Half-Somalis are not Somali

It's a Yemeni one, my grandfather who grew up in Yemen told me it.He used to sometimes be racially abused growing up and would tell me the horrible things said to him by other kids and just the general insight on how internal Yemeni colorism/racism.He grew up in South Yemen who were also accused by Northern (and whiter) Yemenis that they are a bunch of Somali and Indian Muwalladiin

Ngl this video cracks me up cause this is how landers sound like when they speak Arabic :dead:
Bacda, Bacda, Bacda! Mfkers did us bad man.
We men are stuck with being Somali whoever we breed with but you are free to be bred by whatever catches your fancy in God's Green Earth so go forth and find that exotic Prince Charming huuno.


You might want to rephrase all of that, Chief.


Your post essentially reduced people to farm animals.
We men are stuck with being Somali whoever we breed with but you are free to be bred by whatever catches your fancy in God's Green Earth so go forth and find that exotic Prince Charming huuno.
You yourself said it yourself, you are what your dad is. A Somali woman, regardless of who she marries or what her kids end being, she will still ultimately be Somali. We're Muslim, we don't take our husband's name. So for the life of me, I don't understand that comment.

As a man, you can alway end up being an insignificant footnote in your descendants ancestry like that cadaan football player with a Somali grandfather.
You yourself said it yourself, you are what your dad is. A Somali woman, regardless of who she marries or what her kids end being, she will still ultimately be Somali. We're Muslim, we don't take our husband's name. So for the life of me, I don't understand that comment.

As a man, you can alway end up being a an insignificant footnote in your descendants ancestry like that cadaan football player with Somali grandfather.
The banter went over your head huuno. Always on a war footing Balaayo Murun Jacayl!
Let me simplify it...

Mixed Somalis with Somali dad: Are Somali

Mixed Somalis with a Somali mum: are NOT Somali

You need a clan to identify as Somali which passed down through the father and not the mother. It's that simple no ifs and buts.
Let me simplify it...

Mixed Somalis with Somali dad: Are Somali

Mixed Somalis with a Somali mum: are NOT Somali

You need a clan to identify as Somali which passed down through the father and not the mother. It's that simple no ifs and buts.
I support the rights of mixed-ethnicity people TO FULLY IDENTIFY WITH GROUP OF THEIR FATHER AND NOT SAY THEY MIXED WITH THIS OR THAT. They shall not have to claim ties their mother side at all.

Mothers and fathers both have responsibly to make their offspring have a idendity (which is the fathers group) and to spare them emotional trauma of being confused.
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You can't be Somali with only one Somali parent. Your bastard mix breed children will not be accepted no matter how much you try to force them on us

But they are literally already accepted. People only get triggered when they're White or West African mixes. Habesha, Oromo, Arab? No problem.

Our culture is accepting of Half-Somalis with Somali Fathers to solely identify with their Father's Ethnicity because our Ancestors were aware of the inevitability that some Somali Men will marry foreign women. Bearing in mind, in the Ye Olde days Children of Mixed Parentage across the World would usually go with their Father's identity.

This also applied to the Jewish Men who came as Slaves to Roman Italy/Europe as they were surrounded with European Women & decided to procreate with them. Hence why Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews have European ancestry on their Maternal side because their ancestors knew that Ethnic identity could only be passed on through the Father's side.
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Mothers and fathers both have responsibly to make their offspring have a idendity (which is the fathers group) and to spare them emotional trauma of being confused.
Somali mothers with a mixed-race child are very selfish and inflict harm on the child by not telling them to identify with their father's group. I feel sorry for confused mixraced children of a uncaring somali mother.
I heard Bilal's dad was a black Arab (got that from Omar Suleiman). His mother had a higher social standing, as she was a Habashi princess, so the Arabs highlighted that side.
No walaalo, His dad was a Arab slave called Rabah and so was his mother. Throughout the seerah and his life he was known as Bilal Al Habashi. Check out Imam Ad Dhahabee, Ibn Kathir and Ibn Shafi commentary on Bilal's background and many other scholars.


In Islam, you are what your father is, but learning, appreciating, accepting that your mother's heritage is also a part of your DNA is completely acceptable. Even back home, a kid with a foreign mum will be called the son of an Arab lady or cadaan lady ect as a way to differentiate them from a full Somali kid.

Problem is, due to some men's sociopathic jealousy, they want these kids to never talk about or acknowledge their Somali DNA. On tiktok hardly any of these kids with a Somali mum ever claim full Somali, they say they're half Somali, half their father's side, yet we have hordes of weirdos angry? Why? Didn't the Sahabas acknowledge Bilal's mother's heritage?!
Bilal's father was an Arab but he is some how always called Abyssinian even if only his mother was Ethiopian
Somali mothers with a mixed-race child are very selfish and inflict harm on the child by not telling them to identify with their father's group. I feel sorry for confused mixraced children of a uncaring somali mother.
Why you slandering Somali mothers for. Alhamdulillah from a young age my mother taught me that I belong to my father's people and I belong to his lineage. I'm not confused about anything. I'm proud of the way Allah created me.

Bring your argument with evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. If you can, i'll happily accept. But if not, I suggest you stop supporting rulings with no basis in the Quran and Sunnah. Somali Dhaqan = Islam

Anyone arguing with that when the truth is manifested on them is either a Munafiq, Murtad or a Jahil.

