Mcqueeny

Omar Da Fraud, has been antagonising Somalis for a longer time than previously thought. A gift from a friend;

He was arguing with an Ogaden user in 2020, trying to claim that reclaiming Somali land by invading Ethiopia and Kenya was not 'justified'.

This sure sheds new light into why he made that random Cuba comment. Looks like the comment wasn't so 'random' after all.

yes and then later after I said that I changed my stance after users educated me.

that is something I said because at the time I wasn't as aware of the history and so I wasn't a supporter of Somaliweyn. however, in reality I changed my view and avoided discussing Somali-specific topics after that and for years I have been pro-Somaliweyn.... well at least as far as reclaiming the Ogaden and the lands in Kenya... as far as the Somaliland topic, I have zero opinion
yes and then later after I said that I changed my stance after users educated me.

that is something I said because at the time I wasn't as aware of the history and so I wasn't a supporter of Somaliweyn. however, in reality I changed my view and avoided discussing Somali-specific topics after that and for years I have been pro-Somaliweyn.... well at least as far as reclaiming the Ogaden and the lands in Kenya... as far as the Somaliland topic, I have zero opinion


Go tell your lies to your groupies, nobody else is buying it.

Omar del Sur

btw people do not know this but Mexico and Ethiopia are traditionally friends. there is actually a historical friendship between Mexico and Ethiopia. Mexico helped defend Ethiopia in the League of Nations when Italy invaded them in the thirties. Haile Selassie visited Mexico out of appreciation and in the 80's Ethiopia even donated to help Mexican earthquake victims.

so like many people who are not from the region, I was naively pro-Ethiopia. many people all over the world have a positive view of Ethiopia without really understanding what Ethiopia's neighbors know about Ethiopia's dark history.

so I did before have a relatively better view of Ethiopia. and honestly I was kind of bothered because of a flood of racist attacks I received at the time here. but I also had very little understanding of the history and crimes of what they have done to Muslims in the Ogaden. the international world doesn't hear about Ogaden like we hear about Palestine.

now that I know more about the persecution of Muslims in Ogaden, no way could I be pro the Ethiopian claim. I had a wrong view on the war but that was like four years ago and I changed my stance after people educated me on the issue.
btw people do not know this but Mexico and Ethiopia are traditionally friends. there is actually a historical friendship between Mexico and Ethiopia. Haile Selassie even visited Mexico as part of the friendship.

so like many people who are not from the region, I was naively pro-Ethiopia. many people all over the world have a positive view of Ethiopia without really understanding what Ethiopia's neighbors know about Ethiopia's dark history.

so I did before have a relatively better view of Ethiopia. and honestly I was kind of bothered because of a flood of racist attacks I received at the time here. but I also had very little understanding of the history and crimes of what they have done to Muslims in the Ogaden. the international world doesn't hear about Ogaden like we hear about Palestine.

now that I know more about the persecution of Muslims in Ogaden, no way could I be pro the Ethiopian claim. I had a wrong view on the war but that was like four years ago and I changed my stance after people educated me on the issue.

"WAS Pro-Ethiopia", meanwhile, literally, yesterday made a post lauding Cuba's attack in favour of Ethiopia.

Get out of here, Mengistu HernΓ‘n.

What does 'RETIRED' mean in Spanish??



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