Somali men should date outside the race


When you use put downs you lost the plot. It indicates a loss of emotional control. Word of advice. Do not return fire with fire. Calling a woman what you did is misogynistic. Anyone who exclaims what she said is clearly hurt. It's abundantly clear. It's no different than @Reformed J and his tirade. Both coming from a place of pain. When you have options you don't care what others do. Considering they both disparaged Somalis of the opposotr sex it speaks volumes.
The hell you on about, I came here to stand on business for my queens that were being disparaged.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
As much as I myself entertain gender wars from time to time. I have to say that this is quite irrelevant at this time.

We are currently as a country under attack from Ethiopia and our sovereignity is under attack. The future of Somalias existence is in question.

There are bigger fish to fry then whether Somali men should divest or not.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The hell you on about, I came here to stand on business for my queens that were being disparaged.
Though that was your initial aim. Which makes sense and is quite noble. We cannot deny that you have a history of disparaging Somali women (on record) which you showcased through this exchange. You definitely showed a lack of composure.

Spare us the sancantimony, walaal. :gaasdrink: We know each other well. I will say that you have shown some growth over the years.


Though that was your initial aim. Which makes sense and is quite noble. We cannot deny that you have a history of disparaging Somali women (on record) which you showcased through this exchange. You definitely showed a lack of composure.

Spare us the sancantimony, walaal. :gaasdrink: We know each other well. I will say that you have shown some growth over the years.
I am reformed and instead of getting credit for the initiative I'm being attacked



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I am reformed, instead of getting credit for the initiative I'm being attacked

I acknowledge your gains. Don't worry my brother. :chrisfreshhah:I have some Basal East Asian showing up on IIustrative DNA. I was offended too by the body shaming as I understand the struggle.


Plotting world domination
Did you actually say you were interested in ajanbi men over superior somalis? Maybe kisama dude has a point.

She did bro. Your going out of your way to protect a divestor. Your simping for no reason. She don't like your kind
You people are crying about oromos when you should be preparing to go back home to resist the great replacement, don't act like your better, ranting on the internet is ranting on the internet there are no degrees of raining bro from acceptable to unacceptable its all ranting
Da fac you saying, Iโ€™m in Mogadishu now
someone's triggered ๐Ÿคฃ what a loser. and please breed with asian girls we don't want a bald headed unattractive faraax if we are being honest most somali girls dream men aren't somali, I even know some somali girls say they get more salty seeing a black man with an cadaan than a somali man with a cadaan women, the reality is we get happy seeing somali men with non somali women because WE DONT WANT YALL
You are definitely @sigmund aka @Sigala ๐Ÿ˜‚
what you gonna do?? niggas out here saying a child with a literal somali mother aint somali tf get ur retard ass outta here
Exactly, im forcing my kids into my clan no matter what

Idgaf if theyโ€™re half alien from Jupiter. What can an ugly limp wristed Abdi who still lives with hooyo do about it? :westbrookwtf:

