Somali men should date outside the race


The only Somali in Arabia
Is difficult to explain. Most lack in good manners and are rude that's what ruins them.
Again, rude in what way, it looks like your making excuses,nothing wrong with the vast majority of Somali men, I would say I have excellent manners compared to people I know hat aren't Somali and the ones who are are a minority in this community.
He wants Somali men to date outside their race so he can have all of the Somali women to himself. Low testosterone nicca canโ€™t handle the competition. I respect the deception sxb but how about YOU go and date outside your Nation and let us stick to our queens of milk and honey in peace?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I watched too much passports bros walhy I envy these niggas ๐Ÿ˜‚
You need a hobbie. You might be pretty but sadly you don't exercise your critical thinking skills. That makes you a sambusa shell. You need meat. Even I cannot survive on my looks alone. :ftw9nwa:
Focus on education waryaa and become well rounded. Naturally you will have more options.


Plotting world domination
Pinky hoe? Ok she might have somewhat of a point.
And nobody is really a lost cause bro, and if I can change her mind on the internet in 2mins why not try?

"And nobody is really a lost cause bro, and if I can change her mind on the internet in 2mins why not try?"

She just said y'all niggas were ugly and that she dreams about ajnabi men.

Why TF would you want to change her mind. She's a lost cause :mjlol:
The reason why a lot of somali men don't really venture out as much is simple, somali women are attractive, they have nice asses and have a pretty face


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
"And nobody is really a lost cause bro, and if I can change her mind on the internet in 2mins why not try?"

She just said y'all niggas were ugly and that she dreams about ajnabi men.

Why TF would you want to change her mind. She's a lost cause :mjlol:
When you use put downs you lost the plot. It indicates a loss of emotional control. Word of advice. Do not return fire with fire. Calling a woman what you did is misogynistic. Anyone who exclaims what she said is clearly hurt. It's abundantly clear. It's no different than @Reformed J and his tirade. Both coming from a place of pain. When you have options you don't care what others do. Considering they both disparaged Somalis of the opposotr sex it speaks volumes.


We finally beat Medicare ๐ŸŽŠ ๐ŸŽ‰
This is a 68 IQ take. We should marry amongst ourselves but eliminate the brutally ugly and malnourished ones. By that I mean an ugly mfer should find a pretty girl and vice versa. Arranged marriages that donโ€™t account for looks are killing us.


The only Somali in Arabia
"And nobody is really a lost cause bro, and if I can change her mind on the internet in 2mins why not try?"

She just said y'all niggas were ugly and that she dreams about ajnabi men.

Why TF would you want to change her mind. She's a lost cause :mjlol:
I don't recall seeing that, and let me reiterate nobody is a lost cause sahiib. And I hope you don't speak like this in real life because you might run into me and trust me you don't want that.
When you use put downs you lost the plot. It indicates a loss of emotional control. Word of advice. Do not return fire with fire. Calling a woman what you did is misogynistic. Anyone who exclaims what she said is clearly hurt. It's abundantly clear. It's no different than @Reformed J and his tirade. Both coming from a place of pain. When you have options you don't care what others do. Considering they both disparaged Somalis of the opposotr sex it speaks volumes.
Adi horta maxaa u qalbi wanaagsantahay, you take trolls too seriously, even I partake in trolling on certain posts ๐Ÿคฃ


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Adi horta maxaa u qalbi wanaagsantahay, you take trolls too seriously, even I partake in trolling on certain posts ๐Ÿคฃ
There are literalists out there. In addition, this generation is more vulnerable than their predecessors. Proceed with caution. They may have a bit of malware from their upbringing in the West. Some more than others. In addition, they have greater access to technology and no off-button during their early years.Their programming isn't the same. I have accounted for that when dealing with them.
Again, rude in what way, it looks like your making excuses,nothing wrong with the vast majority of Somali men, I would say I have excellent manners compared to people I know hat aren't Somali and the ones who are are a minority in this community.
not making excuses a lot tend to be rude is off putting. Ofxourse props to all the well mannered somali men out there


Plotting world domination
When you use put downs you lost the plot. It indicates a loss of emotional control. Word of advice. Do not return fire with fire. Calling a woman what you did is misogynistic. Anyone who exclaims what she said is clearly hurt. It's abundantly clear. It's no different than @Reformed J and his tirade. Both coming from a place of pain. When you have options you don't care what others do. Considering they both disparaged Somalis of the opposotr sex it speaks volumes.

I don't use "***" in a misogynistic way. If I wanted to be hateful I would have used the B word.


Plotting world domination
I don't recall seeing that, and let me reiterate nobody is a lost cause sahiib. And I hope you don't speak like this in real life because you might run into me and trust me you don't want that.

You gonna beat me up cause I said a chick that looks down on somali niggas is a lost cause ???? :damn:


The only Somali in Arabia
Men discussing Zaila and oromos, and you here crying because you got girls, war waxan xoolaha arag
You people are crying about oromos when you should be preparing to go back home to resist the great replacement, don't act like your better, ranting on the internet is ranting on the internet there are no degrees of raining bro from acceptable to unacceptable its all ranting

